Truth about Gilead Immunology expansion


I am seeing a lot of posts & comments on Pfizer's boards about Gilead launching their JAK and Xeljanz reps already having personal interviews this week.
I ve been w Gilead 11 yrs and let me share the FACTS with you as some on your company posts are true and others a little off.

FIRST: Gilead is one of the Top Biotechs in the world w cash in the bank and revenues. We made our mark in the HIV/AIDS, Hepatology, & Oncology markets. Now we are going full force into our 4th area as our new CEO outlined--Immunology which will end up being the biggest revenue producing business unit of the 4.
Yes we are launching a small sales force of 90-105 reps to sell JAK for RA & Crohns w 8 other indications, however we are NOT creating this Immunology Division just for the JAK.
The JAK is the 1st of a very strong & deep Phase 3 & 2 Immunology pipeline with state of the art new class of drugs including Genetic Medicine/Treatment.
The latter is the reason we are creating the Immunology division. The JAK is just a product to get 5-8% share but more importantly start to establish relationships w Rhuems GIs & Immunologists for the blockbuster agents coming out in 2yrs.
Last year Gilead bought 30% of Galapagos biotech who is heavy into Immunology & Genetic Compounds . The 30% ownership gives Gilead all the current and future compounds & pipeline worldwide outside of Europe. (Similar to Pfizer & Amgen w Enbrel)
*** Pfizer is not even in the same league w RD & pipeline as Gilead-- especially with I&I. We are high science.

SECOND: Things must be really bad w Xeljanz because 17 Xeljanz DMs posted on our website but given our criteria we only personally interviewed 11. (More than the Gilead will have so it is extremely selective w success, experience and business strategy skills sets. We do not want just 1 or 2 yr flash in pan success)
What is more astonishing now that we starting interviewing reps the last 2 wks, we had almost 100 Xeljanz Reps post on our website which blew our recruiters away and we had to hire vendors to help phone interview.
Again given our strict criteria only half of those have been selected for personal interviews that started in some areas of the country 2 wks ago.

THIRD: Rep Total Comp that I ve read on your site is pretty accurate . Yearly 250k+ which for reps is industry leading, not 50%tile like Pfizer.
The KEY however is our yearly company Stock Awards 35k + a year for Sr reps and can go up. Some of the top performing reps got 60k Stock last year BUT ALL REPS GET STOCK. Not just top 20% like Pfizer which is just really 4-5k in RSU Stock value.
Just 100% Stock alone is an 500k to 1 million or more in 12yrs- and that is if the stock doesnt grow. When it grows, easily could be over million more.
So with even a lateral in base, a REP will be potentially million dollars wealthier with company Stock vs staying at Pfizer.
(And the managers/DM level, we pay total compensation that is higher than what Pfizer pays their 2nd line Directors who report to the VP...... )

SUMMARY: Do not believe your managers talking down about Gilead due to the 4th JAK as this is not the reason we are creating our Immunology division. In the meantime we will launch our JAK with a small Salesforce's of 1 rep territories calling on just select customers with realistic 2SE/2IR goals. NOT to beat Humira.
Very realistic goals and win the 2SE position.
Our goal is to bring a highly efficacious ACR70 agent with good side effect profile to the patients while building relationships for our blockbusters of 5-6 different Immunology compounds starting in 2yrs.
So if you were one of the good Xeljanz reps who are listening to the wrong information , you might want to call the recruiter back to get into the live interview pool that is ongoing.

(FYI we will probably only hire 20 of you anyway as we look for specific elements of success and business skills at Gilead )


Some truth, but some lies.

First, there are 15 RD spots. Fact.
Second, pay mentioned is for the absolute top. Most will come over much lower.
Third, we are the monster in the space. That's right. We are. We own the payers and we will use Humira as we see fit to arrange the reimbursement market, prior auths, utilization management criteria, and NDC blocks as we see fit. Xeljanz will have 75% of its share taken by July 3. We will crush every one of you Gileadeans. You are too late. We will have 99% commercial, 99% Medicare, 95% Mediciad, 100 DOD, and 100% of Indian services by the end of this month. That's right. It's over.

Been w Gilead HIV and now on Imminology. Orginal post is 100% accurate.
Last post is kinda comical as acts like works for Gilead & knows stuff then go all in on Xel getting 75% mkt share Xeljanz ...
Xeljanz is loosing 1% Nrx a wk to Renvoq in some Markets and peak sales were 2019.
But that is a Pfizer DM frying to spin & keep his reps that are bolting like rats on a ship.

True Gilead employees know the Facts.
We do not want Xeljanz 12-13% share and do not have to carry thr entire company earnings or pay for 300 reps when you should only have 100 reps selling just 80 docs per territory.
Face it your Pfizer culture is a nightmare, you have no pipeline unless you want to be a simple non clinical Derm rep, your leadership is a call frequency check the marketing box "yes Lotz man".
Enjoy finding another job as it sounds like you were one of the 17 Xeljanz DMs who interviewed but did not get a offer & your reps are now being offered.
Know your place in big pharma & leave the science and future of medicine to the brains of high science Biotechs.

Been w Gilead HIV and now on Imminology. Orginal post is 100% accurate.
Last post is kinda comical as acts like works for Gilead & knows stuff then go all in on Xel getting 75% mkt share Xeljanz ...
Xeljanz is loosing 1% Nrx a wk to Renvoq in some Markets and peak sales were 2019.
But that is a Pfizer DM frying to spin & keep his reps that are bolting like rats on a ship.

True Gilead employees know the Facts.
We do not want Xeljanz 12-13% share and do not have to carry thr entire company earnings or pay for 300 reps when you should only have 100 reps selling just 80 docs per territory.
Face it your Pfizer culture is a nightmare, you have no pipeline unless you want to be a simple non clinical Derm rep, your leadership is a call frequency check the marketing box "yes Lotz man".
Enjoy finding another job as it sounds like you were one of the 17 Xeljanz DMs who interviewed but did not get a offer & your reps are now being offered.
Know your place in big pharma & leave the science and future of medicine to the brains of high science Biotechs.

As a previous Pfizer, current Gilead employee. The best news about getting away from Pfizer is the MASSIVE pay increase. Not only will your base go way up, but the annual stock you get makes me feel as though I wasted years at Pfizer. Benefits are exponentially better as well (vacation, closed 4th of July week and X-Mas, huge 401k match, etc). It truly is like comparing the big leagues (Gilead) vs the minor leagues (Pfizer). It will be competitive, so good luck. Put 110% effort into it, because it is a literally a potentially Million dollar career bump.

As a previous Pfizer, current Gilead employee. The best news about getting away from Pfizer is the MASSIVE pay increase. Not only will your base go way up, but the annual stock you get makes me feel as though I wasted years at Pfizer. Benefits are exponentially better as well (vacation, closed 4th of July week and X-Mas, huge 401k match, etc). It truly is like comparing the big leagues (Gilead) vs the minor leagues (Pfizer). It will be competitive, so good luck. Put 110% effort into it, because it is a literally a potentially Million dollar career bump.
Very true. Pfizer LTE are weighted toward options with strike prices that are worthleds in 5yrs so being in the Top 20 the 10k they give the value on is really only 4k of RSU Stock.
And yes the difference in staying w Pfizer and going Biotech, especially Gilead is litterally a million or more just on the STOCK alone in 10-12yrs. Throw in an extra 50k year in comp over Pfizer then thats 500k in 10yrs.
Also agree w Benefits.
Pfizer benefits stink. 401k match bad, monthly cost of healthcare insurance for family is 4x higher than Gileads monthly costs. Rx pay is only 25 at Gilead.
15% Employee Stock Purchase program is a no brainer & automatic 15% return on investment.
401k is $1 for $1 w 100% match , Pfe not even in the league.
Add higher Salary and 10k more Bonus i do not see why anybody would not consider Gilead.
(The Galapacos pipeline purchase is alone a reason given Pfe does not have a pipeline at all for 270 reps in 48 months)
Like other post said, if a Xeljanz rep can not see that black & white then they do not have the IQ to work for Gilead. Stay w Pfizer where you do not have to think and get your 5 calls a day w duel presentation & 3 Veeva slides presented per call to meet call activity

Im in a specialty division vaccines..... im interviewing.... without JAK experirence do i have a realestic chance or am i spinning my wheels..... 16 years, multiple P club wins.....

Im in a specialty division vaccines..... im interviewing.... without JAK experirence do i have a realestic chance or am i spinning my wheels..... 16 years, multiple P club wins.....
Well if over 100 Xeljanz reps posted for Gilead jobs (there are 265 Xeljanz reps), then there will be a lot of openings. Gilead will probably only hire the top 20 of those 100 but no doubt those hundred reps will continue to look to jump the call driven activity base culture of Xeljanz with no future in 48 months past LOE.
There will be plenty of openings .
Xeljanz has hired a lot of Vaccine reps over the past few years so you have a good shot, but why in the world would you want to jump over to that division that will be downsizing in 48months with no pipeline? Vaccine a lot better gig as the Xeljanz division is not what it was a couple yrs ago.

100 of the 265 reps posting for other jobs is a little eye raising, but what is telling is 17 Xeljanz DMs interviewed for Gilead and that is mind blowing given there are 26 DMs!---a whopping 70% of Xeljanz DMs are looking so what do they know that the reps don't?

Very true. Pfizer LTE are weighted toward options with strike prices that are worthleds in 5yrs so being in the Top 20 the 10k they give the value on is really only 4k of RSU Stock.
And yes the difference in staying w Pfizer and going Biotech, especially Gilead is litterally a million or more just on the STOCK alone in 10-12yrs. Throw in an extra 50k year in comp over Pfizer then thats 500k in 10yrs.
Also agree w Benefits.
Pfizer benefits stink. 401k match bad, monthly cost of healthcare insurance for family is 4x higher than Gileads monthly costs. Rx pay is only 25 at Gilead.
15% Employee Stock Purchase program is a no brainer & automatic 15% return on investment.
401k is $1 for $1 w 100% match , Pfe not even in the league.
Add higher Salary and 10k more Bonus i do not see why anybody would not consider Gilead.
(The Galapacos pipeline purchase is alone a reason given Pfe does not have a pipeline at all for 270 reps in 48 months)
Like other post said, if a Xeljanz rep can not see that black & white then they do not have the IQ to work for Gilead. Stay w Pfizer where you do not have to think and get your 5 calls a day w duel presentation & 3 Veeva slides presented per call to meet call activity

Yada, yada, yada. All the biotech darlings started with the same mercurial rise, reach the peak, and get bought by a Pharma company. Genentech, where I went 22 yrs. ago, Amgen, Centocor, etc., ALL the same. Stock options are nice, but no guarantee of big returns forever. Like all stock, the up great, but the down sucks.
This pandemic is proof positive of that.
Be smart if you leave. Live on your former compensation and bank the rest for when the fall comes.....and it WILL....GUARANTEED!
I hated Pfizer, and was glad to get out, but, don’t count on the gravy train lasting forever. One major side affect, a few deaths, black box, and it’s all over.
Xeljanz is a perfect example.

Enjoy the big bucks and free wheeling atmosphere while it lasts. It will be a great ride, but It will end sooner or later. When it does, remember, you heard first right here.

Some truth, but some lies.

First, there are 15 RD spots. Fact.
Second, pay mentioned is for the absolute top. Most will come over much lower.
Third, we are the monster in the space. That's right. We are. We own the payers and we will use Humira as we see fit to arrange the reimbursement market, prior auths, utilization management criteria, and NDC blocks as we see fit. Xeljanz will have 75% of its share taken by July 3. We will crush every one of you Gileadeans. You are too late. We will have 99% commercial, 99% Medicare, 95% Mediciad, 100 DOD, and 100% of Indian services by the end of this month. That's right. It's over.


Well if over 100 Xeljanz reps posted for Gilead jobs (there are 265 Xeljanz reps), then there will be a lot of openings. Gilead will probably only hire the top 20 of those 100 but no doubt those hundred reps will continue to look to jump the call driven activity base culture of Xeljanz with no future in 48 months past LOE.
There will be plenty of openings .
Xeljanz has hired a lot of Vaccine reps over the past few years so you have a good shot, but why in the world would you want to jump over to that division that will be downsizing in 48months with no pipeline? Vaccine a lot better gig as the Xeljanz division is not what it was a couple yrs ago.

100 of the 265 reps posting for other jobs is a little eye raising, but what is telling is 17 Xeljanz DMs interviewed for Gilead and that is mind blowing given there are 26 DMs!---a whopping 70% of Xeljanz DMs are looking so what do they know that the reps don't?

They know nothing. Why do you think X is in the toilet.

Yada, yada, yada. All the biotech darlings started with the same mercurial rise, reach the peak, and get bought by a Pharma company. Genentech, where I went 22 yrs. ago, Amgen, Centocor, etc., ALL the same. Stock options are nice, but no guarantee of big returns forever. Like all stock, the up great, but the down sucks.
This pandemic is proof positive of that.
Be smart if you leave. Live on your former compensation and bank the rest for when the fall comes.....and it WILL....GUARANTEED!
I hated Pfizer, and was glad to get out, but, don’t count on the gravy train lasting forever. One major side affect, a few deaths, black box, and it’s all over.
Xeljanz is a perfect example.

Enjoy the big bucks and free wheeling atmosphere while it lasts. It will be a great ride, but It will end sooner or later. When it does, remember, you heard first right here.

Perfect time to cash in on getting Biotech Stock at these 5yr low prices.
Also to roll over your Pfizer pension to an IRA and put into a growth fund at these low prices to double your Pension value.

It is a difference in WEALTH

Well if over 100 Xeljanz reps posted for Gilead jobs (there are 265 Xeljanz reps), then there will be a lot of openings. Gilead will probably only hire the top 20 of those 100 but no doubt those hundred reps will continue to look to jump the call driven activity base culture of Xeljanz with no future in 48 months past LOE.
There will be plenty of openings .
Xeljanz has hired a lot of Vaccine reps over the past few years so you have a good shot, but why in the world would you want to jump over to that division that will be downsizing in 48months with no pipeline? Vaccine a lot better gig as the Xeljanz division is not what it was a couple yrs ago.

100 of the 265 reps posting for other jobs is a little eye raising, but what is telling is 17 Xeljanz DMs interviewed for Gilead and that is mind blowing given there are 26 DMs!---a whopping 70% of Xeljanz DMs are looking so what do they know that the reps don't?

It is not rocket science or what do Xeljanz DMs know the Xeljanz reps don't. This speaks volumes & says it ALL the last 16 wks:

* Xeljanz North America Pres leaves- Biotech

* Xeljanz US VP leaves- Biotech

* 6 Xeljanz DMs move on(AL, NE, WA-2x,FL, JB)

* 17 of 26 Xeljanz DMs interview w Gilead

* 100 Xeljanz reps post for Gilead jobs

Hope is not a strategy,
Emotion is not wise decision making,
Loyalty is just an employee #,
Culture is earned not forced,
LOE & Pipeline is objective black& white, Leadership egos & arrogance eventually collapses companies/divisions/teams

Well if over 100 Xeljanz reps posted for Gilead jobs (there are 265 Xeljanz reps), then there will be a lot of openings. Gilead will probably only hire the top 20 of those 100 but no doubt those hundred reps will continue to look to jump the call driven activity base culture of Xeljanz with no future in 48 months past LOE.
There will be plenty of openings .
Xeljanz has hired a lot of Vaccine reps over the past few years so you have a good shot, but why in the world would you want to jump over to that division that will be downsizing in 48months with no pipeline? Vaccine a lot better gig as the Xeljanz division is not what it was a couple yrs ago.

100 of the 265 reps posting for other jobs is a little eye raising, but what is telling is 17 Xeljanz DMs interviewed for Gilead and that is mind blowing given there are 26 DMs!---a whopping 70% of Xeljanz DMs are looking so what do they know that the reps don't?

Not rocket science what Xeljanz DMs know that reps dont.
This sums up the last 4-5 months of Xeljanz:

* 20 yr Xeljanz President leaves - Biotech
* 20yr Xeljanz VP leaves- Biotech
* 50% turnover on Xeljanz brand team
* 6 Xeljanz DMs move on -(25%)
* 17 Xeljanz DMs interview for Gilead (70%)
* 100 Xeljanz DMs post for Gilead jobs
* Dozen award winning reps transfer out
* Xeljanz LOE 48 months
* Still no pipeline after Xeljanz
* Currently 265 Xeljanz reps & only need 100
* Call Activity Marketing driven Culture

If that doesnt sum up the Xeljanz current fall from grace then nothing will because you are blinded by emotion & loyalty which really is just an employee # to Pfizer.

Perfect time to cash in on getting Biotech Stock at these 5yr low prices.
Also to roll over your Pfizer pension to an IRA and put into a growth fund at these low prices to double your Pension value.

It is a difference in WEALTH

If you’re in you 20’s and 30’s, yes. It’s going to be awhile before we recover the the pending recession. Also be cognizant that you may not be here in 20 yrs. Pfizer may not either.

If you’re in you 20’s and 30’s, yes. It’s going to be awhile before we recover the the pending recession. Also be cognizant that you may not be here in 20 yrs. Pfizer may not either.

Xeljanz will not be there in 48 months!
Same movie different actor.
Path & Trend 100% identical to Ophthalmology, Neurology, Psychiatry, Anti Infective.
All had a multi Billion dollar drug and leadership strung them out up to 6months LOE saying plan to buy a product or company or license or co-promote..... none of which happened.
Does Pfizer have those 4 divisions anymore?
Mic drop

Not rocket science what Xeljanz DMs know that reps dont.
This sums up the last 4-5 months of Xeljanz:

* 20 yr Xeljanz President leaves - Biotech
* 20yr Xeljanz VP leaves- Biotech
* 50% turnover on Xeljanz brand team
* 6 Xeljanz DMs move on -(25%)
* 17 Xeljanz DMs interview for Gilead (70%)
* 100 Xeljanz DMs post for Gilead jobs
* Dozen award winning reps transfer out
* Xeljanz LOE 48 months
* Still no pipeline after Xeljanz
* Currently 265 Xeljanz reps & only need 100
* Call Activity Marketing driven Culture

If that doesnt sum up the Xeljanz current fall from grace then nothing will because you are blinded by emotion & loyalty which really is just an employee # to Pfizer.

You forgot also all the reps posting for internal transfers & few going back to Primary Care.
Not to mention 4 different marketing leads in 7yrs. Think you underestimate the 50% Brand Team turnover--- it is closer to 100%. Maybe 1 or 2 launched Xeljanz, most have bolted including our 2 Best Talents - Tracy & Lisa whom both went to other companies.

Yes with 70% of Xeljanz DMs posted and 40% of Reps then NASA you have a problem.

Gilead is a place people want to work and have a career because we value our employees more than just words. It is a family partnership built from the field sales up. Everyone's opinions count.

Reps are being hired now so if you did not return those calls, it will be worth your time & money to do so.

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