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TrumPutin smacked down HARD by a powerful woman


The obese orange blob traitor got royally and I mean absolutely smacked down hard by Nancy Pelosi today.

And in doing so , She pretty much sealed his fate for 2020. She is way way way more intelligent than him and she will definitely run advertisements for just about every Democratic candidate showing the fattie freak bragging about him owning the shutdown. All of those affected by this and all of those who sympathize will clearly never vote for the cruminal POS orange blob.

Bank on it. He is already a lame duck thanks to her ! Makes me respect her even more .

The obese orange blob traitor got royally and I mean absolutely smacked down hard by Nancy Pelosi today.

And in doing so , She pretty much sealed his fate for 2020. She is way way way more intelligent than him and she will definitely run advertisements for just about every Democratic candidate showing the fattie freak bragging about him owning the shutdown. All of those affected by this and all of those who sympathize will clearly never vote for the cruminal POS orange blob.

Bank on it. He is already a lame duck thanks to her ! Makes me respect her even more .

Still, the Dems need someone with a strong personality for 2020. Kamala or Pocahontas won't cut it. Maybe they will take the Senates too? Mitch McMuffin's neck is starting to look like one. . :p

The obese orange blob traitor got royally and I mean absolutely smacked down hard by Nancy Pelosi today.

And in doing so , She pretty much sealed his fate for 2020. She is way way way more intelligent than him and she will definitely run advertisements for just about every Democratic candidate showing the fattie freak bragging about him owning the shutdown. All of those affected by this and all of those who sympathize will clearly never vote for the cruminal POS orange blob.

Bank on it. He is already a lame duck thanks to her ! Makes me respect her even more .

You’re an absolute idiot and are completely wrong! LOL!

he or she is actually correct. Democrats will definitely air -over and over - him saying those exact words. And today his approval rating nosedived into the low 30s. That’s lethal too

He's crispy critters and it's time for the Half-Time Show. :p:p:p

she bitchslapped the Donald. Hard.

Wrong! She got caught in her own trap.
You’re buying the libtard press who wouldn’t print the truth if it killed them.
WTF, let everyone in, let them suck our tax dollars dry with all the social programs we hand them; Turn decent neighborhoods into crime filled dumps,
Let the cartels continue unchecked to feed the rampant drug use in America.
WTF, endure your grandkids will be secondary citizens to the illegals who won’t even learn our language, try to better their condition, or respect or acknowledge our generosity.
You’re one screwed up ahole to not see this and be a dope of the Dems.

Wrong! She got caught in her own trap.
You’re buying the libtard press who wouldn’t print the truth if it killed them.
WTF, let everyone in, let them suck our tax dollars dry with all the social programs we hand them; Turn decent neighborhoods into crime filled dumps,
Let the cartels continue unchecked to feed the rampant drug use in America.
WTF, endure your grandkids will be secondary citizens to the illegals who won’t even learn our language, try to better their condition, or respect or acknowledge our generosity.
You’re one screwed up ahole to not see this and be a dope of the Dems.

So you realize you just admitted Pelosi won the duel with the Donald, right? Too funny, he got whipped by a skirt. :rolleyes:

Pelosi won. Trump is a lame duck president - the Democrats will throw all of this shutdown and Trumps remarks that he "is proud to own the shutdown' over and over and over next year. All of us will remember how terrible it has been for the poor souls whose lives were turned upside down because of a wall the majority of American't do not want. He is done.

Pelosi won. Trump is a lame duck president - the Democrats will throw all of this shutdown and Trumps remarks that he "is proud to own the shutdown' over and over and over next year. All of us will remember how terrible it has been for the poor souls whose lives were turned upside down because of a wall the majority of American't do not want. He is done.

LOL! When will you idiots and Dim women ever learn. First the Donald whips up on Hitlery, now he puts the beat down on Nazi Pelosi, the doddering, stammering ole woman.

Americans want the border enforced and a substantial percentage of the population wants the wall. You’re going to get more wall. Accept it, cause you’re gonna get it.

Pelosi won. Trump is a lame duck president - the Democrats will throw all of this shutdown and Trumps remarks that he "is proud to own the shutdown' over and over and over next year. All of us will remember how terrible it has been for the poor souls whose lives were turned upside down because of a wall the majority of American't do not want. He is done.

His following is fractured. Ann Coulter am\d Lou Dobbs each ripped him a new one. Sean Hannity is still blowing him but Tucker the fuckers says he doesn't know how it works. If he splits from the GOP (or is forced to) it will be all over for him IF the Dems can come up with a non tree hugger who doesn't use the 'S' word. :)
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His following is fractured. Ann Coulter am\d Lou Dobbs each ripped him a new one. Sean Hannity is still blowing him but Tucker the fuckers says he doesn't know how it works. If he splits from the GOP (or is forced to) it will be all over for him IF the Dems can come up with a non tree hugger who doesn't use the 'S' word. :)

Trump will be re-elected. Republicans retake House. People will be horrified by Nutty Nancy’s behavior.

Trump will be re-elected. Republicans retake House. People will be horrified by Nutty Nancy’s behavior.

Dems will also take the Senate. The presidency is up for grabs. Right now we have 3 different mindsets: The far right (Trumpians) the soft right (Rubio, Kasich, etc) the soft left (Biden et al) and the far left (Sanders). Anything could happen - stay tuned. Congress will rule though. :cool:

His following is fractured. Ann Coulter am\d Lou Dobbs each ripped him a new one. Sean Hannity is still blowing him but Tucker the fuckers says he doesn't know how it works. If he splits from the GOP (or is forced to) it will be all over for him IF the Dems can come up with a non tree hugger who doesn't use the 'S' word. :)

Coulter is a certified nut job. Dobbs....another has been trying to stay relevant. Tucker....still finding his way.
All the Dems are weak. People see how Nancy the Nut herds the sheep where she wants them to go, while Chuck the Schmuck follows her around like a lap dog and says what she tells him to say for his doggie treat. She controls the money, so she controls them.
Pretty sad state of affairs for the Dems.
Repubs......? McConnell lost his balls and brains long ago.
No one but Trump.