Obama has a TWENTY-FIVE point approval difference above TrumPutin

Black? I though he had a black dad and a white mom? How does 50/50 make him black? Why not white? Why not mixed?

Who just played he race card? :D:D:D

You did. You’re he worst kind of racist bigot. It’s always the other guy. You’re a fucking coward.
I don’t give two shits if he is black, white , purple or green. He failed miserably as the president.
Go back under your rock you ignorant racist bigot.

You did. You’re he worst kind of racist bigot. It’s always the other guy. You’re a fucking coward.
I don’t give two shits if he is black, white , purple or green. He failed miserably as the president.
Go back under your rock you ignorant racist bigot.
You’re a liar. A bigoted liar Like TrumPutin. That’s one of the reasons you voted for him and for you to deny it is a joke. But then again YOU are a joke

But we put him in office! And you pussies can’t stand it. You’re the losers.
You Hillary voters are stupid, ignorant, crybaby, dependent turds who can’t make it on your own and need to be taken care of. Grow up, get out of your mommy’s basement, and stand in your own two feet.
But the joke is on you-you are just too stupid to understand that. Just go back and verbalize what you wrote for a case in point. I know “verbalize” is a big word for you to read and say but use your big boy words.

You did. You’re he worst kind of racist bigot. It’s always the other guy. You’re a fucking coward.
I don’t give two shits if he is black, white , purple or green. He failed miserably as the president.
Go back under your rock you ignorant racist bigot.

I was responding to Poster #19 asshole...……….. who said...… "achievement was being the first Black prez".

Black? I though he had a black dad and a white mom? How does 50/50 make him black? Why not white? Why not mixed?

Who just played he race card? :D:D:D

He certainly didn’t!

As usual when you try to be cute, you come off looking like the fool you are.:p

Obama is universally accepted for political purposes as black. He looks black and self- identitifies as black as black in the political realm.

The poster didn’t make the rules he was just playing by them and you had to try to be cute and would up looking stupid.:D

You’re a liar. A bigoted liar Like TrumPutin. That’s one of the reasons you voted for him and for you to deny it is a joke. But then again YOU are a joke

No, no,you’re the bigoted, racist lying coward. You’re the joke trying to weasel your lying, guilty ass out of it. You’re exposed for exactly what you are and you’re too stupid to realize every time you open your mouth it becomes clearer and you dig your hole deeper. Keep going, you’ll bury yourself you stupid racist fool.

No, no,you’re the bigoted, racist lying coward. You’re the joke trying to weasel your lying, guilty ass out of it. You’re exposed for exactly what you are and you’re too stupid to realize every time you open your mouth it becomes clearer and you dig your hole deeper. Keep going, you’ll bury yourself you stupid racist fool.
Sparky, you must have been sitting in front of a mirror spewing these words as you typed them You captured yourself perfectly - bravo for potentially reaching self-actualization.
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