Trumps 100 Day Plan Will Make America Great Again

Shayrat first, Assad next .........59 Tomahawks...Trump don't play games and the World just saw the New Sheriff in action. God Bless America.....World leaders are loving Donald much more than the devisive, sissy Obama....BTW we warned the Russians.... we didn't ask them WE TOLD THEM we're coming in get the hell out or die.


Other than Israel, Egypt, and Jordan, I am ambivalent to th existence of ANY of the Middle East. Just keeps these fucks out of U.S.

I'm in agreement. The key to keeping them out though is to keep Isis from gaining control of nation states. As bad as Assad is, he's far preferable to Isis and his continued power fosters keepin th away from us!

Other than Israel, Egypt, and Jordan, I am ambivalent to th existence of ANY of the Middle East. Just keeps these fucks out of U.S.

I'm pretty much in agreement as on Egypt and Jordan as they're allies, however, communication has to be open with others - as he actually did with last month’s visits to Washington by Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi. He has also invited his Palestinian counterpart, Mahmoud Abbas to visit in the 'near future'. These have to be addressed too. The Russian cutting of the hotline is a major showdown. Maybe it's time to buy defense industry related stocks?


Shayrat first, Assad next .........59 Tomahawks...Trump don't play games and the World just saw the New Sheriff in action. God Bless America.....World leaders are loving Donald much more than the devisive, sissy Obama....BTW we warned the Russians.... we didn't ask them WE TOLD THEM we're coming in get the hell out or die.

Let me start by explaining the wool was pulled over many sheeps eyes. There was NO Sarin used !!!! You'll see first responders attending to bodies without gloves or protective gear Total BS !!!! If Sarin had been used in the attack, ALL of those men in white helmets would be DEAD.
I must add that I DID NOT condone this strike and the upside for me is that Trump showed the World he's not Obama and did it in front of China's Xi Jinping ....THE DOWNSIDE is thousands of people will suffer as Russia and Assad ARE Killers and hunters of ISIS. Why would Trump turn on Russia in just 72 hours ? The generals have influenced Trump and turned him away from peace with Russia. Steve Bannon was shown the door and he's DEAD SET against this air strike but his successors got to DJT. BTW there's no such thing as the "free Syrian Army" they are just moderate terrorists created by the CIA and John McCain. War hawk McCain and Graham are the mouthpieces for this army of murdering throwbacks. There's a Christian Church in a town close to the base we hit that Assad was protecting. Now there's a good chance ISIS takes it and town over. Trump said America first So WHY the FK are we getting involved. There's NO proof Assad did this and I guarantee HE DIDNT.
Let Assad kill As many as he wishes, and let God sort it out NOT USA.

Let me start by explaining the wool was pulled over many sheeps eyes. There was NO Sarin used !!!! You'll see first responders attending to bodies without gloves or protective gear Total BS !!!! If Sarin had been used in the attack, ALL of those men in white helmets would be DEAD.

And we never landed on the moon either, right? Seriously though, I also wondered about that.

I must add that I DID NOT condone this strike and the upside for me is that Trump showed the World he's not Obama and did it in front of China's Xi Jinping ....

So he struck, which you didn't condone, and Obama didn't strike but you didn't condone that either? Why not? And you liked that Trump showed everyone he isn't Obama who did what you DID CONDONE? In other words he didn't strike? You're not being consistent here.

THE DOWNSIDE is thousands of people will suffer as Russia and Assad ARE Killers and hunters of ISIS. Why would Trump turn on Russia in just 72 hours ? The generals have influenced Trump and turned him away from peace with Russia. Steve Bannon was shown the door and he's DEAD SET against this air strike but his successors got to DJT. BTW there's no such thing as the "free Syrian Army" they are just moderate terrorists created by the CIA and John McCain. War hawk McCain and Graham are the mouthpieces for this army of murdering throwbacks. There's a Christian Church in a town close to the base we hit that Assad was protecting. Now there's a good chance ISIS takes it and town over. Trump said America first So WHY the FK are we getting involved. There's NO proof Assad did this and I guarantee HE DIDNT.

You guarantee it? Are you a general in some Army or something?

Let Assad kill As many as he wishes, and let God sort it out NOT USA.

God doesn't sort shit out. He just makes planets and rules and then he takes a powder.


And we never landed on the moon either, right? Seriously though, I also wondered about that.

But you never brought it up until I did, so I call BS

So he struck, which you didn't condone, and Obama didn't strike but you didn't condone that either? Why not? And you liked that Trump showed everyone he isn't Obama who did what you DID CONDONE? In other words he didn't strike? You're not being consistent here.

How do you know what I condoned back then, I wasn't posting here, BUT YOU been posting for 12 years and are STILL clueless

You guarantee it? Are you a general in some Army or something?

At least I didnt hide in college and dodge the draft like you did

God doesn't sort shit out. He just makes planets and rules and then he takes a powder.

He must have taken a powder when your genes were being sequenced.

And we never landed on the moon either, right? Seriously though, I also wondered about that.

But you never brought it up until I did, so I call BS

So he struck, which you didn't condone, and Obama didn't strike but you didn't condone that either? Why not? And you liked that Trump showed everyone he isn't Obama who did what you DID CONDONE? In other words he didn't strike? You're not being consistent here.

How do you know what I condoned back then, I wasn't posting here, BUT YOU been posting for 12 years and are STILL clueless

You guarantee it? Are you a general in some Army or something?

At least I didnt hide in college and dodge the draft like you did

God doesn't sort shit out. He just makes planets and rules and then he takes a powder.

He must have taken a powder when your genes were being sequenced.

How do you get your blood pressure up so high on a Sunday morning? :rolleyes:

You just said you didn't condone the strike goofball, so Obama followed your 'now thinking' 4 years ago. And Trump didn't just now but you liked that he showed he wasn't Obama? Which was more important, showing he wasn't Obama (which he has already done a hundred times) or the results of the air strike? Think this one through now. :cool:
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Winning AGAIN and AGAIN
Air Force Special Operations Command just dropped the mother lode from a MC-130. A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB) was dropped at 7 p.m. local time on tunnel complex. We WILL use this on N Korea if need be. Sheriff Trump untied our military's hands and you'll see results which will trickle across globe. BOOM !!!!!!!!
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Reactions: Vagitarian

Elephant Walk carried out by FULLY armed U.S.A.F. 18th Wing, at Kadena Air Base, Japan.
North Korea and That Fat little bully dictator are put on notice. Another BOOM coming SOON


Winning AGAIN and AGAIN
Air Force Special Operations Command just dropped the mother lode from a MC-130. A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB) was dropped at 7 p.m. local time on tunnel complex. We WILL use this on N Korea if need be. Sheriff Trump untied our military's hands and you'll see results which will trickle across globe. BOOM !!!!!!!!

Trump pledged in 2015 that if he became president he would
"Bomb the shit out of ISIS"
I'd say the 300 Meter Wide Crater in East Afghanistan would show DJT was not lying. We NEVER used this before and it's been in our arsenal since 03. Obama was scared to use it as he was FOR the enemy NOT against them


Trump pledged in 2015 that if he became president he would
"Bomb the shit out of ISIS"
I'd say the 300 Meter Wide Crater in East Afghanistan would show DJT was not lying. We NEVER used this before and it's been in our arsenal since 03. Obama was scared to use it as he was FOR the enemy NOT against them


Neither Obama or Trump had anything to do with using it. It was deployed in 03 (under Obama's watch) and using it (not being nuclear) is up to the generals. They could have used it any time. Remember. it was Obama who nailed Osama bin laden. :cool:

You like saying the words, 'sissy mouse' don't you? Awwww, that's cute.:p
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Neither Obama or Trump had anything to do with using it. It was deployed in 03 (under Obama's watch) and using it (not being nuclear) is up to the generals. They could have used it any time. Remember. it was Obama who sailed Osama bin laden. :cool:

You like saying the words, 'sissy mouse' don't you? Awwww, that's cute.:p

I think you need to do some research concerning the rules of engagement under Obama vs under Trump. Trump has taken the hand cuffs off the generals.

As for Obama and Osama? Obama just about had to be dragged to it kicking and screaming but regardless it was W that put the pieces into place so Obama could simply pull the trigger. Obama loved maximum glory, minimal risk operations
Such as taking out Osama.

I think you need to do some research concerning the rules of engagement under Obama vs under Trump. Trump has taken the hand cuffs off the generals.

As for Obama and Osama? Obama just about had to be dragged to it kicking and screaming but regardless it was W that put the pieces into place so Obama could simply pull the trigger. Obama loved maximum glory, minimal risk operations
Such as taking out Osama.

Sources please? :rolleyes:

Here's mine: Gen John Nicholson this morning............

"There are under 1,000 ISIS fighters in eastern Afghanistan. Hundreds of U.S. airstrikes in the past two years have cut the number down by two-thirds."

Senior Air Force Officials say the call to drop the MOAB was a “tactical decision by the commander in Afghanistan,” and had no strategic input from anyone in the Trump administration.
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JUMPSTARTING JOB CREATION: President Donald J. Trump is looking out for the American workers who Washington has left behind.

  • President Trump has worked with the private sector to deliver tens of thousands of new jobs for Americans.
  • President Trump ordered the United States to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement and negotiations.
  • President Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum to clear roadblocks to construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
  • President Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum declaring that the Dakota Access Pipeline serves the national interest and initiating the process to complete its construction.
  • President Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum to help ensure that new pipeline construction and repair work use materials and equipment from the United States.
CUTTING GOVERNMENT RED TAPE: President Trump has quickly taken steps to get the Government out of the way of job creation.

  • President Trump directed each agency to establish a Regulatory Reform Task Force to identify costly and unnecessary regulations in need of modification or repeal.
  • President Trump has required that for every new Federal regulation, two existing regulations be eliminated.
  • President Trump directed the Department of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing and to reduce regulatory burdens on domestic manufacturers.
  • President Trump signed legislation, House Joint Resolution 38, to prevent the burdensome “Stream Protection Rule” from causing further harm to the coal industry.
  • President Trump ordered the review of the “Clean Water Rule: Definition of Waters of the United States,” known as the WOTUS rule, to evaluate whether it is stifling economic growth or job creation.
REFORMING WASHINGTON: President Trump has taken actions to reform the old Washington way of doing business and to ensure that his entire Administration are working for the American people.

  • President Trump put in place a hiring freeze for Federal civilian employees to stop the further expansion of an already bloated government.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order establishing new ethics commitments for all Executive branch appointees, putting in place a five-year lobbying ban and a permanent ban on lobbying for foreign governments, so that appointees serve the American people instead of their own interests.
PUTTING PATIENT HEALTHCARE FIRST: After years of false promises, rising costs, and shrinking accessibility, President Trump is championing reforms to put patients first.

  • President Trump has supported efforts by Republicans in Congress to repeal the worst parts of Obamacare and replace them with the American Health Care Act.
  • President Trump acted on his first day in office to instruct Federal agencies to minimize the burden of Obamacare on Americans.
PRIORITIZING AMERICAN NATIONAL SECURITY: President Trump has taken action to ensure the safety and security of the United States homeland, its borders, and its people.

  • Under President Trump’s leadership, the Department of the Treasury sanctioned 25 entities and individuals involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program.
  • President Trump implemented new protections against foreign terrorists entering our country.
  • President Trump has proposed increasing the military’s budget by $54 billion so that it can begin to rebuild.
  • As a result of a Presidential Memorandum President Trump signed on January 28, he has received a plan to defeat ISIS designed by the Secretary of Defense and other members of his Cabinet.
  • President Trump ordered a review of military readiness and made it the policy of the United States to rebuild the United States’ Armed Forces.
  • President Trump has negotiated to bring down the price of the F-35, saving millions of dollars.
DELIVERING ON IMMIGRATION REFORM: President Trump has made enforcing the Nation’s immigration laws a priority of his Administration.

  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to start work on a southern border wall.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to enhance the public safety of Americans through enforcement of immigration laws.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to halt funding to jurisdictions in the United States that do not comply with Federal immigration rules.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to begin the removal of illegal immigrants who have committed certain crimes.
  • Following through on President Trump’s direction, the Department of Homeland Security will hire 10,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and agents and 5,000 border patrol agents.
RESTORING PUBLIC SAFETY TO AMERICAN COMMUNITIES: President Trump is following through on his promise to restore public safety for all Americans.

  • President Trump signed an Executive Order directing the Attorney General to develop a strategy to more effectively prosecute people who engage in crimes against law enforcement officers.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to establish a task force, led by the Attorney General, to reduce crime and restore public safety in communities across America.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order re-focusing the Federal Government’s energy and resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations, such as drug cartels.
HELPING WOMEN AND MINORITIES SUCCEED: President Trump knows the country cannot reach its potential unless every American has a chance to prosper.

  • President Trump signed an Executive Order strengthening and repositioning the Historically Black Colleges and Universities initiatives within the White House to foster better opportunities in higher education.
  • President Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau launched the United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders.
  • President Trump signed into law the Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act to encourage the National Science Foundation’s entrepreneurial programs to recruit and support women to extend their focus beyond the laboratory and into the commercial world.
  • President Trump signed into law the Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women Act to encourage women to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), pursue careers in aerospace, and further advance the nation’s space science and exploration efforts.
KEEPING HIS PROMISE TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION: President Trump promised a U.S. Supreme Court justice in the mold of late Justice Antonin Scalia selected from his previously announced list of 20 judges

  • President Trump nominated Judge Neil M. Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court because of his consistent record defending the Constitution.

Sources please? :rolleyes:

Here's mine: Gen John Nicholson this morning............

"There are under 1,000 ISIS fighters in eastern Afghanistan. Hundreds of U.S. airstrikes in the past two years have cut the number down by two-thirds."

Senior Air Force Officials say the call to drop the MOAB was a “tactical decision by the commander in Afghanistan,” and had no strategic input from anyone in the Trump administration.

What did I say, idiot boy? I said Trump had taken the hand cuffs off the generals! Thanks for proving my point!

JUMPSTARTING JOB CREATION: President Donald J. Trump is looking out for the American workers who Washington has left behind.

  • President Trump has worked with the private sector to deliver tens of thousands of new jobs for Americans.
  • President Trump ordered the United States to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement and negotiations.
  • President Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum to clear roadblocks to construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
  • President Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum declaring that the Dakota Access Pipeline serves the national interest and initiating the process to complete its construction.
  • President Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum to help ensure that new pipeline construction and repair work use materials and equipment from the United States.
CUTTING GOVERNMENT RED TAPE: President Trump has quickly taken steps to get the Government out of the way of job creation.

  • President Trump directed each agency to establish a Regulatory Reform Task Force to identify costly and unnecessary regulations in need of modification or repeal.
  • President Trump has required that for every new Federal regulation, two existing regulations be eliminated.
  • President Trump directed the Department of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing and to reduce regulatory burdens on domestic manufacturers.
  • President Trump signed legislation, House Joint Resolution 38, to prevent the burdensome “Stream Protection Rule” from causing further harm to the coal industry.
  • President Trump ordered the review of the “Clean Water Rule: Definition of Waters of the United States,” known as the WOTUS rule, to evaluate whether it is stifling economic growth or job creation.
REFORMING WASHINGTON: President Trump has taken actions to reform the old Washington way of doing business and to ensure that his entire Administration are working for the American people.

  • President Trump put in place a hiring freeze for Federal civilian employees to stop the further expansion of an already bloated government.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order establishing new ethics commitments for all Executive branch appointees, putting in place a five-year lobbying ban and a permanent ban on lobbying for foreign governments, so that appointees serve the American people instead of their own interests.
PUTTING PATIENT HEALTHCARE FIRST: After years of false promises, rising costs, and shrinking accessibility, President Trump is championing reforms to put patients first.

  • President Trump has supported efforts by Republicans in Congress to repeal the worst parts of Obamacare and replace them with the American Health Care Act.
  • President Trump acted on his first day in office to instruct Federal agencies to minimize the burden of Obamacare on Americans.
PRIORITIZING AMERICAN NATIONAL SECURITY: President Trump has taken action to ensure the safety and security of the United States homeland, its borders, and its people.

  • Under President Trump’s leadership, the Department of the Treasury sanctioned 25 entities and individuals involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program.
  • President Trump implemented new protections against foreign terrorists entering our country.
  • President Trump has proposed increasing the military’s budget by $54 billion so that it can begin to rebuild.
  • As a result of a Presidential Memorandum President Trump signed on January 28, he has received a plan to defeat ISIS designed by the Secretary of Defense and other members of his Cabinet.
  • President Trump ordered a review of military readiness and made it the policy of the United States to rebuild the United States’ Armed Forces.

  • President Trump has negotiated to bring down the price of the F-35, saving millions of dollars.
DELIVERING ON IMMIGRATION REFORM: President Trump has made enforcing the Nation’s immigration laws a priority of his Administration.

  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to start work on a southern border wall.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to enhance the public safety of Americans through enforcement of immigration laws.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to halt funding to jurisdictions in the United States that do not comply with Federal immigration rules.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to begin the removal of illegal immigrants who have committed certain crimes.
  • Following through on President Trump’s direction, the Department of Homeland Security will hire 10,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and agents and 5,000 border patrol agents.
RESTORING PUBLIC SAFETY TO AMERICAN COMMUNITIES: President Trump is following through on his promise to restore public safety for all Americans.

  • President Trump signed an Executive Order directing the Attorney General to develop a strategy to more effectively prosecute people who engage in crimes against law enforcement officers.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order to establish a task force, led by the Attorney General, to reduce crime and restore public safety in communities across America.
  • President Trump signed an Executive Order re-focusing the Federal Government’s energy and resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations, such as drug cartels.
HELPING WOMEN AND MINORITIES SUCCEED: President Trump knows the country cannot reach its potential unless every American has a chance to prosper.

  • President Trump signed an Executive Order strengthening and repositioning the Historically Black Colleges and Universities initiatives within the White House to foster better opportunities in higher education.
  • President Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau launched the United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders.
  • President Trump signed into law the Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act to encourage the National Science Foundation’s entrepreneurial programs to recruit and support women to extend their focus beyond the laboratory and into the commercial world.
  • President Trump signed into law the Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women Act to encourage women to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), pursue careers in aerospace, and further advance the nation’s space science and exploration efforts.
KEEPING HIS PROMISE TO DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION: President Trump promised a U.S. Supreme Court justice in the mold of late Justice Antonin Scalia selected from his previously announced list of 20 judges

  • President Trump nominated Judge Neil M. Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court because of his consistent record defending the Constitution.

The ultimate stupid post. in fact so stupid I will go as far as to say this was most probably posted by a hen from the south.
For starters - jobs.
March jobs report saw the economy add 98,000 jobs, well below economists’ expectations for gains of closer to 180,000 ahead of the data. And last Friday, we saw retail sales numbers come up shy of expectations, while on Tuesday both housing starts data and industrial production missed estimates.

That's just addressing your 1st bullet point. Go back in the kitchen honey, the men need steak and whisky.

Al Sharpton’s Daughter Arrested At An Anti-Trump Protest Outside Of Trump Tower

Cristina Laila Feb 3rd, 2017 1:48 pm 182 Comments

New York- Al Sharpton’s youngest daughter, Ashley Sharpton and Eric Garner’s mother were 2 of 11 people arrested on Tuesday night outside of Trump Tower.

Eric Garner is the man who died in July of 2014 after an NYPD officer put him in a choke hold during an arrest.

Approximately 30 people came out to protest after President Trump’s announcement of his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.


Ashley was hauled off in cuffs.
According to The Blaze:

Police in New York City arrested 11 people Tuesday night outside Trump Tower, including the mother of Eric Garner, the man who died in July 2014 after an NYPD officer put him in a chokehold while trying to arrest him, and the daughter of the Rev. Al Sharpton, WNBC-TV reported.

Garner’s mother, Gwenn Carr, and Sharpton’s youngest daughter, Ashley Sharpton, were taken into custody along with nine other individuals who were protesting after the president’s announcement of the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch, who sits on the Colorado-based 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. If confirmed by the Senate, Gorsuch would fill the vacancy left nearly a year ago by the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

TheNational Action Network, a liberal nonprofit organization founded by Al Sharpton, organized the protest that drew around 30 participants and lasted for about an hour outside Trump’s New York City office and residence, WNBC-TV reported.

Participants were heard chanting “indivisible” and “a man of quality will never fear equality” as they marched in the street and on the sidewalk. Eleven of the roughly 30 participants were arrested for allegedly blocking traffic on New York City’s posh Fifth Avenue.

“In an act of civil disobedience and in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Eric Garner’s mom and others were arrested tonight … over President Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch,” Sharpton spokeswoman Rachel Noerdlinger said, according to the New York Post.

Others arrested included additional NAN staffers and at least one New York City religious leader.

I’m still waiting for Al Sharpton to be arrested for the millions of dollars in federal liens he owes due to back taxes. Read the report about Al Sharpton’s unpaid taxes here.