Trump wants to destroy the 1st amendment

Laws should never be made because of someone's religious superstitions. As for Flag burning I could care less. Should they ever pass a silly law banning flag burning, I will be the first to burn a lot of American flags in public.
A moron like you, would probably set yourself on fire first. But that wouldn't really be a great loss anyway.

"Laws should never be made because of someone's religious superstitions. As for Flag burning I could care less. Should they ever pass a silly law banning flag burning, I will be the first to burn a lot of American flags in public."

That's why you were sectioned 8 from USAF. Typical Mentally unbalanced liberal commie.

Semper Fi Puss Boy

Laws should never be made because of someone's religious superstitions. As for Flag burning I could care less. Should they ever pass a silly law banning flag burning, I will be the first to burn a lot of American flags in public.

The nation is founded upon what you foolishly call religious superstition. You are unworthy of being an American as you know nothing about what America really is.

What's your opinion of George Soros? And those that associate with him?

Let me save you the trouble, idiot boy. You've just made the case again that we should have gone with Cruz! Thanks!

But I'm not through beating you with Scalia yet. Since you brought him up and his thinking on the first amendment, it pretty expansive and robust. If Scalia was ok with flag burning under the speech clause then Kim Davis would have plenty of protection under the religion clause!

See, once again I have you painted into a corner and I've planted the dunce cap firmly on your head!

Maybe you should go get those girls to help you. It's obvious you're no match for me alone! :D:D

As Dylan sang: "The Times They Are a Changing."

I don't get you on this at all. As someone with pretty strong libertarian/conservative views, I would have thought you would have more zealously guarded all enumerated civil liberties in the bill of rights.

The times may be a changing, Libs, but the Constitution doesn't unless it's amended. Sad to see that you're ok with judicial tyranny. Kennedy and 4 other justices shouldn't be able to make public policy on something so critical as the definition of marriage for an entire nation. That's oligarchy and judicial tyranny in its face. If the advocates of gay marriage, plural marriage whatever want those thing then they are free to try to change things through the legislative and amendment process.

There is no way Kim Davis should have been jailed by an idiot federal judge and there is no way she should have resigned. She was following both state and federal marriage law. She was defying not the law but a court opinion and a piss ant judges order. If we can't do that then we are no longer citizens but serfs.

It's not about just religious liberty it's about liberty and the right to follow one's conscious. I figured you and I would be allies in this since we agree on a great deal. Sadly that doesn't seem to be tha case.

Just remember the story about the thugs coming for certain groups. Since he wasn't a member of those groups he just shrugged his shoulders and didn't worry about it. UNTIL the day they came for his group and he looked around for help and it was all gone.

Laws should never be made because of someone's religious superstitions. As for Flag burning I could care less. Should they ever pass a silly law banning flag burning, I will be the first to burn a lot of American flags in public.

We all know you won't be the first to burn a flag. Be honest. You will be the first to cut and paste an unoriginal opinion that someone else thought of. That's what you do. Sigh..

I don't get you on this at all. As someone with pretty strong libertarian/conservative views, I would have thought you would have more zealously guarded all enumerated civil liberties in the bill of rights.

The times may be a changing, Libs, but the Constitution doesn't unless it's amended. Sad to see that you're ok with judicial tyranny. Kennedy and 4 other justices shouldn't be able to make public policy on something so critical as the definition of marriage for an entire nation. That's oligarchy and judicial tyranny in its face. If the advocates of gay marriage, plural marriage whatever want those thing then they are free to try to change things through the legislative and amendment process.

There is no way Kim Davis should have been jailed by an idiot federal judge and there is no way she should have resigned. She was following both state and federal marriage law. She was defying not the law but a court opinion and a piss ant judges order. If we can't do that then we are no longer citizens but serfs.

It's not about just religious liberty it's about liberty and the right to follow one's conscious. I figured you and I would be allies in this since we agree on a great deal. Sadly that doesn't seem to be tha case.

Just remember the story about the thugs coming for certain groups. Since he wasn't a member of those groups he just shrugged his shoulders and didn't worry about it. UNTIL the day they came for his group and he looked around for help and it was all gone.

Tell us about Standing Rock then..........:cool:

When were they forced to act in violation of their conscious or face jail time?

Bottom line. I've won. You've lost but still flailing.

They are attempting to force them right now into acting against their religious conscience. By the way, do you know the difference between 'conscious' (aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake) and 'conscience' (an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior)?

Didn't think so. Come back for more school when you learn our language. :cool:
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They are attempting to force them right now into acting against their religious conscience. By the way, do you know the difference between 'conscious' (aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake) and 'conscience' (an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior)?

Didn't think so. Come back for more school when you learn our language. :cool:

How so? What are they being forced to do? Hmmm?

In the meantime you're still flailing and failing, wannabe schoolmarm! LOL!

They are attempting to force them right now into acting against their religious conscience. By the way, do you know the difference between 'conscious' (aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake) and 'conscience' (an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior)?

Didn't think so. Come back for more school when you learn our language. :cool:


Met with an old friend after the election who had been in pharma. She felt that Britain had more strict laws re: libel laws and said Trump should institute these. She also proceeded to tell me that All lives matter and it was time we took the country back. She freaks me out- can visualize her in brown shirt with armband with jack boots.. tried to explain to her that Black lives matter started out of Zimmerman murder of Trayvon who was black kid doing fucking nothing to anyone!!! Will never see her again. Dropping so called friends who I now know are closet Fascistic's and also family members who have voted for Satan. I am so disappointed with the Americas who voted for this asshole. Doesn't matter to you but I am getting the fuck out. Good luck to all you deplorable-- you will need it

Met with an old friend after the election who had been in pharma. She felt that Britain had more strict laws re: libel laws and said Trump should institute these. She also proceeded to tell me that All lives matter and it was time we took the country back. She freaks me out- can visualize her in brown shirt with armband with jack boots.. tried to explain to her that Black lives matter started out of Zimmerman murder of Trayvon who was black kid doing fucking nothing to anyone!!! Will never see her again. Dropping so called friends who I now know are closet Fascistic's and also family members who have voted for Satan. I am so disappointed with the Americas who voted for this asshole. Doesn't matter to you but I am getting the fuck out. Good luck to all you deplorable-- you will need it

Good riddance and don't come back after we've saved the country with Trump!

Met with an old friend after the election who had been in pharma. She felt that Britain had more strict laws re: libel laws and said Trump should institute these. She also proceeded to tell me that All lives matter and it was time we took the country back. She freaks me out- can visualize her in brown shirt with armband with jack boots.. tried to explain to her that Black lives matter started out of Zimmerman murder of Trayvon who was black kid doing fucking nothing to anyone!!! Will never see her again. Dropping so called friends who I now know are closet Fascistic's and also family members who have voted for Satan. I am so disappointed with the Americas who voted for this asshole. Doesn't matter to you but I am getting the fuck out. Good luck to all you deplorable-- you will need it

I'll happily pay for your move. Just let me know. Thanks