Trump wants to cut SocSec and Medicare


So I read Trump wants to save 4.4 Trillion bucks in his new budget. Reducing benefits covered under Soc Sec and Medicare. Didn’t he promise us before the election that he won’t touch these programs? Anyways, it’s Progress according to Trump! And what happened to Mexico is paying for the wall? And improvements in infrastructure as promised? But hey, I am expecting too much... Trump is busy doing more important things...Looks like the Senior citizens that voted for him, are now going to see how much Trump loves them and see the difference in their bank account!

Well deserved!


So I read Trump wants to save 4.4 Trillion bucks in his new budget. Reducing benefits covered under Soc Sec and Medicare. Didn’t he promise us before the election that he won’t touch these programs? Anyways, it’s Progress according to Trump! And what happened to Mexico is paying for the wall? And improvements in infrastructure as promised? But hey, I am expecting too much... Trump is busy doing more important things...Looks like the Senior citizens that voted for him, are now going to see how much Trump loves them and see the difference in their bank account!

Well deserved!

And he wants to sell up to half of our oil reserves stockpiled under other administrations to cover his fuckup. Then he will try to take credit for it - too funny ;)

So I read Trump wants to save 4.4 Trillion bucks in his new budget. Reducing benefits covered under Soc Sec and Medicare. Didn’t he promise us before the election that he won’t touch these programs? Anyways, it’s Progress according to Trump! And what happened to Mexico is paying for the wall? And improvements in infrastructure as promised? But hey, I am expecting too much... Trump is busy doing more important things...Looks like the Senior citizens that voted for him, are now going to see how much Trump loves them and see the difference in their bank account!

Well deserved!

SS has needed an overhaul for many years, medicaid even more so. No other prez had the balls to do it.
SS will become better and stronger for for those who payed in for so many years.
Medicaid has been a colossal mess for too long. It, too, will emerge stronger and better for those who truly deserve it.

So I read Trump wants to save 4.4 Trillion bucks in his new budget. Reducing benefits covered under Soc Sec and Medicare. Didn’t he promise us before the election that he won’t touch these programs? Anyways, it’s Progress according to Trump! And what happened to Mexico is paying for the wall? And improvements in infrastructure as promised? But hey, I am expecting too much... Trump is busy doing more important things...Looks like the Senior citizens that voted for him, are now going to see how much Trump loves them and see the difference in their bank account!

Well deserved!
What hypocritical, inconsistent babble. You don’t like it when Trump spends and you don’t like it when he spends. You’re a joke!

Trump two days ago: "We will not be touching your Social Security or Medicare in Fiscal Year 2021 Budget.”

Today: Trump Budget proposes $800 billion in cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid....Pass it on.

The Trump administration has already cut the Centers for Disease Control budget by $750M. Fckin' brilliant with that virus concern.

Trump two days ago: "We will not be touching your Social Security or Medicare in Fiscal Year 2021 Budget.”

Today: Trump Budget proposes $800 billion in cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid....Pass it on.

The Trump administration has already cut the Centers for Disease Control budget by $750M. Fckin' brilliant with that virus concern.

is it a cut or merely a reduction in the rate of increase. Living expenses have gone down for things such as energy? But you’re the naive, hypocritical type of dupe who will fall for anything. After you answer that question, you can tell us where you would have Trump cut. You whine about his spending and whine when he saves. You’re a clown!

Trump two days ago: "We will not be touching your Social Security or Medicare in Fiscal Year 2021 Budget.”

Today: Trump Budget proposes $800 billion in cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid....Pass it on.

The Trump administration has already cut the Centers for Disease Control budget by $750M. Fckin' brilliant with that virus concern.

CDC is just another bureaucratic money pit. A $750M CUT tells you what a bloated
Mismanaged, inept money pit it is. Remember how well they handled the Ebola scare?
No doubt they are the best in the world, but the bar in this arena isn’t very high.

So I read Trump wants to save 4.4 Trillion bucks in his new budget. Reducing benefits covered under Soc Sec and Medicare. Didn’t he promise us before the election that he won’t touch these programs? Anyways, it’s Progress according to Trump! And what happened to Mexico is paying for the wall? And improvements in infrastructure as promised? But hey, I am expecting too much... Trump is busy doing more important things...Looks like the Senior citizens that voted for him, are now going to see how much Trump loves them and see the difference in their bank account!

Well deserved!

LOL! Sorry, nitwit. Current retirees won’t be losing a dime in benes. In fact they may be receiving more. The Xers and millennials will have to wait until 70 to collect and much of the fat, mainly the loopholes and the million ways the SS game can be played will be dumped for a more equitable distribution of the funds collected.
Right. My benes were payed for by me and I deserve every penny. I hope seniors drain every dime of the fed social programs so all you lazy entitled parasites get NOTHING.
That’s what will be “Well deserved.”

What hypocritical, inconsistent babble. You don’t like it when Trump spends and you don’t like it when he spends. You’re a joke!
Moron!!! I PAID INTO SOC SEC!!!!! What's inconsistent about it?? Are you telling me you wouldn't mind if he cuts YOUR Soc Sec after you paid into it for years???


You are a fn joke!!

LOL! Sorry, nitwit. Current retirees won’t be losing a dime in benes. In fact they may be receiving more. The Xers and millennials will have to wait until 70 to collect and much of the fat, mainly the loopholes and the million ways the SS game can be played will be dumped for a more equitable distribution of the funds collected.
Right. My benes were payed for by me and I deserve every penny. I hope seniors drain every dime of the fed social programs so all you lazy entitled parasites get NOTHING.
That’s what will be “Well deserved.”

Let Trump be there for a second term and see what happens. You are probably not a baby boomer anyway, just some moron on here talking trash, always trying to bait someone into saying something bad about a certain group people just you can claim bias or prejudice against the person commenting. When you are the one who really hates everybody.:rolleyes::D

Let Trump be there for a second term and see what happens. You are probably not a baby boomer anyway, just some moron on here talking trash, always trying to bait someone into saying something bad about a certain group people just you can claim bias or prejudice against the person commenting. When you are the one who really hates everybody.:rolleyes::D
Weak! Why didn’t you address his points?

Moron!!! I PAID INTO SOC SEC!!!!! What's inconsistent about it?? Are you telling me you wouldn't mind if he cuts YOUR Soc Sec after you paid into it for years???


You are a fn joke!!

No you’re the joke. BYW were you in favor of W’s plan to let us privatize a small portion so we could get higher returns and have more money? I bet not. But here’s the bottom line. We will both likely draw out far, far more than we ever put in but far less than we could have had if we had been able to put a significant portion in the market. So your whining is irrational and pathetic.

No you’re the joke. BYW were you in favor of W’s plan to let us privatize a small portion so we could get higher returns and have more money? I bet not. But here’s the bottom line. We will both likely draw out far, far more than we ever put in but far less than we could have had if we had been able to put a significant portion in the market. So your whining is irrational and pathetic.

When SS was formed, the life expectancy was 70. It was not meant for people’s full support in retirement. There were more jobs and more pensions. It covered mostly working people who contributed to the fund. Over the years, Congress used it as a piggy bank to “ borrow” from when the spent more than they spent, LOL.
Obviously, people are living much longer, many more people who never worked a day in their lives are collecting it. Three “ spouses” are collecting off one worker, disability pay has been added, etc.
Government workers don’t contribute, but we all pay for their pensions with our tax dollars, so we’re hit with a double “ “contribution.”
The system needs a massive overhaul.

You have no idea what you’re talking about so zip it until you do.

There was no point, what someone dissing everyone who is not a baby boomer? Wow, there is really a point to that.:rolleyes:[/QUOTE

No, just dissing the bums.... and you sound like one of them.
Anyway, who cares about SS, Healthcare, etc.? SOCIALISM is the answer to every bums prayers and Bernie will give it to you. The only problem is who will pay for everything when the rich shut down their businesses, run out of money or just take it and leave the country?
If no one is working, where will the taxes come from? Bernie says everyone will have a government job.... Where are the salaries and benefits going to come from, those big trees on his million dollar properties in VT?
You’re a fool as well as a bum.

To the right & left and moderates, What has to happens is to raise taxes and not promise free healthcare and to lower collage expenses as long as the National Debt is above a certain point.

When SS was formed, the life expectancy was 70. It was not meant for people’s full support in retirement. There were more jobs and more pensions. It covered mostly working people who contributed to the fund. Over the years, Congress used it as a piggy bank to “ borrow” from when the spent more than they spent, LOL.
Obviously, people are living much longer, many more people who never worked a day in their lives are collecting it. Three “ spouses” are collecting off one worker, disability pay has been added, etc.
Government workers don’t contribute, but we all pay for their pensions with our tax dollars, so we’re hit with a double “ “contribution.”
The system needs a massive overhaul.

You have no idea what you’re talking about so zip it until you do.

When the Constitution was formed things were different too. It needs an overhaul, Sparky. ;)