Trump says planes too complex to fly

Just more stupidity from a liberal who foolishly and incorrectly thinks that he has the moral high ground over Trump and corporations while the actual truth is that the Canadian socialized medical system which you libtards just love has killed many times more people than this Boeing jet ever will!

I know, I know the facts, the truth doesn’t matter but here they are. Now that I’ve documented my claim let the whining begin as to the source. Hint: it won’t do you any good! :p

Yep. That’s what rationed care does. Our VA is another great example of “ free” care.
we have Medicaid. If that’s not enough, what is?

Four years ago we traveled China. While in country we were on a half dozen airliners, all late model Airbus, and all computerized. Some of the captains looked like they were 15 years old. I honestly doubt that they were that young, but I'm certain their training was far inferior to American airline pilots. But, they had the computer to fly the plane. This reminds me of an often told joke that all an auto fly Airbus needs is a man, a dog, and the cockpit. The man is needed to feed the dog, and the dog is needed to keep the man away from the controls.
Joking aside, piloting is a perishable skill, and a generation of these overly computerized flight decks are going to result in having no one onboard capable of bailing the flight out of a computer failure.

The husband of another couple on that trip was a recently retired FedEx pilot. He was at the top of the food chain at FedEx, so he could designate his aircraft. He refused to fly Airbus because, as he said, I won't fly a plane that can over-rule me.

That seems to be where we are now.

Well said. There was a reason why in the early days of the space program the astronauts refused to continue unless they were given real controls on the space capsules. They refused to merely go along for the ride. They rightfully wanted to be able to rely upon their own skills in an emergency.

While human error is the number one cause of air crashes, it’s still foolish to have a computer that can’t be over-ruled by a human pilot. Computer input and recommendations are one thing. Computer control is quite another.