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Trump invents new country

And he's the guy that you wanted and that you voted for! What an idiot you are! :p

You didn't Cruz and so you lose and WHINE!
And he's the guy that you wanted and that you voted for! What an idiot you are! :p

You didn't Cruz and so you lose and WHINE!

I've lost nothing - my healthcare is great and please watch your spelling. I won and I WINE. :cool:

Yeah, right. Healthcare's on life support, hurricanes are decimating the country, The rocket man in NOKO is out of control, tax reform is stuck in neutral at 100 mph, the 1st son-in-law has become a national scandal and the orange haired clown is tweeting about football? So glad he's in charge. :rolleyes:
Better than the POS Fairy's Tournament picks. That scumbag loser couldn't even handle ONE Hurricane in eight years, let alone two in two weeks.

Better than the POS Fairy's Tournament picks. That scumbag loser couldn't even handle ONE Hurricane in eight years, let alone two in two weeks.

We've already established that but can we do better is the question. Need to keep the pressure up (IMHO) instead of bowing and praising everything the Emperor attempts to do. Puerto Rico is a quagmire - shouldn't be a state, they're ingrates - always a bunch of assholes at our yearly meetings. Yes, keep them as a territory strategically. I wish he would stop making the stupid 'island in an ocean, big ocean, big water' comments duhhh, hello? In 1999, when I won the yearly grand prize, was sent to an exclusive resort there for a week. They were demonstrating over the bombing of Visques. We dropped bombs 189 times in 365 days. Maybe we could drop some drinking water and gtfo?

We've already established that but can we do better is the question. Need to keep the pressure up (IMHO) instead of bowing and praising everything the Emperor attempts to do. Puerto Rico is a quagmire - shouldn't be a state, they're ingrates - always a bunch of assholes at our yearly meetings. Yes, keep them as a territory strategically. I wish he would stop making the stupid 'island in an ocean, big ocean, big water' comments duhhh, hello? In 1999, when I won the yearly grand prize, was sent to an exclusive resort there for a week. They were demonstrating over the bombing of Visques. We dropped bombs 189 times in 365 days. Maybe we could drop some drinking water and gtfo?
You can see that Vag, in their (lack of) response to the Hurricane. Like the Haitian Earth Quake. Everyone waiting around, to be fleeced by the Clintons.
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You can see that Vag, in their (lack of) response to the Hurricane. Like the Haitian Earth Quake. Everyone waiting around, to be fleeced by the Clintons.

That coupled with the fact that in geographic areas with weather extremes (cold - Inuit lifestyle; hot - grass huts and coconut gathering) not a lot of advancement takes place. In areas with both cold and hot, people learn how to prepare for extremes and enjoy the in-betweens. In other words, look at where the Industrial revolution(s) took place. Not in Inuit land and not in the tropics.

That coupled with the fact that in geographic areas with weather extremes (cold - Inuit lifestyle; hot - grass huts and coconut gathering) not a lot of advancement takes place. In areas with both cold and hot, people learn how to prepare for extremes and enjoy the in-betweens. In other words, look at where the Industrial revolution(s) took place. Not in Inuit land and not in the tropics.

Good post. I mean that sincerely.

However there is another far more important variable and that is the Protestant work within borne of Christianity. The industrial revolution and the explosion of science and invention that fueled it only took place in the Christian world ie western civilization.

Inuit lands and islands were pagan societies and make no mistake that contributed mightily to their backwardness.

It's all about Christianity and capitalism. Those 2 elements create peace, health and prosperity. If you want those things then you have to "tolerate" what produced them and that is Christian values infusing ALL aspects of society including sex and family situations.

Liberal and even libertarian success stories are a myth. You need Christianity AND capitalism.

Good post. I mean that sincerely.

However there is another far more important variable and that is the Protestant work within borne of Christianity. The industrial revolution and the explosion of science and invention that fueled it only took place in the Christian world ie western civilization.

Inuit lands and islands were pagan societies and make no mistake that contributed mightily to their backwardness.

It's all about Christianity and capitalism. Those 2 elements create peace, health and prosperity. If you want those things then you have to "tolerate" what produced them and that is Christian values infusing ALL aspects of society including sex and family situations.

Liberal and even libertarian success stories are a myth. You need Christianity AND capitalism.

2000 years ago the Christian view on sex worked for some. However, we know Jesus was having regular sex with Mary Magdalen and it didn't seem to hurt them. The key is safe sex. That was best accomplished back then by partner exclusivity. In 2017, we have many ways of practicing safe sex which provides us a healthy, sex positive way of life and gives us enjoyment, relaxation and serenity. Remember, in the hidden passages of the original scriptures where it said, "Go forth my children and understand that knowing a woman is healthier than not knowing a woman and knowing only one is not necessary. It will later be revealed that you may do either.Thank you Father for giving us the gift of freedom."

In Him, yay do I speak.

Good post. I mean that sincerely.

However there is another far more important variable and that is the Protestant work within borne of Christianity. The industrial revolution and the explosion of science and invention that fueled it only took place in the Christian world ie western civilization.

Inuit lands and islands were pagan societies and make no mistake that contributed mightily to their backwardness.

It's all about Christianity and capitalism. Those 2 elements create peace, health and prosperity. If you want those things then you have to "tolerate" what produced them and that is Christian values infusing ALL aspects of society including sex and family situations.

Liberal and even libertarian success stories are a myth. You need Christianity AND capitalism.

LFMAO :) Yeah, the bible talks a lot about economic systems :cool:

Once again your inappropriate laughter exposes you as a fool. Actually the Bible does speak to economics. It also speaks to government. The model for our government was discovered by our founders in the Bible.

Sure, after only 1750+ years? You are a jokester.........:cool: