Trulance - Hows it going?

Too bad. if thinking of leaving when Publicis sales reps outselling IRWD/AGN at similar stage of launch by 2 - 1.
At week 11 of launch, Bloomberg reports 809 TRX for Trulance with 250 sales reps giving an average RX per sales rep of 3.236 RX per sales rep for that week.

Linzess at week 11 of its launch of Linzess had 2080 RX from its IRWD/Forest sales force of 1,300 giving an average RX per sales rep of 1.6.

You can't sell against this? Linzess about to become new 800-BAD-DRUG, quit making excuses!
Buddy, If you're caught pulling out the PI and showing a physician, you can get into some serious trouble. Even when telling a physician, they're going to inform you that his choice is primarily formulary driven. Even with these events, they are willing to roll the dice.

Great drug. I'm kicking ass.

Awesome!! Just curious, are you asking your docs to just stick to commercial for now? I've thought about asking mine to avoid Medicare/Medicaid since it's becoming a sore spot for them, but then at the same time the more they write in that space, the more demand they will drive for the product

Awesome!! Just curious, are you asking your docs to just stick to commercial for now? I've thought about asking mine to avoid Medicare/Medicaid since it's becoming a sore spot for them, but then at the same time the more they write in that space, the more demand they will drive for the product

Yes.there is plenty of business other than M&M.

I'm a patient...if linzess had a $25 offer I'd go back to that. I filled my first script of trulance only because I did fine on it the first 4 days and then nothing. Same shit different day or lack there of. Unfortunately, with a high deductible plan and our insurance covers no name brand rx we pay full price. Once the $25 offer is over I find it hard to believe people will be finding Trulance superior to Linzess. Also, my rx was $25 without the coupon card, I doubt my stingy insurance company will apply the difference to my high deductible plan. I guess I will wait for the EOB and see how it was applied. If they did apply the difference, that in itself might make me go...:confused:

I'm a patient...if linzess had a $25 offer I'd go back to that. I filled my first script of trulance only because I did fine on it the first 4 days and then nothing. Same shit different day or lack there of. Unfortunately, with a high deductible plan and our insurance covers no name brand rx we pay full price. Once the $25 offer is over I find it hard to believe people will be finding Trulance superior to Linzess. Also, my rx was $25 without the coupon card, I doubt my stingy insurance company will apply the difference to my high deductible plan. I guess I will wait for the EOB and see how it was applied. If they did apply the difference, that in itself might make me go...:confused:
If it's not working for you then why are you taking it at all? Why continue paying the $25 co-pay if you say after four days that the product stopped working for you? Also, Linzess has a $30 a month offer. Are you honestly telling me that you would rather pay $25 a month for a product that you say doesn't work for you instead of paying $30 a month for a product that you claim does work? Are you really a patient or just bored and needed something to post about?

I have been on Linzess for a while. My dr. Increased my dosage to 290mg. Per day since after a while the lower dosage did not work for me. The same thing happened at the higher dose. (I am even taking Colace with it; sometimes 2 times a day. The Linzess only once. ) I do get diarrhea once or twice per day on the first couple of days but after that I am having to add more Colace or Miralax.
I was prescribed the "new drug", Trulance last month. The dr. even showed me how to go on line and get the discount ( $25 per prescription ), but the pharmacy told me that was for one time only and when I read the info on the website it said if you have insurance you won't receive the discount.
Anyway, I have taken Trulance for almost 3 weeks. No diarrhea!
In fact, when I do go, my stools are very hard. Plus I must take the stool softeners and Miralax in order to produce that. So, as a patient who has experienced both drugs, I prefer Linzess. If I don't "go", I must deal with gas, bloating, stomach cramps, and indigestion as well as the constipation.

I know this may seem like ,TMI, but I am reading all of your posts and not seeing any real patients weighing in on how your drugs are really working.
For me, neither are truly doing the job.
Just an FYI for you.

Yes I am actually a patient taking Trulance. My doctor told me it could take up to 4 weeks to work. That said I am half way through my script and was given a 7 day sample pack. That said I am giving it the chance to work in which if unfortunately has not been effective for me thus far. So paying a one time $25 was a trial and error. Also, the $30 copay for Linzess comes with many restrictions or I would obviously use it. Our insurance falls under the employer-sponsored category. Not all insurance is treated the same. I'm pretty sure it doesn't take a genius to figure out the math if one could save approximately $350 if given the opportunity. Trust me I wanted Trulance to work and yes I have better things to do ...have a nice day.

Yes I am actually a patient taking Trulance. My doctor told me it could take up to 4 weeks to work. That said I am half way through my script and was given a 7 day sample pack. That said I am giving it the chance to work in which if unfortunately has not been effective for me thus far. So paying a one time $25 was a trial and error. Also, the $30 copay for Linzess comes with many restrictions or I would obviously use it. Our insurance falls under the employer-sponsored category. Not all insurance is treated the same. I'm pretty sure it doesn't take a genius to figure out the math if one could save approximately $350 if given the opportunity. Trust me I wanted Trulance to work and yes I have better things to do ...have a nice day.

Sounds like you need to go poop

Yes I am actually a patient taking Trulance. My doctor told me it could take up to 4 weeks to work. That said I am half way through my script and was given a 7 day sample pack. That said I am giving it the chance to work in which if unfortunately has not been effective for me thus far. So paying a one time $25 was a trial and error. Also, the $30 copay for Linzess comes with many restrictions or I would obviously use it. Our insurance falls under the employer-sponsored category. Not all insurance is treated the same. I'm pretty sure it doesn't take a genius to figure out the math if one could save approximately $350 if given the opportunity. Trust me I wanted Trulance to work and yes I have better things to do ...have a nice day.
How much did IRWD pay you to post this? It's already been proven that Trulance is superior to Linzess, nice try.

Lou Reed

Clearly I need to poop!

Getting paid would be fantastic. However I am not. Proven by who? Premature statistics? Absolutely Trulance is selling like mad right now simply for the fact it has a $25 offer. People with high deductible plans such as myself find it difficult to shell out $383 each month for Linzess. Just wait until the $25 offer is over and their pharmacist says it's $350+ let's see how great it is then. Regardless of the cost. I've tried both and Trulance doesn't work for me. Funny, someone that actually tries the drug and gives input it has to be a conspiracy...give me a break

Clearly I need to poop!

Getting paid would be fantastic. However I am not. Proven by who? Premature statistics? Absolutely Trulance is selling like mad right now simply for the fact it has a $25 offer. People with high deductible plans such as myself find it difficult to shell out $383 each month for Linzess. Just wait until the $25 offer is over and their pharmacist says it's $350+ let's see how great it is then. Regardless of the cost. I've tried both and Trulance doesn't work for me. Funny, someone that actually tries the drug and gives input it has to be a conspiracy...give me a break

I'm someone whose tried both and Linzess never worked for me. It gave me incredibly painful stomach cramps but nothing else. Trulance has worked for me. The beauty of this is that there are more options because not everything will work for everyone.