Troy Prahl

I am also not sure why all the negative posts. I always found Troy to be a good manager, and none of these posts offer anything to why he was not a stellar leader. Please stop trolling and I wish Troy well in his new position

Troy, may have been a tool, but that is BS, what manager would be that stupid to ask for a Rolodex. You must have been either a questionable candidate or a nerd, sorry, Troy might not be very smart but you now look like the jack ass!

He was... I spoke with him a few years ago and he wanted me to send him a list of my top accounts that I have in Rolodex... Unreal.... Told him that I would not send that and thus ended my conversations with him.

Troy was always very good to work for, seems like you were insulted when he asked you if you had any contacts in the hospitals you were interviewing to cover, sounds like you didnt have a rolodex (not many people do) but have a few contacts and you didnt have that either. Have fun posting on the cafe!

Wow really?
How many posts about Troy Prahl can someone
Actually read?

How about posting something useful,
Like how fast Olympus is sinking in shit?
Or how shitty the reps at Olympus are treated?
Or how much $ Fucking Finance steals on a yearly basis
From the reps.

I hope the DOJ takes your ass down!

Wow really?
How many posts about Troy Prahl can someone
Actually read?

How about posting something useful,
Like how fast Olympus is sinking in shit?
Or how shitty the reps at Olympus are treated?
Or how much $ Fucking Finance steals on a yearly basis
From the reps.

I hope the DOJ takes your ass down!

Thanks Troy