Trouble follows leadership..............

Edwin is in trouble again. OIG investigating GenomeDX for medicare fraud..............
More layoffs coming............

horrible management let the favorites loot the company dry ran cases on dead people mislead doctors about retro cases edwin did nothing just kept the lies coming we have money OIG isnt a concern we are stable people lining up to fund this company guess not eddy.
easy to blame it on one dude alone... Even if he might be partly responsible. Even if their products are good, most of the management team of Genome DX was garbage for years, the top level executives (CEO, COO) as much as the middle management layers. All those idiots pushed the technically gifted people out, leaving just the scum inside. No wonder why things are going sideways
easy to blame it on one dude alone... Even if he might be partly responsible. Even if their products are good, most of the management team of Genome DX was garbage for years, the top level executives (CEO, COO) as much as the middle management layers. All those idiots pushed the technically gifted people out, leaving just the scum inside. No wonder why things are going sideways

Genome DX has a new CEO and she is running the company into the ground. Technically gifted are already out the door. All that remains are newbies she brought from Genoptix and they have no idea what lies ahead. Sad.
lmao, there was a time when corrupt people worked at Decipher. They were set free to try and sink another company. Biocept has a couple more months left before the money is all gone. Smoke and mirrors for Edwin and crew.
Edwin and Scott are at Biocept now. The inbreeding continues!

I worked at 2 companies Edwin has been at. He's a cancerous leech. A parasite. He always goes to a company with his posse ( Scott and 1 or 2 others ) they milked it for all its' worth and leave. They always travel to different companies together. Very strange.