What delay? Product was approved by FDA on 3/11. Typically, once a product receives FDA approval, it takes 60-90 days to roll out an official launch. That's pretty typical in pharma, so I'm not quite sure where your question regarding the "delay" is coming from. If this launch is not executed by June 11th, then I would say there may be an issue. You can't expect a company to produce tons of product "just in case" the FDA approves the product. Post FDA approval, product needs to be mass produced, channels need to be filled, contracts signed, marketing materials need to be finalized, reviewed, approved and submitted to FDA/DDMAC, etc. Realistically, there is a lot to be done post FDA approval in prep for the launch. These things don't happen overnight, for any organization. Was the hiring of the sales force slightly premature? Possibly, just slightly. What's the issue though? You're getting a paycheck, right? You got a bonus for literally doing nothing, right? Relax. Let's see what happens. Pre-market conditioning is filler, I get it. It's a time filler until we officially launch QudexyXR. Whatever. I'm glad to have a job and I look forward to seeing where this goes.