My goodess you useless piece of shit!
My goodess, you can't type seven words without a typo!
My goodess you useless piece of shit!
My goodess, you can't type seven words without a typo!
My goodess you useless piece of shit!
I am very curious why anyone would write Lipofen. There are a half dozen other choices that have lower co pays and Lipofen doesn't offer any benefits?
In other words: "My drug is more expensive, doesn't offer you any benefits over the will you write it doc??". Hahahahaha. Good luck with that one!!!!
Even the Antara Brand People are smart enough to be competitive with generics with a $0 and $15 co-pay program!
Hey Skippy,
If you actually knew anything about the business in this class you would be aware that Lipofen has amongst the lowest cost to patients and is very affordable. Ok so now go back to your TV or porn... jackass.
Amongst the lowest cost to patients? How do you figure?? Fenoglide is $10 copay, Tricore and Trilipix have Pay No More Than $15, Antara is $15 co pay with 1st month $0, and Lipofen is Pay No More Than $25. So....its the highest branded co-pay. You trying to tell me that it's less expensive than Generics?
You have the highest co-pay cost to patients, "Skippy"! Maybe YOU need to learn a little more about the business in the class........
But.....but.....but Lipofen has Lidose!
So, it was pretty tough going selling Lipofen for a while...
I tried all the core messaging and even presented the sweet Not-Quite-3-Week sample kits--which I just assumed would go over like gangbusters. "Almost 3 weeks in a sample kit??", says the Doc. "I'm sold!".
Anyway....they told me they are all set with samples, seeing the dust building up on the old sample boxes that have been untouched for 2 years and expiring soon: like my tenure with Kowa. My head was hung low and confidence sapped after several weeks of disappointment.
As a last resort, I casually mentioned the fact that Lipofen has patented Lidose technology. THAT my friends is when it ALL changed. "Lidose?!" the doc and staff yelped in unison. "Lipofen has Lidose???". "WHY in God's name didn't you mentioned that before???" they yelled at me with vigor. It's like they were all transformed from the biggest doubters to the strongest believers. Before they were cold and indifferent to me; now they were hugging and tickling me like we were long lost friends! I swear a nurse even grabbed my butt.
Needless to say, I changed my messaging from that day forward. And needless to say, my Lipofen numbers are up 2500%!!
Lidose changed my life.
So, it was pretty tough going selling Lipofen for a while...
I tried all the core messaging and even presented the sweet Not-Quite-3-Week sample kits--which I just assumed would go over like gangbusters. "Almost 3 weeks in a sample kit??", says the Doc. "I'm sold!".
Anyway....they told me they are all set with samples, seeing the dust building up on the old sample boxes that have been untouched for 2 years and expiring soon: like my tenure with Kowa. My head was hung low and confidence sapped after several weeks of disappointment.
As a last resort, I casually mentioned the fact that Lipofen has patented Lidose technology. THAT my friends is when it ALL changed. "Lidose?!" the doc and staff yelped in unison. "Lipofen has Lidose???". "WHY in God's name didn't you mentioned that before???" they yelled at me with vigor. It's like they were all transformed from the biggest doubters to the strongest believers. Before they were cold and indifferent to me; now they were hugging and tickling me like we were long lost friends! I swear a nurse even grabbed my butt.
Needless to say, I changed my messaging from that day forward. And needless to say, my Lipofen numbers are up 2500%!!
Lidose changed my life.
Amongst the lowest cost to patients? How do you figure?? Fenoglide is $10 copay, Tricore and Trilipix have Pay No More Than $15, Antara is $15 co pay with 1st month $0, and Lipofen is Pay No More Than $25. So....its the highest branded co-pay. You trying to tell me that it's less expensive than Generics?
You have the highest co-pay cost to patients, "Skippy"! Maybe YOU need to learn a little more about the business in the class........
When all is said and done, there is only ONE Lidose. It doesn't matter what the cash price is, the co-pay price or if it's covered by insurance at all. Patients will pay full price for Lidose any day of the week.
Another success story selling The Gold Standard Lipofen, with Lidose.
So....I was flabbergasted as to why my #1 potential writer hadn't written it.
I went over all the CME's and saved the best for last--and boy did it pay off!!!
Right when he was getting ready to sign, I asked him about particle size and how it affects his choice of fibrate. say the light bulb went off in his head was an understatement! Before I even had a chance to say anything about it, he said sarcastically:
"Sure, there's a fibrate that takes particle size out of the question. Yeah, right! Keep on dreaming buddy!!"
I asked him if it would be a game changer and he looked at me like I had two heads. "Of course it would, Junior!".
Although, I didn't tell him today....I wanted to save that Atom Bomb news for my lunch with him in two weeks and all.....I fully expect it's going to be something special when I show him Lidose!