Tricor is generic. Good-bye Lipofen!


Seriously, do they really think docs are going to continue to prescribe Lipofen now that Tricor is generic? Even UHC will start switching to generic Tricor. How long is Kowa planning to hang on to this useless drug???

Abbott is even conceding their Trilipix business to generic Tricor right now.

Like generic Tricor is going to make a huge impact...hello...ever hear of generic fenofibrate?

It's naive to think that generic Tricor will not cut into Lipofen's share. Unless the brand team wakes up and realizes they have to do better than a $25 co-pay to compete: you're looking at a $10-$15 million dollar product. If they're lucky.

Common sense would tell you that a pro-active measure (lowering co-pay) would be smart to keep up with $10 and $15 alternatives. Apparently, not. :-(

I am totally not kidding about this. In our training class our trainer had a local physician come in and talk about fenos. Somebody asked him about Lidose. In front of the entire training class, looking a bit embarrassed, he said in his own words that Lidose didn't matter to him!!!! IN OUR TRAINING CLASS!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

LIDOSE will one day save the world. Poo-poo it all you want but I think it IS the answer. We can be the most expensive fenofibrate on the market as long as we have LIDOSE!!!! I bet the Generic manufacturers of Tricor are wishing they had LIDOSE Technology! They probably can't sleep at night wondering what will happen without having LIDOSE in Tricor. We're in a great spot. Kowa told us at our last POA that providers LIKE to write a branded drug!!!!?? Amazing!!! Now GO MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! - I mean MIH!!!!!!

LIDOSE will one day save the world. Poo-poo it all you want but I think it IS the answer. We can be the most expensive fenofibrate on the market as long as we have LIDOSE!!!! I bet the Generic manufacturers of Tricor are wishing they had LIDOSE Technology! They probably can't sleep at night wondering what will happen without having LIDOSE in Tricor. We're in a great spot. Kowa told us at our last POA that providers LIKE to write a branded drug!!!!?? Amazing!!! Now GO MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! - I mean MIH!!!!!!


LIDOSE will one day save the world. Poo-poo it all you want but I think it IS the answer. We can be the most expensive fenofibrate on the market as long as we have LIDOSE!!!! I bet the Generic manufacturers of Tricor are wishing they had LIDOSE Technology! They probably can't sleep at night wondering what will happen without having LIDOSE in Tricor. We're in a great spot. Kowa told us at our last POA that providers LIKE to write a branded drug!!!!?? Amazing!!! Now GO MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! - I mean MIH!!!!!!

LOL! I've been gone from Kowa for a while now, but it's good to know that the wonderful acronyms live on. Long live the abbreviation!

Yes, Tricor is generic but LIDOSE is not. So shut up, go out and SALE!!!
The world can't live without LIDOSE.

Yes champ!! Lidose is not generic and that makes a difference ok!!It melts in your car not in your gut, hehe. Lidose has changed the way we look at meds, REVOLUTIONARY! and I quote the world renowned "Dorkrod"

I am totally not kidding about this. In our training class our trainer had a local physician come in and talk about fenos. Somebody asked him about Lidose. In front of the entire training class, looking a bit embarrassed, he said in his own words that Lidose didn't matter to him!!!! IN OUR TRAINING CLASS!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

Well well class!! at least he didnt lie about the Dose, lie dose that is!

Lidose is simply amazing!!! The only problem is that the capsule itself looks just like any other capsule out there. BUT..........It's LIDOSE!!!! There is a really cool story behind it! It offers no benefits, but it's cool to talk about!!