Tricky Ricky Perry Has some 'Splainin To Do


Well-Known Member
'Pay-to-play culture'

Over three terms in office, Mr. Perry’s administration has doled out grants, tax breaks, contracts and appointments to hundreds of his most generous supporters and their businesses. And they have helped Mr. Perry raise more money than any politician in Texas history, donations that have periodically raised eyebrows but, thanks to loose campaign finance laws and a business-friendly political culture dominated in recent years by Republicans, have only fueled Mr. Perry’s ascent.

This is only the tip of the iceberg with Ricky boy.


You're selling me on Perry BTW.

"Governor Perry’s leadership has made Texas a good place to do business"

Wouldn't it be great if a president made the US a good place to do business?

You're selling me on Perry BTW.

"Governor Perry’s leadership has made Texas a good place to do business"

Wouldn't it be great if a president made the US a good place to do business?

The above quote was from a Perry spokesman.

What would you expect him to say?



There is very little saying he is right either.

Here's a far left source trying to dismiss Perry's record. Despite immigration issues and a huge state, Texas is growing jobs. Libs want to split hairs because many or low income, but this is a better record than obama's. Further, they want to act like this is sheer luck as Texas' population is growing, without understanding WHY people are flocking to Texas. A third of all new US jobs are in Texas so where are you going if you are out of work?

Huh. Looks pretty good to me:

Perry has sent hundreds of letters to out-of-state corporate leaders touting the state's business-friendly climate and declaring: "Texas wants your business."

Jim Dugan, spokesman for Caterpillar Inc., said the "governor was involved in the process" when the heavy equipment giant decided to build job facilities in two Texas cities, Seguin and Victoria.

The governor's foremost job-getting tool - as well as the most controversial one - is the Texas Enterprise Fund, which attracts businesses through millions of dollars in tax-funded "deal-closer'" grants.

Approved by the legislature in 2003, the fund has invested more than $435.6 million that created 58,382 new jobs and more than $14.6 billion in capital investments, according to the governor's office.

The grants include a $4.2 million award to GE Transportation in May to create a new locomotive manufacturing plant in Fort Worth, which is expected to create 775 high-tech manufacturing jobs and a capital investment of up to $98 million.

Read more:

Sure looks better than the obama record, such as his efforts to prevent Boeing from bringing jobs to South Carolina. What company wants to operate in the US under these conditions?

Huh. Looks pretty good to me:

Perry has sent hundreds of letters to out-of-state corporate leaders touting the state's business-friendly climate and declaring: "Texas wants your business."

Jim Dugan, spokesman for Caterpillar Inc., said the "governor was involved in the process" when the heavy equipment giant decided to build job facilities in two Texas cities, Seguin and Victoria.

The governor's foremost job-getting tool - as well as the most controversial one - is the Texas Enterprise Fund, which attracts businesses through millions of dollars in tax-funded "deal-closer'" grants.

Approved by the legislature in 2003, the fund has invested more than $435.6 million that created 58,382 new jobs and more than $14.6 billion in capital investments, according to the governor's office.

The grants include a $4.2 million award to GE Transportation in May to create a new locomotive manufacturing plant in Fort Worth, which is expected to create 775 high-tech manufacturing jobs and a capital investment of up to $98 million.

Read more:

Sure looks better than the obama record, such as his efforts to prevent Boeing from bringing jobs to South Carolina. What company wants to operate in the US under these conditions?

I highly doubt Perry's Texas exploits will play on a national level - You are comparing apples to oranges in this case.

. . . And still no comments as regards to the OP - You have changed the subject of this thread - A typical con tactic when backed up against the wall.

I know you are better than that.

I highly doubt Perry's Texas exploits will play on a national level - You are comparing apples to oranges in this case.

. . . And still no comments as regards to the OP - You have changed the subject of this thread - A typical con tactic when backed up against the wall.

I know you are better than that.

Changed the subject? You want to examine the money Perry has spent. Surprise! Businesses are pro-republican. Businesses are donating to the person they think will help them with operating a successful business. I have cited the proof that what he is doing is working to the benefit of Texas. How is obama's support of unions doing that for the US?

Changed the subject? You want to examine the money Perry has spent. Surprise! Businesses are pro-republican. Businesses are donating to the person they think will help them with operating a successful business. I have cited the proof that what he is doing is working to the benefit of Texas. How is obama's support of unions doing that for the US?

Over three terms in office, Mr. Perry’s administration has doled out grants, tax breaks, contracts and appointments to hundreds of his most generous supporters and their businesses. And they have helped Mr. Perry raise more money than any politician in Texas history, donations that have periodically raised eyebrows but, thanks to loose campaign finance laws and a business-friendly political culture dominated in recent years by Republicans, have only fueled Mr. Perry’s ascent.

This was the subject of the OP - Care to comment on it or are you going to keep taking sidetracks off the topic?

Over three terms in office, Mr. Perry’s administration has doled out grants, tax breaks, contracts and appointments to hundreds of his most generous supporters and their businesses. And they have helped Mr. Perry raise more money than any politician in Texas history, donations that have periodically raised eyebrows but, thanks to loose campaign finance laws and a business-friendly political culture dominated in recent years by Republicans, have only fueled Mr. Perry’s ascent.

This was the subject of the OP - Care to comment on it or are you going to keep taking sidetracks off the topic?

While you want to focus on innuendo, I focused on what results he has gained. Businesses support Perry. Businesses have brought jobs to Texas. While obama and the Chicago machine is the master of pay to play, he can't claim the same result with taking this approach with his union cronies.

Come one BN, focusing on the results of his efforts is not a sidetrack. Or are you so hopelessly caught up on speeches and promises that you miss results are what counts?

While you want to focus on innuendo, I focused on what results he has gained. Businesses support Perry. Businesses have brought jobs to Texas. While obama and the Chicago machine is the master of pay to play, he can't claim the same result with taking this approach with his union cronies.

Come one BN, focusing on the results of his efforts is not a sidetrack. Or are you so hopelessly caught up on speeches and promises that you miss results are what counts?

Still no comment on the Texas 'pay-to play' culture?

I am focusing on the OP and you are off on a sidetrack. This is a thread about Perry and how he has handed contracts, grants and tax breaks to his most generous donors.

What part of that do you not understand? Please try to stay on topic.

Still no comment on the Texas 'pay-to play' culture?

I am focusing on the OP and you are off on a sidetrack. This is a thread about Perry and how he has handed contracts, grants and tax breaks to his most generous donors.

What part of that do you not understand? Please try to stay on topic.

Proof of the libbie mindset. Don't talk about actions and results, please! That's a sidetrack!

I have no problem at all with what Perry is doing. There are two major initiatives, supported by voters, that allows him to pay to bring business to Texas. They are working. I have no problem with businesses supporting a candidate that allows them to operate a business profitably and with some faith in the future. While the national picture is more complex, I doubt Perry would prevent Boeing from bringing jobs to SC. I doubt the CEO of Starbucks would tell him, sorry, no more political support and funds for you.

Do you donate money to or vote for someone who supports your success or someone who stops it?

Some facts:

Perry has received funding from 63% of the regents he appointed to lead university governing boards. (Now who was it again oidiot appointed to lead Chrysler?). So, 37% had not provided funding. Texas is a red state, more than 60% republican. So, all this says is that he has been very fair appointing to boards based on the political representation of the state.

A watchdog group, Texans for Public Justice, want to make an issue that $1 of every $5 that Perry has collected in fundraising comes from 900 appointees. A big so what! 20% of his funding comes froma group of very like minded individuals? I repeat - who is giving to obama fundraising?

The Texas technology fund, credited with giving out over $435 million since 2003, has given 25% of this money to businesses that have supported Perry. So wait, 75% went to those not supporting him? In a state where he has been relected numerous times, that is more than 60% republican, how is this a sign of bad faith? Looks to me like the republican run businesses and his most generous donors are not getting their fair share!

I'm sure you'll claim it is changing the subject, but care to evaluate obama supporters and connections to unions? No? I didn't think so.
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