VI ClosureFast Clinicals that are being trained to be hawk specialist after the layoffs in August, 2013, are having to take a LARGE cut in pay to be trained as HS to keep their jobs.
EV3 reps are getting VNUS dumped into their bag this year. Layoffs effective 10 01 2013. Reprocessing hit them like bricks. Marketing wasn't ready.
That sucks, but what can you expect from this company? They will consolidate and have ev3 people sell VI as well.. Kiss of death.. Ev3 is case chasing and VI is a business development model.. However, I am sure they will figure out a "way". .....
Definitely a kiss of death for VI. EV3 reps nation wide sold only a total of 7 Trellis devices in a month. That right, 7 devices sold by 150 reps/cs EV3 team. Laid off the entire Trellis sales force last year (sold over 16 million) because they thought EV3 reps were a larger force and could cross sell the device better than a dedicated sales team. Way to go EV3 Management oops I mean Covidien. Another bright idea.
In the not to distant future, Covidien will have it's own "remanufactured" ClosureFast catheter to compete with the reprocessed garbage that's on the market now. You can bet on that and when it happens, the run will be over for Vascular Pollutions. But in the meantime, their reps can continue picking through the garbage to score bloody catheters. How pathetic.
You're living in a pipe dream if you think a "remanufactured" ClosureFast catheter will ever compete against the contact Sterilmed just got with BWI
What a surprise!! They are too busy spending ,money on docs to get them to use ev3 crap to bother with anything else. Reprocessing is killing ClosureFAST and they know it.. if you are a VI sales person selling ClosureFAST.. dont wait til the October "surprise".. start looking now..
Lots of promise for this 1st generation Trellis product + no new investment after bought by COV = Dog
They got the "call" last Thursday. Unsure of the number hit.