Trauma Gaining Steam Nationally

This is in response to the kid who refers too surgeons being “owned”. The 3 surgeons you have mentioned receive royalties and consulting fees from multiple companies. Not just “your” company. If you think smith and nephew own Dr. Sanders...go ahead and tell him that and let us all know how that works out for ya! There are very few royalty agreements today. You can only come up with so many ideas to reinvent the wheel. However they still do exist. Roy Sanders knows how to work your company as well as others into getting what he wants! $$$$...What you need to know is that he owns YOU! He could care less about the company. He only cares about what company will take his idea and run with it and pay him royalties. He is not the only one either..probably the other 2 surgeons you mentioned are the same way. Just understand the business before you start making a fool of yourself

You are correct, we are moving in the right direction. We own and control quite a few of the top trauma docs in teaching hospitals. They have helped us to push our numbers upward as their resident pupils move into attending positions. It’s been a bold and productive strategy and we will probably see it copied by some of our competitors. Previously this type of buy your doctors strategy was contained to the spine industry but we expanded it and the rest is history. Own the surgeon, own the business
Bold- You mean do what Synthes did starting in the 80’s? A.O. Trained mean anything to you, you are not the first and will not be the last to use this bold new market penetrating game. So, from a sustainability standpoint, how do you pose they keep up with the resident pupils wanting to get paid like their attendings? Hmmmm....Bold play indeed...

Jesus, you are either young and excitable or work for Corp and are pushing a message, either way, you are not very bright. Any-who, glad you are doing something because Stryker and Depuy need to be kicked in the nuts.

This is in response to the kid who refers too surgeons being “owned”. The 3 surgeons you have mentioned receive royalties and consulting fees from multiple companies. Not just “your” company. If you think smith and nephew own Dr. Sanders...go ahead and tell him that and let us all know how that works out for ya! There are very few royalty agreements today. You can only come up with so many ideas to reinvent the wheel. However they still do exist. Roy Sanders knows how to work your company as well as others into getting what he wants! $$$$...What you need to know is that he owns YOU! He could care less about the company. He only cares about what company will take his idea and run with it and pay him royalties. He is not the only one either..probably the other 2 surgeons you mentioned are the same way. Just understand the business before you start making a fool of yourself individual who understands the space. Thank you for your voice of reason.

You have no idea pharma douche . Device is defined by #’s not lunches delivered . You perform or are pushed out . Keep the mayo on the side chump .
Oh yeah I’m sure you have it so bad, you’re just a lazy sloth trying to get a easy handout. It is you that is clueless with your ridiculous bs you spew. Adios chump