Transenterix is DOA- CMR NOW HIRING!!!



For those interested in continuing with a robotics start up that has a bright future, please talk to your recruiters. CMR is now filling out their sales force and plan on having their first training this fall.

CMR is the real deal and actually is the bridge between Laparoscopy and robotics. This is everything that ALF X needed to be and isn’t. A name change and rebranding to Senhance by Transenterix was never going to change that.

The Versius was created in house at CMR to meet a very specific need in laparoscopic surgery, in contrast to Transenterix purchasing an outdated surgical robot from SOFAR pharmaceutical and then creating marketing around the device.

Already 300 cases done in India. 5mm articulation!!! FDA approval expected anywhere from Q4 to Q1 of next year.

TRANS gave it a noble effort, but their time has passed, as US sales are non existent. Time to leave before it joins Computer Motion in the robotics grave yard.

Had an opp to witness one of the Senhance surgeries up at UPMC. UHHH. Why are surgeons using this. Seemed very archaic, potentially dangerous, and provided zero value over laparoscopy.

Anyway, just an observation.