Training Question

management does not room together, only reps. Ergo, management does not care if you have sleep apnea, or if you have bad gas, or if you are a chronic masterbater; or if you are an adult. you will do it with roomies.

my question is why? why does pharma and only pharma make workers room together? can they not offer an option to pay for a single room? no. not usually. no. it is mandatory and that is what makes it triple weird.

so HR do tell: why? and don't say cost. we all know the deals you guys get at hotels with food, meeting rooms, and food. so tell the truth: why? and why haven't you as HR done something about it?

my question is why? why does pharma and only pharma make workers room together? can they not offer an option to pay for a single room? no. not usually. no. it is mandatory and that is what makes it triple weird.

so HR do tell: why? and don't say cost. we all know the deals you guys get at hotels with food, meeting rooms, and food. so tell the truth: why? and why haven't you as HR done something about it?

Get over it, pharma reps room together all the time. It does save money. Management, when you get to that level get their own room That is a perk. Now that is not to say that people don't shack up and room up together at meetings or try and get another room for hook ups at meetings, etc If you are really troubled by it then call the hotel and see if they will give you a discounted rate since you are coming in with the company and just tell them you want your own room and you are willing to pay yourself. Can't hurt to try I am sure your assigned room mate will be thrilled.

listen, you are going to training for a company that has declared bankruptcy, only sells (if you call it that) one product, with the promise of more to come - we have heard that for over 2 years now!!!, and you want your own room? honey - you should be thankful they even hired your desperate ass!!

Get over it, pharma reps room together all the time. It does save money. Management, when you get to that level get their own room That is a perk. Now that is not to say that people don't shack up and room up together at meetings or try and get another room for hook ups at meetings, etc If you are really troubled by it then call the hotel and see if they will give you a discounted rate since you are coming in with the company and just tell them you want your own room and you are willing to pay yourself. Can't hurt to try I am sure your assigned room mate will be thrilled.

It does not save money. Its an inconvenience AND the fact a company requires adults to share rooms shows exactly what it thinks of you. Namely, that you are a child-too young and too immature to make a decision-like waking up in a hotel on your own. They do little if anything to improve sales performance or morale. Senior mgt thinks this is a good opportunity to have some face time with sample dumpers as well as to rally the teams-in other words-it makes them feel good but they accomplish nothing.

These meetings are generally ineffective and unproductive but they do allow some people to have sex with each other and have a few drinks all on the company penny. All of the information that is presented could be presented via web or conference call and it is not a perk to go to St louis-any time of the year- and be locked in a hotel. I dont care what Greg looks like, what his favorite cologne is, or what he likes at the buffet line or if he buys a round of drinks (and then expenses it) because he really isnt buying anything. Just like 1 day in the field is not an accurate indication of what is happening.

Never forget-home office knows what is best.

It does not save money. Its an inconvenience AND the fact a company requires adults to share rooms shows exactly what it thinks of you. Namely, that you are a child-too young and too immature to make a decision-like waking up in a hotel on your own. They do little if anything to improve sales performance or morale. Senior mgt thinks this is a good opportunity to have some face time with sample dumpers as well as to rally the teams-in other words-it makes them feel good but they accomplish nothing.

These meetings are generally ineffective and unproductive but they do allow some people to have sex with each other and have a few drinks all on the company penny. All of the information that is presented could be presented via web or conference call and it is not a perk to go to St louis-any time of the year- and be locked in a hotel. I dont care what Greg looks like, what his favorite cologne is, or what he likes at the buffet line or if he buys a round of drinks (and then expenses it) because he really isnt buying anything. Just like 1 day in the field is not an accurate indication of what is happening.

Never forget-home office knows what is best.

You should be happy you get a few drinks on the company penny. Most companies don't allow drink purchases anymore, but knowing Therrx they don't mind breaking rules.

It does not save money. Its an inconvenience AND the fact a company requires adults to share rooms shows exactly what it thinks of you. Namely, that you are a child-too young and too immature to make a decision-like waking up in a hotel on your own. They do little if anything to improve sales performance or morale. Senior mgt thinks this is a good opportunity to have some face time with sample dumpers as well as to rally the teams-in other words-it makes them feel good but they accomplish nothing.

These meetings are generally ineffective and unproductive but they do allow some people to have sex with each other and have a few drinks all on the company penny. All of the information that is presented could be presented via web or conference call and it is not a perk to go to St louis-any time of the year- and be locked in a hotel. I dont care what Greg looks like, what his favorite cologne is, or what he likes at the buffet line or if he buys a round of drinks (and then expenses it) because he really isnt buying anything. Just like 1 day in the field is not an accurate indication of what is happening.

Never forget-home office knows what is best.

It does save money. Let me ask you a question since you are so smart. If you went on a trip and needed two rooms, wouldn't it be cheaper to just get one? Let me answer that for you because you are stupid, YES! And you should be thankful for your drinks. Pharma companies usually make you pay for alcohol nowadays so get over yourself. If you don't want the job, which requires meetings not via the web or conference call then quit and go find a work from home job. What a selfish brat you are either that or you or just blame crazy.

All your drinks should be Kool-aid, your drinking it if you are working there and believing anything Greg tells you. He is buying you real drinks so you drink his kool aid.

Not all pharma has reps room together. I've been in pharma forever and have NEVER had a roommate I have heard an urban legend that there are companies that make people share a hotel room but have never heard that a company would expect professionals to share a bed. There is no way this is true.

Not all pharma has reps room together. I've been in pharma forever and have NEVER had a roommate I have heard an urban legend that there are companies that make people share a hotel room but have never heard that a company would expect professionals to share a bed. There is no way this is true.

Most companies make reps share rooms. If there is only one bed in the room, it doesn't take a math wiz to figure out that they will also be sharing the bed. With all the cutbacks and expense reductions in the business, it will only be a matter of time until you have the joy of sharing a room and bed as well.

It does save money. Let me ask you a question since you are so smart. If you went on a trip and needed two rooms, wouldn't it be cheaper to just get one? Let me answer that for you because you are stupid, YES! And you should be thankful for your drinks. Pharma companies usually make you pay for alcohol nowadays so get over yourself. If you don't want the job, which requires meetings not via the web or conference call then quit and go find a work from home job. What a selfish brat you are either that or you or just blame crazy.

It does not save money. Perhaps you think that companies that agree to book a large block of rooms actually pay rack rates? They dont. Just like pharma - hotels have sales people that sell packages to companies. The coke, root beer, bottle water, cookies, buffet breakfast, and meeting rooms are very expensive-the room is discounted heavily.

If I went on a trip -and I travel all the time for business- I do not ask to share a room with another guest-do you? Only a complete idiot or someone employed by there-rx actually believes that companies save any monies by shacking up reps. Its a clear signal that your company thinks soo much of you to FORCE you to share a room with someone you may or may not even know. That is class or its There-rx.

As for alcohol, I dont care if greg buys a drink or a round of drinks or if I attach 10 drinks to his tab. These meetings are a waste of time that accomplishes very little. Yes, I have found a willing partner of the opposite sex to make the time somewhat passable, but beyond the sex they are worthless. If the company were interested in saving money, it would hold the meetings via a web link-the participation would be the same and I would not have to worry if my roomie is masterbating into my comforter while I take a shower. If you are working for any company that requires you to "pay" for your drink with dinner-then that is another sign you work for KV or some other piece of crap company that will soon be out of business.

If its Okay for reps to sleep with a roomie why is it not ok for Greg to have a new rep in his room? Arent we all one team?

Most companies make reps share rooms. If there is only one bed in the room, it doesn't take a math wiz to figure out that they will also be sharing the bed. With all the cutbacks and expense reductions in the business, it will only be a matter of time until you have the joy of sharing a room and bed as well.

You are an idiot and a troll. NO Company expects room mates to sleep in the same bed. They always have double beds. Go away troll. Now this is not to say that some people at meeting do shack up and go into each others rooms for a quickie when they disappear or whatever, but at meetings and training it is double beds.

You are an idiot and a troll. NO Company expects room mates to sleep in the same bed. They always have double beds. Go away troll. Now this is not to say that some people at meeting do shack up and go into each others rooms for a quickie when they disappear or whatever, but at meetings and training it is double beds.

You just haven't been around that long. Companies make people sleep in the same bed all the time. Your turn will be coming soon, if you still have a job in the next few months.