Training Question

You seriously joined this company when it has declared bankruptcy, laid off half of its sales force and only has one dying product and plans on re-launching a product it originally launched 10 years ago!!??!! You must be desperate for a job or they totally lied to you during your interviews. I feel for you.

If you get to meet Mr Divis ask him why he keeps Scott around.

BTW the training is being done by a person that was buzzing people into the front door a few years ago.

I'll take these posts as a YES.

Yes, you have to room with others. They do look for hotels that have King size beds to give you a bit of room (since you have to share beds). However, those hotels rooms go fast, so you are usually sharing a queen size bed or a full size bed. The real kicker is if you have to share the sofa bed. One bright spot is you get to know your roomies VERY well.

management must be awful if they still have people rooming together. it is so disgusting and that is nothing against the other person. two adults in a working situation should never be required to room together. sounds like slavery to me.

management must be awful if they still have people rooming together. it is so disgusting and that is nothing against the other person. two adults in a working situation should never be required to room together. sounds like slavery to me.

management does not room together, only reps. Ergo, management does not care if you have sleep apnea, or if you have bad gas, or if you are a chronic masterbater; or if you are an adult. you will do it with roomies.

Just got back from training. What a joke. Unorganized, lost and a complete waste of our time. Who the heck put this crap together should be gone. And why do they bring everyone in? They were more worried about their flights leavin the dumpy hone office.

Not true, but sad really, that a disgruntled ex-employee would post something like this to stir up crap. LOSER!
Training was great and the people in home office were very supportive.

Scott was actually a bright spot. I don't know who is making these post, actually I can take a big guess and I bet I am correct on who is making the post (s), so some of this could be factual and some of this could be lies. But truth be told, Scott was great and he is nice on the eyes too.

Scott was actually a bright spot. I don't know who is making these post, actually I can take a big guess and I bet I am correct on who is making the post (s), so some of this could be factual and some of this could be lies. But truth be told, Scott was great and he is nice on the eyes too.

Thanks mom for sticking up for me.

