Training Question


Can anyone explain what training is like and where it is?

How was the Sales Meeting?

How many reps are thee total in the company? Do you feel appreciated? Or is this the same old pharma I can get with Merck, Pfizer etc?

There is no actual "product" training. You learn on your own. Study on your own. Take the tests and go over general things at your managers house. If you want to be successful in the company and be knowledgable with the disease states, you have to do it on your own. This isn't the intense company structured training program that most pharma companies provide. They have a "sales" training that is for 4 1/2 days in Baltimore. They teach you what they consider selling in the offices but it is unrealistic ways of selling.

Sales meeting was a meeting.

There is no real hands-on training with this company. All they do is have you go over "scenerios" in a physician's office. They do not go over the Sales Portal, they do not go over how to complete a monthly Forecast. They do not go over VPN, they do not go over pricing, billing, essentially, they do not go over any of the "meat and potatoes" on how to be a competent Quest employee. Sales Academy training is a nice little break away from the home and office.

OP, you mention in your post about an "old pharma" company or a real pharma outfit. Have you done your homework, do you know what we are selling???

Have you ever heard or selling "snake oil"?

What is the deal? I have seen on medreps several openings for this company because of a national expansion. Up to a 70 base, 20-40 in bonus, company car, etc. This sounds like a pretty good gig. You get this for selling a fibrate and an antibiotic? It is a tough time in pharma right now, not very many good jobs. This is promoted as a small company, little micromanagement, no pods, big growth potential job. Not sure how? Can anyone who works here provide more insight?

What is the deal? I have seen on medreps several openings for this company because of a national expansion. Up to a 70 base, 20-40 in bonus, company car, etc. This sounds like a pretty good gig. You get this for selling a fibrate and an antibiotic? It is a tough time in pharma right now, not very many good jobs. This is promoted as a small company, little micromanagement, no pods, big growth potential job. Not sure how? Can anyone who works here provide more insight?

measured per script, penishead. imagine growing script over script per week and being paid jack shit for it.

What is the deal? I have seen on medreps several openings for this company because of a national expansion. Up to a 70 base, 20-40 in bonus, company car, etc. This sounds like a pretty good gig. You get this for selling a fibrate and an antibiotic? It is a tough time in pharma right now, not very many good jobs. This is promoted as a small company, little micromanagement, no pods, big growth potential job. Not sure how? Can anyone who works here provide more insight?

"no pods". What the fuck is a pod? Are you a whale or dolphin? Grow the hell up and use an adult word like "team" or something.

A grown up word, like "team" or something. Idiot. How about a term like dead weight? You probably like "teams" so you can sit on your ass while someone works for your Rx's.