Training Dir FIRED Already????

Another great hire by NJ??? This guy was there, what 4 months?? He sure knows how to pick 'em, huh? Exhibit A: Carol Merrell. Exhibit B: Will Maranto Well, 2 down, 1 to go --- when the hell does CM get it? NJ should just stick to cashing in his options and call it a day.

So what happened to Will Maranto & where is he now?

Can cArol put together a resume on her own?

An honest resume?? Not a chance. A resume full of total bullshit? Apparently she is quite good at that. Got her this far, didn't it? Still can't wait to see her flounder on her own once NJ leaves. Word is he's sticking around long enough to cash in on the free W/C trip (like he couldn't afford to do that trip on his own). He has wiped his ass with Novogyne for the last 2 years or more, but has no problem taking the free trip. NJ & CM are 2 of a kind, that's for sure.

Last week, a day after the Leadership meeting.

CM & NJ still there -- starting to wonder if something didn't happen between the two of them down in Cancun -- can't figure out any other possible reason that she is still there. She lies, she doesn't have a clue, and she is just bad news and a drain on morale.

Check out other company boards, she's got bad press (and I mean really, really rotten press) going all the way back to 2004. I think this is like her 6th or 7th job in 4 years. All other companies have had the good sense to fire her stupid ass except Noven. Even though they have the goods to can her, they keep her, so you do the math.

naaaaaahhhhhhh NJ is to busy crushing with MP to be bothered with CM!

Aaaaaahhhh but that is only a one-way crush with MP. With CM at least it is reciprocated. Sick visual, yes, but so was the sight of him in his SPEEDO in Tampa. Uggghhhhh

Do you think that in order to torture him they had Sam- me write it all down and then read it to him real slow? Argh!

"According to reports Mr. R* was last seen running into oncoming traffic on Southwest Blvd in Miami..."

Good one!! Sammie probably did her parrot act with him too; repeated everything he said right back to him, over and over and over until he screamed!! Then he ran into oncoming traffic.....

I just came across this searching for my old colleague Randy from Glaxo. When I saw what was written I called him directly to confirm. He told me that he was in an untenable situation. After three months of entering the company, he gave his "two bosses" an ultimatum that he could not stay with Noven unless two of his subordinates were "let go." This he said was probably a mistake as one of his bosses was "best friends" with one of the people he said had to go! Needless to say, this company was nothing like he expected and hated the idea of settling with his family down in Miami. When all his correspondence with HR and his management fell on deaf ears, they stopped looking for houses in the 4th month and then he was asked to leave. He told me it was a win-win and left after 5 months....take from this what you far as this person Carol....I don't know her at all and pretty sure Randy didnt sleep with her...he is happily married!!!