tradjenta Formulary Coverage


Please tell me why BI does such a sh_t job getting Tradjenta on formulary? Let's face it Tradjenta has something to offer that is uniquely different than the other two DPP-4 inhibitors and we can't even get tier three status on many major plans (regional) and you SUCK at getting on Medicare Part D Plans! What's with you people anyway!!!!!! Many Medicare age type 2's are especially prown to renal failure or renal impairment to some degree and YOU can't negotiate a good enough to get Tradjenta on more plans! Come on it's been a couple years already. My message sounds something like this...... Dr. For that ONE patient you have on this ONE plan........perhaps if you would negotiate better, we sales reps would sell more Tradjenta!!!!!!! You make me sick!!!!!


Actually BI is doing pretty good. Takes at least 6 months post-launch for the plans to sort it out. Medicare D pays for most non-generic drugs allows for coverage at the highest tier - want to direct patients to generics. Yes, it is a hard sale because Merck has such a lead.

Actually BI is doing pretty good. Takes at least 6 months post-launch for the plans to sort it out. Medicare D pays for most non-generic drugs allows for coverage at the highest tier - want to direct patients to generics. Yes, it is a hard sale because Merck has such a lead.

If Merck is in the lead it's because BI doesn't negotiate well for coverage regardless if we were third to market! Tradjenta is much better (especially in regards to safety) than Januvia. Tadjenta should be on most formularies due to renal/hepatic benefit.

Please tell me why BI does such a sh_t job getting Tradjenta on formulary? Let's face it Tradjenta has something to offer that is uniquely different than the other two DPP-4 inhibitors and we can't even get tier three status on many major plans (regional) and you SUCK at getting on Medicare Part D Plans! What's with you people anyway!!!!!! Many Medicare age type 2's are especially prown to renal failure or renal impairment to some degree and YOU can't negotiate a good enough to get Tradjenta on more plans! Come on it's been a couple years already. My message sounds something like this...... Dr. For that ONE patient you have on this ONE plan........perhaps if you would negotiate better, we sales reps would sell more Tradjenta!!!!!!! You make me sick!!!!!

YOu make us sick, depending on formulary coverage to sell for you. Tradjenta sucks face it and layoffs will follow. Sorry reps+sorry drugs=sorry reps laid off

If Merck is in the lead it's because BI doesn't negotiate well for coverage regardless if we were third to market! Tradjenta is much better (especially in regards to safety) than Januvia. Tadjenta should be on most formularies due to renal/hepatic benefit.

We are "much better" in regards to safety? Be careful, you would not want our company getting fined for making unsubstantiated claims versus competitors

Tradjenta formulary coverage is challenging because managed care plans are getting a large rebate check from their Januvia scripts. Period. They do not want to risk that income. Period. Tradjenta is a better product but patients won't get it because middlemen are counting rebates they have done nothing for. Tradjenta will slowly erode Januvia but it will be a long haul...