Tradjenta contract

The bigger question is how much BI loses in NOT selling Tradjenta? Do we really want to be in the diabetes market?

Since BI doesn't like to be in the diabetes market and they don't think much about Tradjenta maybe you could sell Tradjenta off to Lilly for a low ball price! Apparently you think it has no value or your reps would sell it! Our B2b people will get it on more formularies!

How much "sales" does the average rep do on a daily basis anyway? None.... This industry has changed so much in the last 10 years that it truly is no more than a sample delivery and show a pretty picture to the doctor in 30 seconds.....20 seconds...... no wait..... 10 seconds.... then leave an inspirational message about how the world was changed in that period of time. Been there done that. Used to love the job. Loved it alot. Learn how to get a P.O. from a customer and truly sell because the days of the gravy train are over.
That's easy to figure out. Count the Tradjenta scripts.

Every single Tradjenta script is directly from sales, because there is no logical other reason for anyone to prescribe it otherwise.

That's easy to figure out. Count the Tradjenta scripts.

Every single Tradjenta script is directly from sales, because there is no logical other reason for anyone to prescribe it otherwise.

Drug formulary benefit design also 'sells' Tradjenta. Several plans have the competition blocked, so doctor's choice is limited. It's not just the sales reps out there pushing utilization.