More B.S..Ok then under 14/hr!
Just so all you whiney service reps know, a low earning sales rep is pulling in 20/hour. Maybe a rep with no experience and under 1 year tenure. Average reps are easily pulling in 30-40/hour. With top reps doing even much better. Hope to drive all the tractor trailer you want but the only way you will ever be worth that type of money is if you are working 120 hours per week. Even then you are still worth less than an average sales rep.
You commode/diaper sales reps (who get lucky occasionally and get an oxygen) make nothing like that.
With competitive bidding Rotech barely breaks even to start with, let alone pay a loser sales rep (like you see on YouTube) $40/hr.
The game is over. Medicare pays crap. You are a COMMODE salesman.