Town Hall

What are you talking about? This is the Dream Team that Camille built himself after ditching Staples, Nealon, Whitney, etc. because he thought they were too inept to run the business. Say what you will about the old regime but most of the new one has no sense of what this business is about and what it will take to succeed.

Spot on. The current crew IS loyal to the camel first and only. Which is why the current leaders blame everyone but themselves. Mens health is fine, auto pilot but the rest of the business is a mess.

all men's has to do is make product and show up, and we win. strategy smategy. its really a dinner here, a sponsorship there. easiest job ever and we win and they want us to change how we work with our customers who love us? would hate to be in the others as theres no way to succeed. men's health is ams and should be ams

protect your customers. hearing that mr red card wants to visit many of our big ipp docs this fall. we all know the clean up we have to do after his visits and that our sales take a hit. the sad irony is that we used to actually invite tony to our territories

protect your customers. hearing that mr red card wants to visit many of our big ipp docs this fall. we all know the clean up we have to do after his visits and that our sales take a hit. the sad irony is that we used to actually invite tony to our territories

Princess Camille likes to watch the female cases but knows that ipp is cash pig for us. Terrible in the field. A quota killer.

Princess Camille likes to watch the female cases but knows that ipp is cash pig for us. Terrible in the field. A quota killer.

the important thing is that he thinks he is relevant, not whether he watches me sell an IPP or pick up a bag of bagels to feed the office. This is a great part time job - dont f it up. He does wear too much perfume for my taste.

Princess Camille likes to watch the female cases but knows that ipp is cash pig for us. Terrible in the field. A quota killer.

I cant recall if Camille mentioned we were going to the auction block to be sold off like a piece of meat at the town hall meeting? Obviously he knew about Rihivs intent to dump us.

Heres something that wont be mentioned during the call is that everyone in my region is looking to leave.

I cant recall if Camille mentioned we were going to the auction block to be sold off like a piece of meat at the town hall meeting? Obviously he knew about Rihivs intent to dump us.

Heres something that wont be mentioned during the call is that everyone in my region is looking to leave.

Region? Try the whole company. Camille's email that this isn't something we should concern ourselves with only made it worse. If he really thought that, he wouldn't have responded so quickly over the weekend. He's hoping there isn't a mass exodus before he and Rajiv sell us off so our revenues don't fall any further.

Region? Try the whole company. Camille's email that this isn't something we should concern ourselves with only made it worse. If he really thought that, he wouldn't have responded so quickly over the weekend. He's hoping there isn't a mass exodus before he and Rajiv sell us off so our revenues don't fall any further.

There will be an exodus. This place is a joke. Thanks camille!

You're right. He's a total fake and everyone at HQ sees it and can't stand him. He trashes everything, every process, every employee, every product and every rep. Everyone laughs at him

Jamille owns this mess and yet he will be handsomely rewarded for destroying the business. The scuttle in the field is that the company will be broken apart. Look for the company to start slashing costs and reps. Q4 will be a bloodbath.

Rajiv envisions an Endo without AMS and yet given his history at Valeant and Endo and the history of acquistions and rajiv still cant sell AMS? Camille does not fundamentally understand urology. He is an accountant. A paper leader. He is a joke in front of customers and he envisions a company of camille followers. He demands personal loyalty above all else and when the poop hits the fan points the fingers outward rather than looking in the mirror.

Yep. 3 months before Rajov announces that AMS is finished as a part of endo.