Town Hall meeting

LM was a poor choice to begin with-- the folks in chocolate land should be held accountable for hiring someone who clearly had no understanding of company's business plus her work history clearly showed a big personal flaw. She was sure to fail -- many saw that the first week she was there. Too bad for the company. Hopefully some of the damage can be umdone.

Happy days are here again. We don't have to work, be accountable and can just sit around and gossip and get paid. Now we can restore our loser Prometheus spirit. Who wants a boss that expects you to get things done and win. Go somewhere else if you want to be successful. We have no room for success here. We are all losers and that is why we are still here.come join the fun.

you want to talk about success? look who we have researching our pipelines.

a bunch of bozos in research led by the almighty one.

can't wait till the shit literally hits the fan.

A company is nothing more than it's employees. If all of you posting are employees, no wonder it is going nowhere fast. I work for Nestlé in the US and you embarrass us for owning a company with such ignorance and bias.

Oh, I'll bet you do. Good old Nestlé Health Science. Trying to score some brownie points spying outside of your own dysfunctional little nest?