Ask anyone who knew her at Amgen or Onyx. this is someone who lucked her way into the C-suite.... when you look at her salary vs actual earnings and what she has done for shareholders --- it's pathetic
Ask anyone who knew her at Amgen or Onyx. this is someone who lucked her way into the C-suite.... when you look at her salary vs actual earnings and what she has done for shareholders --- it's pathetic
She is amazing we have to support anyone who can get as far as she has with so little talent. Most c suite exes are smart, charismatic or bother she is neither and look at where she has landed. That's what is so great about pharma, the rules of regularl businesss don't apply
Onyx folks thought she lucked out. She was there for only 1 year. Enough time to see that she isn't the brightest bulb and then she cashed out. It's better to be lucky than it is to be smart.
Obviously no one did there dilgence on her. She and her buddy lesli did their best to bring Amgen down. Simple Google search would see she had her hands all over the states vs. amgen. 700 plus million fine. Good job with hiring this one. Shows crime does pay.
Obviously no one did there dilgence on her. She and her buddy lesli did their best to bring Amgen down. Simple Google search would see she had her hands all over the states vs. amgen. 700 plus million fine. Good job with hiring this one. Shows crime does pay.
Ask anyone who knew her at Amgen or Onyx. this is someone who lucked her way into the C-suite.... when you look at her salary vs actual earnings and what she has done for shareholders --- it's pathetic
She’s the worst people leader I’ve ever seen. Struggles with the truth and an extreme micromanager. Never met a single person that enjoys working for her or on her teams