Topiramate XR

Currently selling in this market. Good luck selling this thing! Nothing novel about it. Doesn't matter what the doc thinks about this drug, managed care will make it difficult for patients to receive it. Neuro's could care less about these "me too" drugs anyways. If you need a job by all means go for it!

Please explain? Also remember 1st to market is everything

Not necessarily true. First to market can in some circumstances pave the way for the product behind it, especially if the newer version and company does a better job at promoting than the first. In fact, non-first to market products if executed well actually do better in the long run. It really depends on many factors. Regardless, it's going to be challenging.

And just what makes you think that this company is going to better promote than anyone else?

I have no reason to believe that it wouldn't. As a matter of fact, I believe that a company like USL, being new to the CNS space, would put a strong effort in succeeding with it's new division and it's first product launch in the space. I'm pretty sure a company that's been around for around a century doesn't start a new division just so it can fail. Do you believe that corporate isn't aware of the challenges that face us? Why don't you shed some light as to why you think this company wouldn't do just as good a job or better than any other company out there? Didn't they just specifically hire the right people with the right experience and in the right territories in order to succeed? Enlighten me, o pessimistic one.

You mean like Pacerone (Cordorone), Divigel (Vivelle), Altinac(Any Acne Med) or Trianex(Any Topical Corticosteroid). All of whom entered the USL portfolio with the impression of being a Market Leader because of another First to Market, Gold Standard Drug? Please tell me what the difference is "O Guru of USL"

I'm considering a position here and am wondering if doctors will appreciate the value of extended release Topiramate versus a generic version take 3(?) times a day? Also any idea on the cost/formulary coverage of this product? I want to weight the pros and cons of selling this medication. Thanks!

You mean Topamax, otherwise known as Dopamax? Terrible drug with terrible side effects.