Top GOP Leader Calls On Trump To Release Tax Returns

Debate questions for Mr. Trump:

1) What are you hiding in your Tax Returns?
"As a former IRS commissioner and practicing tax lawyer, I understand it may be inconvenient for Trump to release his tax returns but we all know -- and the IRS has confirmed -- that nothing prevents any of us from releasing our tax returns any time we want."- Fred Goldberg, who was appointed IRS chief counsel by President Ronald Reagan-

2) How much do you owe to foreign creditors? How that debt will affect your ability to protect American interests against foreign agendas?
(According to many sources Trump’s debt with investors in China and Russia is way over $650 million)

3) Where did Mr. Trump go?
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Debate questions for Mr. Trump:

1) What are you hiding in your Tax Returns?
"As a former IRS commissioner and practicing tax lawyer, I understand it may be inconvenient for Trump to release his tax returns but we all know -- and the IRS has confirmed -- that nothing prevents any of us from releasing our tax returns any time we want."- Fred Goldberg, who was appointed IRS chief counsel by President Ronald Reagan-

2) How much do you owe to foreign creditors? How that debt will affect your ability to protect American interests against foreign agendas?
(According to many sources Trump’s debt with investors in China and Russia is way over $650 million)

3) Where did Mr. Trump go?

When Hillary is in the debate stage with Trump, the last thing she wants is the conversation to turn to "hiding". She's got too much to hide, emails, Clinton Crime Family donations, Bengahzi, Wall Street speeches, the list goes on and on.

6) Get a JOB You lonely Political board FOOLS
7) Vote Trump
8) Spread Hate to Lyin Ted Cruz

Since there is no Lyin Ted Cruz we will direct the hat toward you, you fool.

And if you had a job you wouldn't have the time to waste coming on here to criticize others. You're an idiot, even if you are voting for Trump.

Hat ? You are an idiot. Your feminized pals on here are right. Im Retired sitting on $millions watching the lower class low info voters google all their answers. Horrible watching the same lame chumps digging each other ALL DAY AND WEEKEND ....................2 FUNNI INDEED
I WIN YOU LOSE.............AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!

When Hillary is in the debate stage with Trump, the last thing she wants is the conversation to turn to "hiding". She's got too much to hide, emails, Clinton Crime Family donations, Bengahzi, Wall Street speeches, the list goes on and on.

When Trump is on the debate stage with Hillary, the last thing he wants is the conversations to turn to "hiding". He's got to much to hide, Trump University, his Tax Returns, dealings with China and Russia, bankruptcies, the Florida AG scandal, the list goes on . . .

When Hillary is in the debate stage with Trump, the last thing she wants is the conversation to turn to "hiding". She's got too much to hide, emails, Clinton Crime Family donations, Bengahzi, Wall Street speeches, the list goes on and on.
AND the fact that she campaigns for one day, then rests for three. Her health is a HUGE ISSUE. Bigger than her cankles.

When Trump is on the debate stage with Hillary, the last thing he wants is the conversations to turn to "hiding". He's got to much to hide, Trump University, his Tax Returns, dealings with China and Russia, bankruptcies, the Florida AG scandal, the list goes on . . .

Petty things. Listen here Low Info Civilian stateside voter, Trump didn't jeopardize national security or cause the deaths of soldiers and compromise CIA operatives cover. MANY DIED already but you wont see or hear about it. Trust is now lost in field operations. Wake up This is supposed to be a political board and you yahoos are talking about petty laughable issues. Thats why i dont engage or post here much. The little "Click" party on here is laughable and when somebody new posts you insecure turds get all defensive SORRY YA's got nothing but each other. All 4 of you

Donnie - give us a break! We know you will NEVER release your tax returns - as Mitt Romney said, "there is something devastating in Donald Trump's tax returns" - you say no one is interested in your tax returns but American voters are! They want (and deserve) to know if you owe billions to Russian oligarchs since you, as president, would be dealing with the Russians - They want (and deserve) to know if you owe billions to the Bank of China since you would be dealing with China - they want (and deserve) to know if you are lying about making donations to veterans' organizations since most of those organizations can find no documentation of the claimed donations!
And that is precisely why you won't even release the tax returns from years you are not being audited - "devastating" - and YOU KNOW IT!

Donnie - give us a break! We know you will NEVER release your tax returns - as Mitt Romney said, "there is something devastating in Donald Trump's tax returns" - you say no one is interested in your tax returns but American voters are! They want (and deserve) to know if you owe billions to Russian oligarchs since you, as president, would be dealing with the Russians - They want (and deserve) to know if you owe billions to the Bank of China since you would be dealing with China - they want (and deserve) to know if you are lying about making donations to veterans' organizations since most of those organizations can find no documentation of the claimed donations!
And that is precisely why you won't even release the tax returns from years you are not being audited - "devastating" - and YOU KNOW IT!

Donnie - give us a break! We know you will NEVER release your tax returns - as Mitt Romney said, "there is something devastating in Donald Trump's tax returns" - you say no one is interested in your tax returns but American voters are! They want (and deserve) to know if you owe billions to Russian oligarchs since you, as president, would be dealing with the Russians - They want (and deserve) to know if you owe billions to the Bank of China since you would be dealing with China - they want (and deserve) to know if you are lying about making donations to veterans' organizations since most of those organizations can find no documentation of the claimed donations!
And that is precisely why you won't even release the tax returns from years you are not being audited - "devastating" - and YOU KNOW IT!

He also knows that he doesn't care to release his returns and there is nothing whining libtards can do about it.

If Trump were Up against someone other than Hillary who is concealing far more than he is, this might hurt him. As it is, it won't! Deal with it!

He also knows that he doesn't care to release his returns and there is nothing whining libtards can do about it.

If Trump were Up against someone other than Hillary who is concealing far more than he is, this might hurt him. As it is, it won't! Deal with it!

Keep telling yourself that, Idiot Boy - Meanwhile you are the ultimate hypocrite on this one - I can only imagine how many threads you would have started if Hillary refused to release her returns and gave the same lame excuse that Donne Darko has conservatards swallowing.

Not releasing his tax returns will prove to be one of the main reasons Donnie will lose the election. Hillary is going to hit him across the face with it during the debates and it is going to be priceless. She released her returns as did both VP candidates - What does Trump have to hide in his returns? I'll answer it for you, Idiot boy - LOTS!

Keep telling yourself that, Idiot Boy - Meanwhile you are the ultimate hypocrite on this one - I can only imagine how many threads you would have started if Hillary refused to release her returns and gave the same lame excuse that Donne Darko has conservatards swallowing.

Not releasing his tax returns will prove to be one of the main reasons Donnie will lose the election. Hillary is going to hit him across the face with it during the debates and it is going to be priceless. She released her returns as did both VP candidates - What does Trump have to hide in his returns? I'll answer it for you, Idiot boy - LOTS!

He's rolling the dice big time. He has nothing to lose and, as co-dictator of the world - along with Commie buddy Vlad, everything to gain as Emporer in Chief.