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Top 25 Left Wing Films-Don't pretend that Hollywood Libbies haven't been brainwashing

Conservative Independent Here


Here is the list with commentary and how Hollywood has brainwashed America with its libtard drivel. Don't get me wrong, many of these are good films, it is just the constant underlying current of libtard thinking that permeates through them. The last ten years of talk radio can't even touch this crap. This is why libtards from Hollywood to New York are so upset with talk radio, because they are undoing all the harmful ideas placed in the brains of citizens over 50 or more years.
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Re: Top 25 Left Wing Films-Don't pretend that Hollywood Libbies haven't been brainwas

CRH, I agree with you on about 90% of your posts, but this guy is off a little. I guess each film depicts social needs but they are very real stories, many based on true life. Norma Rae, for example, shows a great movie as to why unions were once needed to fight for the rights of workers. Just because they have become overbearing monoliths of power and complete control over a party doesn't remove the original need and why they were formed. Some of these count as the best movies of all time and force us to critically look at ourselves and society, the ugliness of wars, the abuses of powerful businesses, the destruction of the planet through toxic waste disposal. I don't see these as left wing unless we are to assume that all businesses are bad, that wars have no higher purpose, ever, and that without crippling legislation people would destroy the planet. Maybe it's in interpretation and whether you see these as great case studies of abuses instead of condemnations of the entire group portrayed.

Now you want to see blatantly left wing, catch the pilot of Harry's Law. I was so disappointed. I think Kathy Bates is an incredible actress and thought this might break from the standard legal drama fare. The pilot has her defending a local thug who provides 'protection' for local businesses, charging exhorbitant rates. They never get into this side of the story, though, and make him out to be a hero, providing protection for area businesses and so he shouldn't be convicted of his crime of shooting someone because it was just 'protection'. The other case was a student with 3 strikes for cocaine possession, but golly gee, he's just a kid who is struggling with addiction and he should have a chance to continue school and not go to jail. No explanation for his previous offenses and why going light on him this time will change things when it didn't help him with the prior two convictions. Worse, the jury finds him guilty but then the judge sentences him to rehab instead of jail even though it's his third strike. A really awful, moronic, liberal show with no depth into the arguments and rulings and no examination except how she is protecting and defending these poor souls who committed crimes but we need to absolve them anyway. I guess since she carries were supposed to think she's a right wing person!

Anyway, I don't equate social consciousness as liberal brainwashing.
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Re: Top 25 Left Wing Films-Don't pretend that Hollywood Libbies haven't been brainwas



But you guys go ahead and argue how films are brainwashing, while words and images from Fux News and radio entertainers doesn't.