Too Soon?

I am really worried about going out on June 15th. Our state is at an all time high for covid cases and hospitalizations. I am praying management will make the right decision to protect all of us a little longer. Please extend our work from home at least another 2 weeks! I have a family member who is at risk and I fear for their life as well as my own.

I am really worried about going out on June 15th. Our state is at an all time high for covid cases and hospitalizations. I am praying management will make the right decision to protect all of us a little longer. Please extend our work from home at least another 2 weeks! I have a family member who is at risk and I fear for their life as well as my own.

Really?..Are you really "worried" about contracting Covid, and dying?...Are you really that hopelessly naive, and brainwashed by the media?...Most likely you just know you suck as a sales rep, and your deficiencies in that area have been protected by the lockdown, and now you are about to get exposed -not to a virus, but by your own ineptitude.

Someone that is scared of corona virus and may be at risk has to be a bad sales rep ? The virus is real and not slowing down , especially
After all the protests and gathering . Offices and doctors that report not accepting reps and only doing telemedicine must be brainwashed and have a fake medical license .

Really?..Are you really "worried" about contracting Covid, and dying?...Are you really that hopelessly naive, and brainwashed by the media?...Most likely you just know you suck as a sales rep, and your deficiencies in that area have been protected by the lockdown, and now you are about to get exposed -not to a virus, but by your own ineptitude.

what hole have you been living in? covid is real and so it catching it. i guess you don't care about your grandmother or anyone with a preexisting condition. try having a ventilator stuck in your throat for a few weeks you insensitive twat. im glad you feel so confident but thats not the world we live in. you ignorant giant gaping asshole. your mother should've taught you better. eat a dick ya dumb shit.

Really?..Are you really "worried" about contracting Covid, and dying?...Are you really that hopelessly naive, and brainwashed by the media?...Most likely you just know you suck as a sales rep, and your deficiencies in that area have been protected by the lockdown, and now you are about to get exposed -not to a virus, but by your own ineptitude.

what hole have you been living in? covid is real and so is catching it. i guess you dont care about your grandmother or anyone with a preexisting condition. try having a ventilator stuck in your throat for a few weeks you ignorant insensitive asssss. im glad you feel so confident but thats not the world we live in. your mother shouldve taught you better. eat a d*ck ya dumb sh*t.

You folks insulting each other could have been in the same breakout at the most recent NSM, and role played with one and other. Now this? It’s usually the bullies who are really inept.

Really?..Are you really "worried" about contracting Covid, and dying?...Are you really that hopelessly naive, and brainwashed by the media?...Most likely you just know you suck as a sales rep, and your deficiencies in that area have been protected by the lockdown, and now you are about to get exposed -not to a virus, but by your own ineptitude.

quit being a bully. everyone should be kind to each other and also accept the reality that things are scary right now.

How about y'all put more effort into making appointments, sending emails, and conducting lunches rather than complaining. Also, quit the one sucks or is inept. We are all in this together so recognize you work for a great company and have a job. We are so lucky. Focus on the good.

Here’s the thing. Kowa took the government loan. They can’t lay us off for 24 months. Why did they do that? Obviously the ‘loan’, which does not need to be repaid is enough to easily cover our Salaries while Ben sits back and count RXs. It’s a win/win for Kowa and reps. Relax and enjoy the ride.

We have a virtual tool; what more would you like? Your DM is keeping score beginning today! Quit bitching ...”waaa, we need more virtual tools”...and get your ass out there!