Too Many Sales Reps?

Our manager has in the past threatened us with - hey our district is on the bottom - so when cuts are made, where do you think we will be. Our district is not on the very bottom, (not in the last 20% ) - so maybe a sizable cut is coming.

I laugh in the face of threats of cuts. We are the elite force.We are delta force,army rangers and navy seals all in one grand fighting force. We are the strong.We are simply the best. We are reps.I hear that our numbers are actually going to grow this year as our sales break all quotas and expectations.Join us if you have what it takes.Rep strong.Rep proud.

I laugh in the face of threats of cuts. We are the elite force.We are delta force,army rangers and navy seals all in one grand fighting force. We are the strong.We are simply the best. We are reps.I hear that our numbers are actually going to grow this year as our sales break all quotas and expectations.Join us if you have what it takes.Rep strong.Rep proud.

Oh man, I love it. Instead of making sure it is safe, you just dive head first into Lake Pfizer. That is so awesome. You rock...Will you come speak at our next IEM when we hear that we need to increase our sales calls by 10% per day so we can justify our worth to our RBU President?? I would love to hear your song and dance. What kind of pony rides do you offer when you speak to people? Just curious...

Could you just imagine how sales revenues would increase exponentially if they put all of the execs, DMs, RMs, SDs, marketing and brand teams in the field calling on the docs, instead of us?

Since we don't do shit in their eyes unless we do exactly as they say and command, then just think how incredible it would be if the experts implemented their wonderful ideas themselves?

I'd laugh at my own posting, but these assholes mentioned actually believe me. They wish they could clone themselves because they would definitely have 100% marketshare if we just did everything they said and think.

When a company is chock full of clowns like this, it is doomed to fail.

Bump - spoken like a rep that has been around the block.

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