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Too Far...

Why isn't WE2 protesting drag queen story hour? Drag queen story hour is as bigoted as dressing up in black face. Why is misappropriation of women ok with Amgen and WE2?

Why isn't WE2 protesting drag queen story hour? Drag queen story hour is as bigoted as dressing up in black face. Why is misappropriation of women ok with Amgen and WE2?
You’re an idiot. No one cares, dumbass. Most people are not obsessed with how other people choose to live their lives. Especially when that group is not hurting others. Grow up, pussy, your incessant grousing is not changing anything.

You’re an idiot. No one cares, dumbass. Most people are not obsessed with how other people choose to live their lives. Especially when that group is not hurting others. Grow up, pussy, your incessant grousing is not changing anything.
agree with most of what you said, but fact is there are factions of the group this IS hurting others, children. Do what you like, live how you like, stop trying to indoctrinate impressionable children.

agree with most of what you said, but fact is there are factions of the group this IS hurting others, children. Do what you like, live how you like, stop trying to indoctrinate impressionable children.
There are more priests hurting children than drag queens, but you idiots aren’t picketing communions. Try again because you’re full of shit. You want to be offended.

So do you wear your white pointed hood into your offices? I applaud Amgen for not standing up to homophobic, racist, ignorant, hypocritical morons like you.
I have zero problem with the book reading. I am considered a minority here, but it's people like you who are the race problem in this country. No one in TO wears a white hood and yet you use it every time someone has any diversity of opinion. you are the race problem.

As someone that was excited to be making the move from Horizon to Amgen I'm now disappointed that Amgen has so many libtards. Is it wrong that as a white male I identify with every company I work for as hispanic? Why be a king when you can be a god....

Are you an idiot?? Where does it show that more priests abuse children than drag queens. I agree about the priests in general but show me proof of your argument
You can’t refute it because it’s true. That’s the information that you get because there aren’t millions of dollars in payouts because of drag queens. This is the internet, moron, do your own search. There are a lot more hits on you sickos than drag queens going after kids. Thanks for playing, dumbass. The kids will be safer at the story hour, Cardinal.

You can’t refute it because it’s true. That’s the information that you get because there aren’t millions of dollars in payouts because of drag queens. This is the internet, moron, do your own search. There are a lot more hits on you sickos than drag queens going after kids. Thanks for playing, dumbass. The kids will be safer at the story hour, Cardinal.
Yet you still didn’t prove it! Who are you? What division?

You can’t refute it because it’s true. That’s the information that you get because there aren’t millions of dollars in payouts because of drag queens. This is the internet, moron, do your own search. There are a lot more hits on you sickos than drag queens going after kids. Thanks for playing, dumbass. The kids will be safer at the story hour, Cardinal.
typical lefty here, zero facts to back up statements they make. when called on it, they insist they are right until you prove otherwise. When most people make an argument, they bring facts, data to back it up.

typical lefty here, zero facts to back up statements they make. when called on it, they insist they are right until you prove otherwise. When most people make an argument, they bring facts, data to back it up.
Typical idiotic far-right-nut-job that can’t admit when a point is salient. The position is set. You can’t admit the truth. You support abuse as long as the person reads from the “good book. There is an epidemic of abuse in the church. France estimated over 215,000 cases within the past 70 years, and yet, you idiots couldn’t wait to donate to restore Notre Dame. You are out of your league, bigot. I understand that it’s difficult when you are forced to use extemporaneous thoughts or your ad hominems don’t land. Unfortunately for you, I’m conservative, this is internet, and an anonymous bigot’s inability to effectuate change is amusing. Chase my laser pointer, kitten.

Again, there are more priests hurting children than drag queens, but you idiots aren’t picketing communions.

Typical idiotic far-right-nut-job that can’t admit when a point is salient. The position is set. You can’t admit the truth. You support abuse as long as the person reads from the “good book. There is an epidemic of abuse in the church. France estimated over 215,000 cases within the past 70 years, and yet, you idiots couldn’t wait to donate to restore Notre Dame. You are out of your league, bigot. I understand that it’s difficult when you are forced to use extemporaneous thoughts or your ad hominems don’t land. Unfortunately for you, I’m conservative, this is internet, and an anonymous bigot’s inability to effectuate change is amusing. Chase my laser pointer, kitten.

Again, there are more priests hurting children than drag queens, but you idiots aren’t picketing communions.
thanks for proving my point...lot of words, ZERO data/facts

We stopped having any innovation in the development of life saving drugs many years ago. We are under the control of a banker, so now we just try to buy other companies doing the work. As a result, there is no future, therefore our Sr Leadeship have to find shit like this to be innovators
True. I got a new job with 40% more pay. It has no future because of the extinction on the new drug discovery. Fate of sodom and gomorrah for it and this country.