Told conmed no in an interview because you suck


40k base + 4k in commission per month for 6 months then your on your own for commission. then depending on your performance you can get a slightly higher base salary after a 6 month review of performance. + The territory is large. This is terrible. So I'm supposed to run around in a large territory which will take up all my time for roughly 88-95k for the year.ANNNDD drive my own car around and beat it to shit. Forget you conmed, improve your products and improve your comp and successful sales individuals as my self would consider working for you.

40k base + 4k in commission per month for 6 months then your on your own for commission. then depending on your performance you can get a slightly higher base salary after a 6 month review of performance. + The territory is large. This is terrible. So I'm supposed to run around in a large territory which will take up all my time for roughly 88-95k for the year.ANNNDD drive my own car around and beat it to shit. Forget you conmed, improve your products and improve your comp and successful sales individuals as my self would consider working for you.

Your full of shit! Like you didn't know what the comp plan, etc was before interviewing for the job. You just didn't get the offer you Loser!!!

40k base + 4k in commission per month for 6 months then your on your own for commission. then depending on your performance you can get a slightly higher base salary after a 6 month review of performance. + The territory is large. This is terrible. So I'm supposed to run around in a large territory which will take up all my time for roughly 88-95k for the year.ANNNDD drive my own car around and beat it to shit. Forget you conmed, improve your products and improve your comp and successful sales individuals as my self would consider working for you.[/QUOTE

Good for you. Go find something better. Fact is a 64k guarantee for the first 6 months while you learn the business and/or your territory ain't bad; especially if you're just breaking into the business. If you are a seasoned veteran, why in the hell did you apply and interview in the first place?

where do you get 64k for 6 months? this why you work for conmed because your a moron. 6 months is 44k. For the size of the territory and that I would be driving my own car racking on a shit ton of miles ANNNDD waking up crack ass early thats not worth it...

where do you get 64k for 6 months? this why you work for conmed because your a moron. 6 months is 44k. For the size of the territory and that I would be driving my own car racking on a shit ton of miles ANNNDD waking up crack ass early thats not worth it...'re the moron and clearly unable to do simple arithmetic. As the original post stated, your ALLEGED offer was: "40K base + 4K in commission per month, for 6 months, then you"re on your own for commission." So let me help you with this slow poke...

*4k in commission for the first 6 months (4x6) = 24K
* Add your 40K base for the first 6 months to the 24K in commissions (40K+24K)
* Your total (base + commission) for the first 6 months (not the entire year) = 64K

Lastly, dude...PHUCK OFF. Nobody gives 2 shyts about why you ALLEGEDLY turned down an offer. If you really had options you would have never interviewed with Conmed in the first place. So either you have little talent or didn't do your homework on the company: Either're a douche. Case closed.

40k base + 4k in commission per month for 6 months then your on your own for commission. then depending on your performance you can get a slightly higher base salary after a 6 month review of performance. + The territory is large. This is terrible. So I'm supposed to run around in a large territory which will take up all my time for roughly 88-95k for the year.ANNNDD drive my own car around and beat it to shit. Forget you conmed, improve your products and improve your comp and successful sales individuals as my self would consider working for you.

Yep you're a douche. You didn't like what the company had to offer. Cool. Go somewhere else. It really is that simple. Why did you feel the need to start a thread on why you turned down said job offer? Was this the first time you ever had to turn down an offer? If you're such a "successful individual" shouldn't you have other offers on the table? I honestly don't get it. What were you attempting to accomplishment by posting this thread?'re the moron and clearly unable to do simple arithmetic. As the original post stated, your ALLEGED offer was: "40K base + 4K in commission per month, for 6 months, then you"re on your own for commission." So let me help you with this slow poke...

*4k in commission for the first 6 months (4x6) = 24K
* Add your 40K base for the first 6 months to the 24K in commissions (40K+24K)
* Your total (base + commission) for the first 6 months (not the entire year) = 64K

Lastly, dude...PHUCK OFF. Nobody gives 2 shyts about why you ALLEGEDLY turned down an offer. If you really had options you would have never interviewed with Conmed in the first place. So either you have little talent or didn't do your homework on the company: Either're a douche. Case closed.

Actually, the 40k is the annual salary. So, the offer is only a guarantee of 44k for 6 months.

But thanks for trying...

Just immagine how many Companies there are reselling their products and not even shipping them out of US, or reimporting them even.
South America is the big game in this. Those Companies are either stupid or they want to be so. They would only have to put stickers NOT FOR SALE IN US and it's done to see who really sells in abroad or reimports.

40k base + 4k in commission per month for 6 months then your on your own for commission. then depending on your performance you can get a slightly higher base salary after a 6 month review of performance. + The territory is large. This is terrible. So I'm supposed to run around in a large territory which will take up all my time for roughly 88-95k for the year.ANNNDD drive my own car around and beat it to shit. Forget you conmed, improve your products and improve your comp and successful sales individuals as my self would consider working for you.

Good for you.

So many companies today think that we should be begging to work for them, and they are full of it.

Add the stress they put us through, and you have a terrible situation.

Network and wait for the right situation. That is the way to go.

What a hoot.............these little whiny shits with their worthless college degrees in phys ed, expect to make 150K a year for just fogging a mirrior...........If you have not noticed, Obama has nationalized healthcare...axe your self how many reps any device company has in Canada, and you might be greatful to make 40k....get ur shovels ready for those shovel ready jobs....they pay 40 k, less the cost of your shovel and union dues....

Your comment is the best & true. Just how much medical device/OR experience does this person really have when posting complaints about 'driving around a large area & getting up EARLY!' There are plenty of people who sincerely want to work & are good @ this profession. This guy needs to get over himself. If he does find the bling he's looking for, he won't last, as the doctors & staff will catch on quick. They know how he's paid & won't want to give him ANYTHING - HA HA.

What a hoot.............these little whiny shits with their worthless college degrees in phys ed, expect to make 150K a year for just fogging a mirrior...........If you have not noticed, Obama has nationalized healthcare...axe your self how many reps any device company has in Canada, and you might be greatful to make 40k....get ur shovels ready for those shovel ready jobs....they pay 40 k, less the cost of your shovel and union dues....

The original poster is a douche, but let's clear up your misinformation. One, Obama didn't 'nationalize healthcare'. Two. Device companies have tonnes of reps in Canada making well into the 6 figures.

I just interviewed with a guy from CONMED (associate-entry level pos.) who thought he was a fukn doctor. Cringed at the word "Sales" continued to rip on people in pharma sales. Used a very condescending tone towards me because "I knew nothing about med sales" which wasn't even discussed. I was promoted heavily by recruiter after phone conversation because of my professional background and wonderful phone conversation. He was very direspectful in a condascending way using giggles and hollow perceptions. I barely said 2 words! CONMED preaches "join our team" "we will train you" "Athletic backgrounds a plus." This guy was the absolute opposite!! He shunned at my resume refuting my Master's of Science degree from an accredited school. I asked him about "Team".. he didn't acknowledge. I asked him about a product.. He rambled on about working hands on with Harvard doctors. I mean.. the position payed 40k with no benefits which is terrible when viewed next to their competitors. He told me maybe come back in a year... dafuq? I was in a good job stemming from a great career in sports making 80k just trying to get my foot in door with med sales. Dude was a GRADE A Jerkoff. I called the recruiter right after and played her a recording of our interview (yes i voice recorded the whole thing on my phone to diagnose it after). She was very apologetic and dissapointed for me. An hour passed an the man (DICTATOR) cowardly called me for a ride along!? I laughed and said "No thanks, your company does not have the culture and teamwork success I am looking for." Clearly the recruiter gave him the 3rd degree about how he represented himself and the company. Absolute disaster. Then I read the reviews on CONMED and realized how fowl of a reputation they have. No surprise. Anyway.. got hired by Stryker about 1 month after. The hiring process was challenging but fun and rewarding. CONMED is a joke and that dude can suk on a phat one. His name is......