Today's Devastating Conference Call

I agree, energy is over folks. Nobody wants to sell it. If I could find another job tomorrow I would be gone, the only problem is when I tell employers that I was in the top 50 but only 100% of plan, they always hire the guys from other companies that were 120% of plan. I hate my job, I hate this company, and furthermore I hate my boss! But I guess I will continue to stay and get my $130,000 while I play golf everyday!

Could be worse! Be thankful you are employed right now.. Others, like me , just got the shaft from this crew in another division so management can make their bonuses

does anyone know if anyone from the neuro division was affected?
What a joke! "I am excited to make this announcement today!". How callus, Chris!

We new this was coming when Hansen, Berry and Howell came over! All are hatchet men with 1 agenda. Get rid of the old EMID people and replace with Ebd people. Hybrid has been a disaster. Look at the rankings. This was planned before the Hercules project was announced. "A few people have been eliminated?" "Significant level of excitement from management". What crack pipe are you hitting? How many of the EMID managers are excited when most will be jobless come Oct?

Interviewing for your positions? Another year of bs changes by placing many people from EMID on plans for no reason other than to move them out so that Covidien will not have to pay a severance or allow them to move divisions and stay on with the company. Shame. Shame, Covidien!

Endovenous is getting hit this week. Parts of marketing, sales, and PACE are getting their pink slips this week. Reprocessing kicked their butts!

I've worked for a reprocessing company for the past 4 years, even though they are taking a lot of business away, I would never go back and work with them again, after everything I've learned.

vascular solutions is in for a shock when covidien comes out with a remanufactured catheter. VS can go back to selling gauze pads and old laser technology. What a joke that company is

vascular solutions is in for a shock when covidien comes out with a remanufactured catheter. VS can go back to selling gauze pads and old laser technology. What a joke that company is

Docs aren't goint to go back to paying north of 1K for a catheter, they'll move on down the road without us. Most of them are pissed at us anyway now for bending them over a barrell for the past five years....