To Our NA President Mr. Hudson


AZ Diabetes is going down fast. BJ Jones design of ESS is a loose cannon. Their response to the shitty sales in the ESS customer base is more activity. ESS (bless them) because they are clinically sound, they just cannot sell. Last I checked, we are a sales force not an MSL want to be group of people.
ESS is protected because of Snookie and BJ. Meanwhile, your top talent in BMS Legacy and AZ are leaving. The true top performers are leaving or planning on leaving, because of the bullying that ESS is doing from rep to Snookie.
It's a shame because when there was no ESS, sales were good. Now, not only is ESS not performing, they are losing business.
Mr. Hudson, if you are going to keep ESS around, please remove their numbers from DSS. Pfizer is going to come after us again because what could be a stellar sales force is being quickly drowned by ESS. Their activity may increase sales, because they also bully their customers, sales will go down again. It's a shit ass cycle.
Please save the Diabetes division from these mongrels.


AZ Diabetes is going down fast. BJ Jones design of ESS is a loose cannon. Their response to the shitty sales in the ESS customer base is more activity. ESS (bless them) because they are clinically sound, they just cannot sell. Last I checked, we are a sales force not an MSL want to be group of people.
ESS is protected because of Snookie and BJ. Meanwhile, your top talent in BMS Legacy and AZ are leaving. The true top performers are leaving or planning on leaving, because of the bullying that ESS is doing from rep to Snookie.
It's a shame because when there was no ESS, sales were good. Now, not only is ESS not performing, they are losing business.
Mr. Hudson, if you are going to keep ESS around, please remove their numbers from DSS. Pfizer is going to come after us again because what could be a stellar sales force is being quickly drowned by ESS. Their activity may increase sales, because they also bully their customers, sales will go down again. It's a shit ass cycle.
Please save the Diabetes division from these mongrels.
While you are at it Paul, you need to clean house in our managed markets department. It is time to clear out the dead wood that is over paid, under worked, and skilled at cheating on expenses and traveling for personal reasons on the company dime.

While you are at it Paul, you need to clean house in our managed markets department. It is time to clear out the dead wood that is over paid, under worked, and skilled at cheating on expenses and traveling for personal reasons on the company dime.
Paul, Show some of that initiative you are always talking about, and request a simple audit on the travel, expenses, and activities of the account directors. You will be shocked at what you uncover. Ask any PSS because we all know what is going on.

AZ Diabetes is going down fast. BJ Jones design of ESS is a loose cannon. Their response to the shitty sales in the ESS customer base is more activity. ESS (bless them) because they are clinically sound, they just cannot sell. Last I checked, we are a sales force not an MSL want to be group of people.
ESS is protected because of Snookie and BJ. Meanwhile, your top talent in BMS Legacy and AZ are leaving. The true top performers are leaving or planning on leaving, because of the bullying that ESS is doing from rep to Snookie.
It's a shame because when there was no ESS, sales were good. Now, not only is ESS not performing, they are losing business.
Mr. Hudson, if you are going to keep ESS around, please remove their numbers from DSS. Pfizer is going to come after us again because what could be a stellar sales force is being quickly drowned by ESS. Their activity may increase sales, because they also bully their customers, sales will go down again. It's a shit ass cycle.
Please save the Diabetes division from these mongrels.


AZ Diabetes is going down fast. BJ Jones design of ESS is a loose cannon. Their response to the shitty sales in the ESS customer base is more activity. ESS (bless them) because they are clinically sound, they just cannot sell. Last I checked, we are a sales force not an MSL want to be group of people.
ESS is protected because of Snookie and BJ. Meanwhile, your top talent in BMS Legacy and AZ are leaving. The true top performers are leaving or planning on leaving, because of the bullying that ESS is doing from rep to Snookie.
It's a shame because when there was no ESS, sales were good. Now, not only is ESS not performing, they are losing business.
Mr. Hudson, if you are going to keep ESS around, please remove their numbers from DSS. Pfizer is going to come after us again because what could be a stellar sales force is being quickly drowned by ESS. Their activity may increase sales, because they also bully their customers, sales will go down again. It's a shit ass cycle.
Please save the Diabetes division from these mongrels.


Paul, Show some of that initiative you are always talking about, and request a simple audit on the travel, expenses, and activities of the account directors. You will be shocked at what you uncover. Ask any PSS because we all know what is going on.
The waste and corruption within the Managed Care team is unbelievable. Some of them have been cheating on travel and expenses for so long that it doesn't seem like a crime to them any longer. It has become a way of life within this group. Unnecessary travel tied to personal trips and extended vacations and holidays. Personal meals charged as business, even catered personal parties or family events. Come on Paul, show some balls and look into this mess because it is a huge morale issue to us.

The waste and corruption within the Managed Care team is unbelievable. Some of them have been cheating on travel and expenses for so long that it doesn't seem like a crime to them any longer. It has become a way of life within this group. Unnecessary travel tied to personal trips and extended vacations and holidays. Personal meals charged as business, even catered personal parties or family events. Come on Paul, show some balls and look into this mess because it is a huge morale issue to us.
He should fire them all and start over with 8 at the most and let the CBDs and RSDs handle the rest.

The waste and corruption within the Managed Care team is unbelievable. Some of them have been cheating on travel and expenses for so long that it doesn't seem like a crime to them any longer. It has become a way of life within this group. Unnecessary travel tied to personal trips and extended vacations and holidays. Personal meals charged as business, even catered personal parties or family events. Come on Paul, show some balls and look into this mess because it is a huge morale issue to us.
Big changes in leadership coming to the managed markets team and the people they are placing there will have a very low tolerance for the corrupt, backstabbing, and brown nosing culture within managed care. There will be some disgusting displays of sucking up but it won't save these leeches this time. There will be many announcements coming soon. It is about time.

Has nothing to do with weight loss in a pill vs. an injection right? Just your ESS sucks. If your so great then how come your not an ESS??? Jackass

You said it! You are exactly right, it is all about weight loss in a pill vs weight loss in an injection!
You are a brilliant ESS!
So if it is all about weight loss in a pill----what do we need you for?

You said it! You are exactly right, it is all about weight loss in a pill vs weight loss in an injection!
You are a brilliant ESS!
So if it is all about weight loss in a pill----what do we need you for?

To educate docs on the difference btw the 2 patient types. Face it DSS is not moving the business so instead they chose to blame ESS instead of spending time in their own offices. ESS gets paid on your docs and none of us complain. It's a two way street moron

You said it! You are exactly right, it is all about weight loss in a pill vs weight loss in an injection!
You are a brilliant ESS!
So if it is all about weight loss in a pill----what do we need you for?

To pick up the slack for your 10-2 lazy makes me laugh that all DSS are sucking ass and they blame ESS instead of worrying about their own docs.

AZ Diabetes is going down fast. BJ Jones design of ESS is a loose cannon. Their response to the shitty sales in the ESS customer base is more activity. ESS (bless them) because they are clinically sound, they just cannot sell. Last I checked, we are a sales force not an MSL want to be group of people.
ESS is protected because of Snookie and BJ. Meanwhile, your top talent in BMS Legacy and AZ are leaving. The true top performers are leaving or planning on leaving, because of the bullying that ESS is doing from rep to Snookie.
It's a shame because when there was no ESS, sales were good. Now, not only is ESS not performing, they are losing business.
Mr. Hudson, if you are going to keep ESS around, please remove their numbers from DSS. Pfizer is going to come after us again because what could be a stellar sales force is being quickly drowned by ESS. Their activity may increase sales, because they also bully their customers, sales will go down again. It's a shit ass cycle.
Please save the Diabetes division from these mongrels.

This is spot on. Whoever wrote this gets "it." That is rare these days with AZ.
Take it to heart, if you still have one upper management.

To educate docs on the difference btw the 2 patient types. Face it DSS is not moving the business so instead they chose to blame ESS instead of spending time in their own offices. ESS gets paid on your docs and none of us complain. It's a two way street moron

Your post is a complaint.
And you just said is yourself "to educate docs", you did not say to SELL to docs. So you see yourself as an educator of physicians not a salesperson. An ESS does not make an MSL. If you want to be an MSL go back to school and earn it.
You stupid moron.

To pick up the slack for your 10-2 lazy makes me laugh that all DSS are sucking ass and they blame ESS instead of worrying about their own docs.

We will see how your theory pans out - when all the dead weight endos are removed from DSS data.
At least half of ESS endos are not doing shit so many DSS territories have to absorb these anchors in a pool of doctors with much lower volume.
The EaSS has the whole pool of large volume so the big volume anchors do not drag you down as much. Simple statistics.
You stupid moron.
Generate a national report with all ESS targets then subtract the ones you are bribing (the speakers). That will give the best indicator of how the EaSS are doing. Then drill down and do this at a territory level.
Make sure to take out the doctors you are BRIBING- by guaranteeing them so many talks a month.
And you call yourself an educator?
Bribery and lies.
You pathetic moron.

We will see how your theory pans out - when all the dead weight endos are removed from DSS data.
At least half of ESS endos are not doing shit so many DSS territories have to absorb these anchors in a pool of doctors with much lower volume.
The EaSS has the whole pool of large volume so the big volume anchors do not drag you down as much. Simple statistics.
You stupid moron.
Generate a national report with all ESS targets then subtract the ones you are bribing (the speakers). That will give the best indicator of how the EaSS are doing. Then drill down and do this at a territory level.
Make sure to take out the doctors you are BRIBING- by guaranteeing them so many talks a month.
And you call yourself an educator?
Bribery and lies.
You pathetic moron.

Bribing??? Ummmmmm.......aren't you doing programs as well? Probably not bc your a lazy ass DSS....

Your post is a complaint.
And you just said is yourself "to educate docs", you did not say to SELL to docs. So you see yourself as an educator of physicians not a salesperson. An ESS does not make an MSL. If you want to be an MSL go back to school and earn it.
You stupid moron.

How can you sell if you don't educate? Who's the moron now....??