To managers fantasizing about field time while northbrook sleep in

Who will coach and develop you into a better rep? Who will ALWAYS find some stupid nothing to ding you with something negative?
Most were clowns as reps and still clowns as managers. They’ve always been glorified babysitters and paper pushers, but with all the technology that eliminates the paper they are not needed in the numbers we have. 1 manager for 25 reps would be sufficient for what they really do, which is next to nothing.

"manager for 25 reps would be sufficient for what they really do, which is next to nothing"

A (to the) men!

Seriously though, why are we in the field when our partners are not?!

They need Spec and PCP reps in the field to pay the bills for those 500 reps. HR can't let 150 Oncology reps stay home like Pfizer and Seattle Genetics, while 500 reps are forced to possibly get exposed. Talk about a lawsuit! Besides Pfizer laid off their non-oncology force that sold Xt. That's always an option for us to.