TLL salary

Why are you asking? There are no open positions. TLLs work their asses off here so not sure the above poster knows what they are talking about. Clearly they have no clue all the crap that needs to get done to build a speaker bureau which the MSLs have Zero to do with. That is not their job. It’s the TLLs.
They have to train one or two speakers at most. Poor babies

our TLL is a nightmare from hell...overzealous ...wants to be a sales manager so overtakes every conversation on a conference call and constantly seeking for attention...the only good thing about her is that she does patient programs where she gets to meet with patients and then reports back to which dr. is that patient seeing to the ram so the ram can go talk to the dr about the patient who needs to start on soliris! helps grow market share!

What I can’t stand anymore are Alexion posts on LI about compliance and women and rate disease. Are you kidding me with that? This shitbox company cares about one thing and it ain’t any of the above. And you idiots who “like” the posts?

I know first hand that the TTL position is a joke. I know a Pfizer rep turned Biogen rep fraudulently influencing providers with every illegal pharmaceutical tactic that has already been discussed. She lead Pfizer based out of Wayland ma “selling” Trovan, which has been linked to countless deaths. She is now a TTL for this company, deceiving and doing off label and unethical marketing of rare disease pharmaceuticals. I encourage industry leaders to look at the ethics and morals of these overpaid “ leaders” who are considered TTLS that make so much $$ for deceiving and promoting illegal practices.

I know first hand that the TTL position is a joke. I know a Pfizer rep turned Biogen rep fraudulently influencing providers with every illegal pharmaceutical tactic that has already been discussed. She lead Pfizer based out of Wayland ma “selling” Trovan, which has been linked to countless deaths. She is now a TTL for this company, deceiving and doing off label and unethical marketing of rare disease pharmaceuticals. I encourage industry leaders to look at the ethics and morals of these overpaid “ leaders” who are considered TTLS that make so much $$ for deceiving and promoting illegal practices.

Take your first hand knowledge and shove it up your ass. That is how stuff works at every company. If you don't like it get out of the industry. You must be a women named Karen. And TLL's are under the microscope with how we interact with your customers. It isn't the wild wild west you twat.

Agreed. Medical science liaisons are dumb, lazy, never leave home, have zero relationships, and whine like babies to try to get someone to take them into an office. Biggest waste of money in the entire industry

TLL is the single most overhyped role in the organization. They attend every conference, speaker training, RBD meeting and ad board they possibly can to show they are working. Then they check in with the MSL so they can parrot back talking points from providers and make it seem like they actually spoke to a physician. Double or triple count the "engagements" and presto, they become a vital resource. What a joke.
The joke is that you sound like a disgruntled MSL who couldn’t cut it doing TLL work…

Not a position I would take. There are too many of them. The bigger problem is that they do nothing to help in the field. They work approx. 4-7 hours a week (seriously, they don’t work); they don’t collaborate with the RAM/IAMs unless the RAM/IAM begs them (and even then they take forever to reply). That role is NOT sustainable “as is”. That can’t fill a 40hr work week. AZ is going to decrease their number. We don’t need that many.

Not a position I would take. There are too many of them. The bigger problem is that they do nothing to help in the field. They work approx. 4-7 hours a week (seriously, they don’t work); they don’t collaborate with the RAM/IAMs unless the RAM/IAM begs them (and even then they take forever to reply). That role is NOT sustainable “as is”. That can’t fill a 40hr work week. AZ is going to decrease their number. We don’t need that many.

this is pretty spot on. There’s way too many TLL’s. Not that anything is happening soon. LH actually thinks they do something. Trust me they don’t. JC the director is the worst leader ever and the team can’t stand him. But since he doesn’t ever call them or bother them they make due. My TLL has diarrhea of the mouth and tells me everything. Job is the best if they can keep it the way it is. But it’s such a nonsense roll that their number will come up sooner than later.

So much whining about liking or disliking leaders. Easy to talk junk about leaders and if HR is dumb enough to listen to it well there you go. Y’all trying to topple someone so you can take their place.

I’m interviewing for a TLL position at another company with a similarly paid salesforce. I’m currently in the 160- 175 range as rep. Realistically what should I be asking for if I move to TLL given that I’ll be losing the quarterly bonus and moving to the annual company bonus. This is considered a lateral move but it carries more responsibility and a bigger geography with higher leverage situations. I have a number in my heads but I have no idea if I’m high or low

thanks in advance.