Careful. The company that will never be a legitimate player, might be your future employer.
What makes you think I'm only familiar with one company? How many patents does Titan hold now? 6? 8? I actually think it might be 7. Impressive collection for a premier engineering staff. Titan is spending $5.5M a year in research and development. ISI spends $40M a quarter. You know what that money buys? Superior engineering talent and the means to create amazing technology. wake up!
There will be competition in the market - it just won't come from Canada. ISI is so far ahead of Titan it is ridiculous. And if you think ISI couldn't manufacture a <$1M robot as per Titan's plans (plans should be underlined), you are completely kidding yourself. Wake up!
Your stock portfolio is clouding your judgement, and you would be wise to view Titan with a more critical eye. They're a bug on the windshield and might have been relevant if they would have entered the market 5-7 years ago.
Wake up ass wipe!
The following is worth looking at:
That's because your surgeons don't have the skill to do a 3 port chole. They are done routinely.
That's because your surgeons don't have the skill to do a 3 port chole. They are done routinely.
For the children on the last two posts. If they are your targets... they are your surgeons. If they are your friends, they are your surgeons. Did I train them in residency? Some. Do I work in a city where MY surgeons are more experienced than most? Yes. I am NOT trying to take a procedure and make it more difficult... If you could read past a 3rd grade level, you would see that was NOT implied. However, I DO believe there is little benefit doing it lap vs robotic. You can argue herniation rate vs. closure (that's closing technique for all the EES reps out there), you can argue firefly to I.d. ducts, you can argue price and the "holy grail" of presentations... constructed by the marketing team claiming that the quality of insurance you receive will increase based on robotic chole (those at ISI know what presentation I am referencing - every freaking role play.... Over and over). Of course shoved down your throats by the MTs of the world. Truth if the matter...
1. No benefit that has any long term study. Except increased herniation with Single Site.
2. Firefly will not replace IOC. And sorry ISI, the crap you sell vs what a hospital carries, mind you a 400% mark up on the ISI side is EXACTLY the same: ICG
3. Si vs Xi... Yes, we have reinvented the wheel with cup holders, and nothing from the old robot fits, so guess what? Pony up 300K for instruments. Next time a hospital administrator complains about an extra clip applier.... lol.
4. Probably the most disturbing truth... whipping your teams and treating them like slaves) at ISI will work and will only end when you don't have someone desperate enough to take a job that has a 300% turnover rate. The new ISI university where people (if the company sees them as people... more like commodities) are now "officially developed" is complete crap. Ask anyone whose gone to one.
For the children on the last two posts. If they are your targets... they are your surgeons. If they are your friends, they are your surgeons. Did I train them in residency? Some. Do I work in a city where MY surgeons are more experienced than most? Yes. I am NOT trying to take a procedure and make it more difficult... If you could read past a 3rd grade level, you would see that was NOT implied. However, I DO believe there is little benefit doing it lap vs robotic. You can argue herniation rate vs. closure (that's closing technique for all the EES reps out there), you can argue firefly to I.d. ducts, you can argue price and the "holy grail" of presentations... constructed by the marketing team claiming that the quality of insurance you receive will increase based on robotic chole (those at ISI know what presentation I am referencing - every freaking role play.... Over and over). Of course shoved down your throats by the MTs of the world. Truth if the matter...
1. No benefit that has any long term study. Except increased herniation with Single Site.
2. Firefly will not replace IOC. And sorry ISI, the crap you sell vs what a hospital carries, mind you a 400% mark up on the ISI side is EXACTLY the same: ICG
3. Si vs Xi... Yes, we have reinvented the wheel with cup holders, and nothing from the old robot fits, so guess what? Pony up 300K for instruments. Next time a hospital administrator complains about an extra clip applier.... lol.
4. Probably the most disturbing truth... whipping your teams and treating them like slaves) at ISI will work and will only end when you don't have someone desperate enough to take a job that has a 300% turnover rate. The new ISI university where people (if the company sees them as people... more like commodities) are now "officially developed" is complete crap. Ask anyone whose gone to one.
You have to be biggest tool I have ever read on this board..So you trained surgeons in residency.. I am assuming the few hours they spent on the robot.. gave them the great surgical skills they have today?...Do you realize how much of a douche you sound like? You have nothing to do with YOUR surgeons ability to do a 3 port chole, don't kid yourself and dont brag on them like you are special or somthing. Also, If you can read this blog above a third grade level you will see that it was implied that TITAN medical would be making an easy procedure more difficult for the majority by expecting them to go from 3 instruments and a camera down to 2. Then you went on some psycho babble about ISI which has nothing to do with the original comment. Relax bro..