Tissue Regeneration Sales Rep

Interesting. Received a call from HR today. Asking questions about JT. Looks like the third LC VP manager is about to join his buddies. What a joke of a division. Let me offer some advice, stop hiring LC scum.

The health insurance at this company really does suck. I don’t understand why a company this large can’t provide better health insurance benefits to employees. Can someone please explain this to me?

JT- please quit and go work with your butt buddy Kurt the destroyer of careers. The rumor is you two had a nice Reunion a few weeks ago. What would your wife think if she knew the truth.

WOW!!!! Is it True??? Did they close the door on the tissue guys??? What happened? Did JT the former LC dirt bag drop the ball? No problem-I bet KK will hire him. He really really likes you JT!!!
This is the best decision the owners have ever made. We are a better company without this division.

JP hired 3 former Life Cell employees for the VP role in the tissue division-WHY? The worst of the 3 was KK.
KURT KNAB is now the VP of sales at Evolus. I have been told that the company is in serious trouble under the leadership of KK. I kid you not-his nick name at Life Cell was "KURT THE DESTROYER OF CAREERS". This guy is a text book definition of a MISOGYNIST. If your a women working at Evolus i would start looking for a new position. This scum bag has destroyed countless career.

This division is officially going down. Lots of work to make it happen for the past 4+ years. Its sad, but the talented sales force couldn't overcome the pitfalls of the products and leadership(really the lack of leadership and vision). It could have been something good, but they fired everyone who knew anything about this market and promoted "know-it-alls" who actually knew nothing about sales. Top reps have been running for the hills, more reps are leaving soon since this is a sinking ship. Good job Medline for being Medline.