'Tis the Season to Outsource


Oh corp·orate fel·ons ga·ther 'round/for the LAY·OFF Sea·son/La·ment the lack of Sci·en·tists/Then lay them off for no rea·son/Their foul lies leave us Deaf and Dumb:
They're ly·ing crim'nals ev'ry one/this does not sur·prise me/Lil'JonJon, Sid·Ney and the Board/Es·cap·ing on the High Seas/they're filth·y fel·on crim'nal scum:
20·11 will be bad/The Lay·offs hot and heav·y/We look to The Un·i·verse/Swift jus·tice to be lev·ied/
To the rot·ting £ech·£Øgg fe·lon scum:
To in·bred Ap·pal·a·chian scum:COME ARM·A·GED·DON COME! Drown in thy FIPNet Lil·lie SCUM....COME ARM·A·GED·DON COME!!!

Lilly has outsourced the "help desk" to India. Yes, the company will save $50 million over 7 years but at what cost? Frustration, angry workers, poor computers and NO HELP. Payments to clinical study sites have also been outsourced to India resulting in late payments and angry customers. Medical has outsourced medical writing to Panama and India. Statistics have been outsourced to India and other countries. Studies have been outsourced and resulted in clinical results that are not true and these results had to be thrown out. Nice Job John. I'm wondering when Hindi language lessons will be posted to my individual training program. What is in store for 2011? I think "Indy" is short for "India"

The company I am currently working for was Outsourcing their IT software system, guess what, they brought it back to the company as it was costing the company money plus the employees did complain continuously. Lesson learned.

More outsourcing coming to a Lilly building near you! After the 3000 plus lay offs expected in the second quarter. Any bets on when this company will not be considered too big to fail? The road to hell is outsourced and paved with zyprexa.

More outsourcing coming to a Lilly building near you! After the 3000 plus lay offs expected in the second quarter. Any bets on when this company will not be considered too big to fail? The road to hell is outsourced and paved with zyprexa.

So true! Notice too that any given update on the lay-off progress, it's always cumulatively <2000 which we know is a lie...it will go like this for the next 18 months, accelerating at the early expiry date of April 23 of this year. ALWAYS under 2000....

So true! Notice too that any given update on the lay-off progress, it's always cumulatively under 2000 which we know is a lie...it will go like this for the next 18 months, accelerating at the early expiry date of April 23 of this year. ALWAYS under 2000....

On LillyNet, open the org chart and select John L. That will give you the current employee count. Target is 35,000. I believe it dipped just below 37,000 last week.

Also, it isn't 5500. It's 10,000. At one point, LLY briefly had 45,000 employees.

On LillyNet, open the org chart and select John L. That will give you the current employee count. Target is 35,000. I believe it dipped just below 37,000 last week.

Also, it isn't 5500. It's 10,000. At one point, LLY briefly had 45,000 employees.

That is not fair to say.

That was before we stole Cialis and let the ICOS folks go. They were too progressive.

That was before we sold the Tippecanoe site to the Germans. They were too smart.

That was before we closed the Prince William site. It was way too smart.

So now we are in our comfy dumb-fy Indy Fipnet land waiting...

That is not fair to say.

That was before we stole Cialis and let the ICOS folks go. They were too progressive.

That was before we sold the Tippecanoe site to the Germans. They were too smart.

That was before we closed the Prince William site. It was way too smart.

So now we are in our comfy dumb-fy Indy Fipnet land waiting...

tweedle dee tweedle dumb dumb dumb dumb John.