King Mis-information. Typical of a Novartis representative. Please check your facts before you deride superior science. Prolia-Ctx markers return to baseline. None of the antibodies associated with denosumab have been found to be 'neutralizing', hence immunogenicity affect is miniscule, if apparent at all.
However, thanks for spreading your bullshirt. Gives us an opportunity to clarify...with scientifically proven outcomes. Reclast, like all bisphosphonates are chemical poisons. Efficacy, yes. Safety, no. Dirty, dirty, dirty medicine. I wouldn't put my mother on a bisphosphanate, let alone one so devastating to the kidney, as zoledronic acid is. PS- Have you actually read the 6 year Horizon extension trial? Or, as is typical with Novartis (ie, aliskeren) do your leaders choose to bury the truth until patients begin dropping like flies? Can anyone say 'Tekturna'?!
Prolia is the future of osteoporotic care. Seek out your Prolia counterpart and begin seeking employment. Education will set you free. Peace.