Time to Leave

To the few people who are doing great with this sorry drug, congratulations. A few are doing remarkably well, what with relationships and a territory that allows you to actually see providers, and whatever else it is that helps you get the job done. It does ultimately come down to personal responsibility.

To you self-righteous prigs who are saying that we "didn't get off our lazy ass", you can bash those who left all you want. There are a variety of reasons that these people are gone. (I counted 44, average age 45 years. And that's just the first wave. The PIPs and other resignations are yet to come.) Greatest among them is the failure of a company, that is supposedly savvy in the pain space, to see any of this coming. They must have talked to at least a few prescribers that said this drug is a dog.

I believed what happened after that will become history for this company. Mallinckrodt has done well, having survived for nearly 150 years. The multitude of bad decisions that have been made in the last 15 years may prove fatal.

When Mallinckrodt decided to put together a brand sales organization, that was the beginning of the end. There has never been, and is not now, a management team in place at Mallinckrodt, that knows how to run a sales and marketing organization. There have been many iterations of that team.

And I truly believe that, what's happening now, is the paring down of that organization--reducing overhead, getting lean and mean, call it what you want--in preparation for some form of M&A. Mallinckrodt is for sale!

Bringing on Cadence and Questcor just added to the market cap, so that a potential buyer with deeper pockets would be interested. Remember the 20% rule. The Dublin HQ is a big carrot to be had before 20% goes to 50%. The bill is already in Congress.

MNK 155 will be an "asset" in that transaction. It will not be launched by this team in its (the team's) present form. Mallinckrodt does not want ANOTHER disaster. 155 will be a CII when it's launched.

And don't forget what usually happens to the sales team of the prey. 80+% are usually gone. It appears to already be underway.

Be wise. Make good decisions. If you're not part of the 90% or so that are looking, think about it.

God bless us all.

The rep's that were displaced now can feel a sigh of relief, myself included. Timing couldn't have been better. Got my offer letter for another company the day before the dreaded call. Now I will have two paychecks for about a month. It was like having a stone lifted off my chest. This POS company really thinks that it is the sales force that couldn't sell this "me too" drug and that the abuse deterrent indication didn't have anything to do with it. You have your lame managers change our direction for the 10th time,try to convince us it is all a targeting issue? What did it matter, since there were targets that were never removed from three years ago? No wait, it is the surgical template we need to use, even though the rep's who supposedly used it have not been in a surgery center in two years. The best was the terrible virtual speaker programs that were conducted by folks who could only read the precaution section verbatim, but couldn't answer simple questions from our customers, while the manager sat like a dumb ass hacking away at his I-Pad like he was more important than my doctor sitting right next to him. PATHETIC!!!
The weekly teleconference calls were a joke and just a "love fest' for those who were in good graces with this moron and he is a laughing stock of the company and they don't even know what a worthless manager he truly is. This company is sinking and for those of you still there, I wish you all the best, but get out a.s.a.p. because it is a sinking ship. It is just a matter of are you on the bow or stern (like many of us who are already gone)? The music is playing, "The band Played On." Remember, women and small children first. Oh, the heck with it. Push that fat lady with the tight pantsuit (S.C.) out of the way and get in the lifeboat!!!

To the few people who are doing great with this sorry drug, congratulations. A few are doing remarkably well, what with relationships and a territory that allows you to actually see providers, and whatever else it is that helps you get the job done. It does ultimately come down to personal responsibility.

To you self-righteous prigs who are saying that we "didn't get off our lazy ass", you can bash those who left all you want. There are a variety of reasons that these people are gone. (I counted 44, average age 45 years. And that's just the first wave. The PIPs and other resignations are yet to come.) Greatest among them is the failure of a company, that is supposedly savvy in the pain space, to see any of this coming. They must have talked to at least a few prescribers that said this drug is a dog.

I believed what happened after that will become history for this company. Mallinckrodt has done well, having survived for nearly 150 years. The multitude of bad decisions that have been made in the last 15 years may prove fatal.

When Mallinckrodt decided to put together a brand sales organization, that was the beginning of the end. There has never been, and is not now, a management team in place at Mallinckrodt, that knows how to run a sales and marketing organization. There have been many iterations of that team.

And I truly believe that, what's happening now, is the paring down of that organization--reducing overhead, getting lean and mean, call it what you want--in preparation for some form of M&A. Mallinckrodt is for sale!

Bringing on Cadence and Questcor just added to the market cap, so that a potential buyer with deeper pockets would be interested. Remember the 20% rule. The Dublin HQ is a big carrot to be had before 20% goes to 50%. The bill is already in Congress.

MNK 155 will be an "asset" in that transaction. It will not be launched by this team in its (the team's) present form. Mallinckrodt does not want ANOTHER disaster. 155 will be a CII when it's launched.

And don't forget what usually happens to the sales team of the prey. 80+% are usually gone. It appears to already be underway.

Be wise. Make good decisions. If you're not part of the 90% or so that are looking, think about it.

God bless us all.

Thanks for your post. It will have meaning to us all, except for rookie Inventiv poster who thinks things will be better from now on.

After 1+ week of this being over, I have hit the sadness stage. Sad for the brand sales organization and sad for the Mallinckrodt family name.

"Greatest among them is the failure of a company, that is supposedly savvy in the pain space, to see any of this coming."

No truer words have ever been spoken. If we had launched XXR years ago, this might have had a chance. To launch in 2014, with all of the issues with CIIs, it was nearly impossible. To not play the managed care game, and spend a big wad of cash up front for good formulary status, was one of the fatal errors. The biggest fatal error was the over forecasting in today's pain market. It's a niche product at best, written by some surgeons who may buy in to the 12 dosing. Most don't see a need over generic Percocet, and most don't have the time to be detailed.

In not trying to polish a turd here just pointing out the fact you sound like someone who hasn't been calling on your surgeons. You probably don't even work here. I'm under no illusions on who I work for or the drug I have. My orthos sure do write a lot more than 4-6 pills for knees and shoulders. Also, you suck at getting your docs to write it where the copay is a lot cheaper than $50. I haven't had a single post op Rx cost the patient more than $20. Go troll somewhere else. Pull your pants up and get out of your moms basement.

yes orthos will write 60 pills but almost no one uses that many. At most a week and in other surgeries made 4-6 pills are used. The rest your kids take or sell
Yes you have no illusions of what you sell but you seem to think you actually understand pain mgmt. and your environment. Kudos to getting the scripts but smiling at the doctor only goes so far. Poking fun on cp is great but there is no future here. The longer you stay sends the message to future employers you are dumb, unemployable or lazy.

Moms basement. Ouch that was a good one. Did your father give you that one.
To make the reference would suggest you just left home yourself. Good for you.

yes orthos will write 60 pills but almost no one uses that many. At most a week and in other surgeries made 4-6 pills are used. The rest your kids take or sell
Yes you have no illusions of what you sell but you seem to think you actually understand pain mgmt. and your environment. Kudos to getting the scripts but smiling at the doctor only goes so far. Poking fun on cp is great but there is no future here. The longer you stay sends the message to future employers you are dumb, unemployable or lazy.

Moms basement. Ouch that was a good one. Did your father give you that one.
To make the reference would suggest you just left home yourself. Good for you.

You should try gettin your story straight before posting. You reveal yourself to be an uninformed poser.

Thanks for your post. It will have meaning to us all, except for rookie Inventiv poster who thinks things will be better from now on.

After 1+ week of this being over, I have hit the sadness stage. Sad for the brand sales organization and sad for the Mallinckrodt family name.

"Greatest among them is the failure of a company, that is supposedly savvy in the pain space, to see any of this coming."

No truer words have ever been spoken. If we had launched XXR years ago, this might have had a chance. To launch in 2014, with all of the issues with CIIs, it was nearly impossible. To not play the managed care game, and spend a big wad of cash up front for good formulary status, was one of the fatal errors. The biggest fatal error was the over forecasting in today's pain market. It's a niche product at best, written by some surgeons who may buy in to the 12 dosing. Most don't see a need over generic Percocet, and most don't have the time to be detailed.

I don't think that it is a Inventiv rep. posting anything, they hate this place too, I can assure you. I think it is Hugh O'Neill, his acidic tongue is all over this site.

I don't think that it is a Inventiv rep. posting anything, they hate this place too, I can assure you. I think it is Hugh O'Neill, his acidic tongue is all over this site.

No doubt about that. What I want to know is how is he able to continue to convince MT that he should keep his job. The guy is just making sh1t up as he goes along at this point, blaming everyone but himself to stay one step ahead of the chopping block. What a joke.

In not trying to polish a turd here just pointing out the fact you sound like someone who hasn't been calling on your surgeons. You probably don't even work here. I'm under no illusions on who I work for or the drug I have. My orthos sure do write a lot more than 4-6 pills for knees and shoulders. Also, you suck at getting your docs to write it where the copay is a lot cheaper than $50. I haven't had a single post op Rx cost the patient more than $20. Go troll somewhere else. Pull your pants up and get out of your moms basement.

Fuck you asshole!!!! You are the one that does not shit, motherufcker

I don't think that it is a Inventiv rep. posting anything, they hate this place too, I can assure you. I think it is Hugh O'Neill, his acidic tongue is all over this site.

Doubt it is Hugh on this site but there is a reason why he never received the President's position at his former company and we are finding out why. Give him another year and he will be gone from here as well.

Doubt it is Hugh on this site but there is a reason why he never received the President's position at his former company and we are finding out why. Give him another year and he will be gone from here as well.

Yeah he is a good example of a senior executive who is a good BSer but with no real understanding of how to motivate sales people. Thinks he can just whip the horses harder and they will produce. He doesn't get it at all. I agree he is gone in a year or less once this gets figured out. Too bad for the damage that will be done in the meantime.

people have been leaving on a steady basis for awhile now. they just don't share it because that would mean that they are acknowledging that something is wrong with this place.

Yeah he is a good example of a senior executive who is a good BSer but with no real understanding of how to motivate sales people. Thinks he can just whip the horses harder and they will produce. He doesn't get it at all. I agree he is gone in a year or less once this gets figured out. Too bad for the damage that will be done in the meantime.

HO has a long history of BSing his way through things, blaming others,taking care of himself and an occasional cronie. He was a joke at sanofi and sadly he is now destroying malinkrodt.

HO has a long history of BSing his way through things, blaming others,taking care of himself and an occasional cronie. He was a joke at sanofi and sadly he is now destroying malinkrodt.

The whole management team sucks. Lost Pennsaid 2% today, no big deal they say. Who thinks this place is healthy now? If you are not worried, you should be.

take a moment to reflect on your own personal goals. I think about what I am trying to provide for my wife and children - the life that I am working to create. Clearly there is a balance of the stress/pressure I bring home from the job and the joy/love in the family. Recently I have been snapping at the family or getting unusually angry over things that should never lead to that kind of response. I really have to check myself to make sure that the stress/pressure from work isn't having a negative impact on my family.

My friends at work have been a wonderful resource of encouragement, shared experiences, and dreams about the future. I know there are some major challenges that we have to overcome this year. Going through it with my friend/team members gives me confidence that we will land in a positive situation.

Here or there doesn't matter - it's making sure that the situation is positive that counts. I am praying for us all.