How about act like a real bio-tec/rare diseas company. Have each division have there own pres club awards on different nights. That way people in the room actually know who the fuck is winning and it doesn't take 6 hours. God Shire sucks. It's not that difficult

EXACTLY. Whoever puts these things together acts like this is the Shire of 5 years ago. Nobody in NBU cares who wins on OBU, or immunology, or primary care, etc. Nobody gives a damn if Perry or Phlem is there or not either. Just do it by division with the Division leads giving out the awards. Everyone is happy, it takes 2 hours at the most, and we can all get the hell out of there without wanting to blow our brains out. They could have made P-Club on Thursday with all the winners and everyone else could have a free night.

BE RESPECTFUL OF THE P CLUB WINNERS! It is their night of COMPANY & PEER RECOGNITION! Just sit there and drink your beer or wine and think of ways you can ACHIEVE P CLUB!!

BE RESPECTFUL OF THE P CLUB WINNERS! It is their night of COMPANY & PEER RECOGNITION! Just sit there and drink your beer or wine and think of ways you can ACHIEVE P CLUB!!

We don't want to be there either idiot! They show a picture of us for 20 seconds, we go up and shake hands and then we sit there for 5 more hours eating bad food and waiting for the waiter to come and refill the wine glass that has been empty for 20 minutes. This ceremony is not about the winners. It's about leadership feeling like they are connecting with sales.
Seriously, have you ever seen another presidents club ceremony at another company? If not, don't talk.

We don't want to be there either idiot! They show a picture of us for 20 seconds, we go up and shake hands and then we sit there for 5 more hours eating bad food and waiting for the waiter to come and refill the wine glass that has been empty for 20 minutes. This ceremony is not about the winners. It's about leadership feeling like they are connecting with sales.
Seriously, have you ever seen another presidents club ceremony at another company? If not, don't talk.

Spot On!! You took the words right out of my mouth.

Presidents Club- its like a wedding reception. Except there’s no dancing, no cake, no liquor, no fun and it lasts 3 hours too long. I might get the stomach bug Thursday night. This year I heard there will be an asterisk next to winners names because goals were miscalculated all year.
Another "great change" that Perry and Kathy made their first year here.

President's Club in the past was a happy hour event in a setting that felt like a lounge. We recognized the winners, toasted them with a drink and then had the evening free to go out for dinner, go to your room or continue the party. It was lively, people enjoyed it and it was quick.

Thanks Perry. Not one thing you and your now unemployed girl have changed here has been for the better. Quite the opposite.

Another "great change" that Perry and Kathy made their first year here.

President's Club in the past was a happy hour event in a setting that felt like a lounge. We recognized the winners, toasted them with a drink and then had the evening free to go out for dinner, go to your room or continue the party. It was lively, people enjoyed it and it was quick.

Thanks Perry. Not one thing you and your now unemployed girl have changed here has been for the better. Quite the opposite.
That sounds WAY BETTER!

We don't want to be there either idiot! They show a picture of us for 20 seconds, we go up and shake hands and then we sit there for 5 more hours eating bad food and waiting for the waiter to come and refill the wine glass that has been empty for 20 minutes. This ceremony is not about the winners. It's about leadership feeling like they are connecting with sales.
Seriously, have you ever seen another presidents club ceremony at another company? If not, don't talk.
Sounds like you have a drinking problem, bro. Time for help!!

I get the analogy now. Shire’s inverted pyramid of employee accountability.

The inverted pyramid means that no matter what, at Shire the big wigs will hide behind all other employees and allow them to take the blame and the fall for any and every performance or strategic failure. Especially the field forsh. Don’t forget to blame the reps.

We take the bullets, we get the pay cuts, we get the blame, we get fired, we are the cause of anything wrong with the company, all while they stay protected. Makes perfect sense now and explains a lot.

The board sees us as the problem indeed, just look at the inverted pyramid. Can’t blame the CEO, he is just the lowly guy at the bottom. We are the ones exposed.