Tilda Dead before Launch, Patient Death

You cannot sell a drug that CANNOT BE MANUFACTURED YET until Merck signs it over you IDIOTS!
Go ahead, try sell your biologic with TERRIBLE PASI scores....doc prescribes it.....can't get it, bahhhhhh
Typical SUN F-up!!!!!
Suggest you get your resume polished, you "biologic" big shots will be looking SOON.

Can't imagine what it's like to work there, I know some reps that left. Some didn't make it to the one year mark, they just cut their losses early.

Horrible reputation with customers and employees. Derms will NOT welcome Tildra, too late to the game & pathetic efficacy.

If you were a patient who was covered with Psoriasis all over your body and you had to go on an IL-23, which would it be? Tildra/Illumya????

Death in trials and MODEST efficacy right in the DATA patient, how can I serve this to you dear patient?
How can you sell this crap?

Rep - Hi doc I’m selling a new IL23,
Doc - can I get it
Rep - uh well no, we’re just “profiling you right now”
Doc - ah, what?
Rep - all I have is this PI to show you low to modest improvement in PASI scores, aren’t you impressed?
Doc - come back in 6 months when your shit drug can be manufactured.... but by then I will have been royalty screwed over by your other flaky derm products so actually go “profile” another derm & DON’T come back... EVER!

Rep - Hi doc I’m selling a new IL23,
Doc - can I get it
Rep - uh well no, we’re just “profiling you right now”
Doc - ah, what?
Rep - all I have is this PI to show you low to modest improvement in PASI scores, aren’t you impressed?
Doc - come back in 6 months when your shit drug can be manufactured.... but by then I will have been royalty screwed over by your other flaky derm products so actually go “profile” another derm & DON’T come back... EVER!

That's actually a better scenario than promoting it off label or before approved.

Regardless, David F., print this one off for Dilip. But first makes sure your boss is ok with your doing so, and with your stepping away from your cube to use the potty.

This is what Dilip feared: that after years of being violated by Sun, the derms would take out their frustration on Tildra.

Dilip, your nightmare is now reality.

You are ....ed.

Rep - Hi doc I’m selling a new IL23,
Doc - can I get it
Rep - uh well no, we’re just “profiling you right now”
Doc - ah, what?
Rep - all I have is this PI to show you low to modest improvement in PASI scores, aren’t you impressed?
Doc - come back in 6 months when your shit drug can be manufactured.... but by then I will have been royalty screwed over by your other flaky derm products so actually go “profile” another derm & DON’T come back... EVER!
Who in the hell cares? Why don’t u just sit back and enjoy your 160k salary right now? Oh, you’re one of those who didn’t get that much cause u thought u would blow out ur sales numbers. Ooops! I am sure Dilip
Losing sleep thinking about all the millions of dollars of salaries he is currently paying out for managers and reps with NO ROI!