Tide is Turning

What I don't understand is if things are getting better then why are managers all over us? Let us do our jobs! Things don't look better when someone is breathing down your neck all the time. We are an experienced sales force, remember?

Because the management above the DMs are from big pharma and micromanagement is a proven formula in that sector of our industry. Oh, and they don't know any better.

We've turned the corner, we're having fun, hang in there, believe in yourselves. 2012 is our year.

Having fun??!? No one I know is having fun with this job. The most common comment I hear from the reps is they are depressed on Sundays and it takes every ounce of energy to get out and work this crappy job. Bad management, no bonus, HORRIBLE benefits, changing our insurance 3 times and now ton even worse insurance. Need I say more?

We've turned the corner, we're having fun, hang in there, believe in yourselves. 2012 is our year.

I believed in myself until the managers you hired drove every bit of optimism, enthusiasm, and ambition out of me; if you really care about this company, teach them to motivate, encourage, and respect; you would be amazed how sales would follow with more of that behavior.

Having fun??!? No one I know is having fun with this job. The most common comment I hear from the reps is they are depressed on Sundays and it takes every ounce of energy to get out and work this crappy job. Bad management, no bonus, HORRIBLE benefits, changing our insurance 3 times and now ton even worse insurance. Need I say more?

Our insurance is so bad and ever changing for the worse, soon the plan will consist of an email from HR on Monday morning reminding us to wear seatbelts.

There is nothing positive to say. This company is bleeding to death. I had better insurance right out of college. Think of how much of a loss we took money wise by taking this joke of a job.