We'll see!! Just hearing that the people you are hiring are not top caliber.
We'll see!! Just hearing that the people you are hiring are not top caliber. not waste your time on folkes that are very negative towards this drug. TID dosing is going to be a problem. Give me a break.
What a blow hard you are. I bet you feel so big sitting behind your computer screen spewing forth all of this like you are the end all. You seem to sit there and think that those of us aboard have no ID experience. You will be pleasantly surprised the wealth of experience that they have brought aboard. We are not new to the industry or new to ID and selling in hospitals. Give me a break. We WILL be proving you wrong.
I beg to differ as I am in the hospitals daily and I will be your partner. Some hospitals, you are correct, are closed...then your're at the mercy of P&T etc. But when it comes to representatives, credentials hold the key to more access, nurse rapport and correct use of product. That is what so many companies just don't get....pharmacists etc are "one of them"...others are outsiders. With the current state of "Pharma" this is just a current and important observation.
Let me tell you shmucks something about antibiotics. QD is where it's at and anything else is a disadvantage. Period. Specially in the MRSA market where you need to be easy. And please, your not going in the ICU any time soon so remember that your not Zosyn, and you will not be for about fifteen years. You think your gonna walk in there rand get patients treated for HAP in the ICU. Right! Don't do and say it's ok for Zosyn so it's ok for us. Your brand new, remember? Do you know what that means in antibiotics? You haven't been in sales long enough and gotten your ass kicked by ID long enough to even come close to understanding how many times ID has gotten burned on new antibiotics. If you have been around in antibiotic sales for any time you will understand that ID's will use everything, and I mean everything that is out before going to your new cephalosporin that will develop resistance before it's infused. Speaking of infusion, the 2 hour infusion is also a total negative. Get real. Now, go back to selling oral meds in the office.
Even selling Zosyn we had our asses kicked by management for the first 7 or 8 years before it really began to take off. It didn't even sell $500M/yr in the US until a couple years ago and it's been on the market now for about 13 or 14 years. I have been selling it for 10 of those years and I can tell you from personal experience its been slow, hard going...and that is coming from what eventually became a multiple award winning territory. IDs do indeed want to save the big guns for last. Why?...because their attendings told them to back in med school.
I don't feel big or all knowing or what ever you suggest - nothing at all like that. I write the above quote from my experience. Which, I can say, is thirty five years of antibiotic sales in half as many states and then working as pharmacist in several regional hospitals till I was done and could just play golf with then rather then work with them. Yep, I'm done now, retired and have seen many changes to the way the ID's use antibiotics. Been friends with many and spoken to them honestly when they are doing what they can to save a life. Often they are trying to save the neck of the surgeon or the critical care MD, not the patient. You see, it's a team approach and they work to protect each other. Do you understand that?
That is why I'm telling you that your drug will take time. That is why I'm suggesting that you should not compare to Zosyn.
OK, enough. GO have some fun. It does not matter what the hell you do as your ID will do it his way 99% of the time anyway and the industry will finally realize this and stop paying you your over weighted salary. Ta ta.
Not the Pac NW alone Wyeth has several RNs and RPhs and even a couple of PharmDs all with hospital experience in their fields now selling various hospital drugs and they are all seen as simply drug reps. Though the credentials may impress a few initially they do no better than the rest of us accesswise or performancewise.
---Most hospitals don't want ANYONE walking their halls and talking to Drs. and staff trying to influence them into using a product that is currently not on formulary, especially if it is higher priced.
Well that's that, then. I guess I'll have to renege on my offer unless I want to be considered "not top caliber" by the keyboard generals on CP.
JNJ here, you think I am going to let a Basilea rep in the hospital. They can call on all the PCPs they want. You think I need help selling this? MDs are clamoring for this drug
All the posters here kill me... Cefto may launch, maybe not. Certainly not in 2008. Lots of stuff coming in the anti MRSA category, including a once-a-weeker (look it up) that will help kill off any infusion center business if it launches. J&J has good hospital presence with levaquin and doripenem, and knows the players. Get over yourselves.