
Actually they do! Just spoke with them yesterday! Apparently our former Ista counterparts even current B&L /Ista reps are seeking employment here! Great opportunity! New product to be launched next week- its STABLE! A stable company with growth potential!

all positions are contract only. very good friends with sales manager and have talked to him extensively about this sales force.

what do you mean by "stable"?

And how many have they hired?

They've hired two formerly ISTA Corporate members. I don't know about the field.

One was hired before the acquisition and they paid the severance amount (as a hiring bonus) this employee lost out on because the deal hadn't finalized yet.

Second one was offered a great position with awesome bonuses and gets to work from home.

The scary bitch is at Thrombogenics now. Watch out folks... She was fired from Lilly,Serono then Amgen. Thrombo... You didn't do your research! She was indicted with Amgen and was in the LA times. She is evil. She assaults her reps. Plays the race card game over and over and over.... Karma is a bitch Sonya. You should never bad mouth other reps to other people you psychological head case! Incompetent!

wow you are correct...TG is a house of cards...drug does not work and the upper mgmt is trying ANYTHING to push vials...terrible European company and unethical as hell