Thoughts on VP changes

The recent VP changes are just another constant reminder of the window-dressing and senior management bullshit that goes on here at Astellas. All we hear about is "trust" and "transparency" and we get absolute lies and the usual "song & dance" from senior management. Decisions are made on a whim and emails go out to justify the bullshit. Two years ago we were sold on what a great idea it was that Pat M was moving to Compliance, then a Mycamine off-label settlement that we deny any responsibility for and now Pat M is quietly being demoted to AVP while Marty G is moved out of sales. What the F???

The next move will have DB in control of something that will continue the long tradition of lots of " me" talk, while accomplishing absolutely nothing. What has hisnew group accomplished----zero. But hey, sure looks good on paper. What a total sham.

We never get a straight answer on any of the home office bs. It's always spun in a way that helps senior management feel better about protecting the "boys club". What a joke this place ethics or transparency, yet they expect us to "TRUST" management and the home office. This place is f'd up in a big way!